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the person below me

Er.... regardless of what "they" say, I periodically wash my pillows - just toss them in the clothes washer and dryer - and keep them until I decide they're no longer comfortable. So "disgusted" wasn't the first thing that came to mind, as I was assuming you also wash your pillows.

TPBM thinks one shouldn't assume ANYTHING!
Yes... because I don't wash my pillow. :oops:

I do double-pillowcase though--triple if you count the pillow protector--and wash those quite regularly.

TPBM thinks that that isn't good enough--and is most likely correct! (And is certainly disgusted now.)
Meh. While I'm all for cleanliness, I'm not a total germophobe. IMO, if you wash the cases, that's good enough, given you're the only one using it. I've only got a pillow protector and single pillowcase, but I still feel a need to periodically wash the pillow itself, though part of me is puzzled as to why I do that.

TPBM thinks I'm up too late and should go to sleep.
Not today - more thinking about getting a big nap in after I run a couple errands.

TPBM is thinking something light and refreshing.
no thats pretty much what happed it was like an office sex scene in a move minus the sex. just the whooosh throw the shit of the desk.

TPBM is a bit uncomfortable now with that image...
Hmmm.... like "clipping the toenails while having sex" scene? Or "washing the dishes while having sex" scene?

TPBM thinks Gassy needs a better partner..... :P
Hmm... why is it that knowing you're not alone in that not help at all???

TPBM can help remedy the situation for Gassy.
I do like the new avvy Gassy! But I kinda miss Calvin too!

TPBM thinks I should ditch the "tiny pig in tiny rain boots" avvy.....(it just made me laugh that day)
I say if you enjoy it, keep it!

TPBM keeps thinking "This little piggy went to market..." every time they see CJ's avvy.