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the person below me

Sorry, still fighting it here.... but thanks for the thought!
And yes, I haven't had an extended holiday, so truly dislike when mine come to an end - they're too short!

TPBM has a secret.
No, I generally can't stand "scented" anything. Plus artificial scents (and some real scents...) often make my allergies act up.

TPBM wonders when TPAM is going to break the news to Pi.
Hahaha - chicken! Haven't seen the alt ending, so can't comment on it.

TPBM wants to have a role in a Harry Potter movie.
I've never seen the movies so I can't really say. It doesn't sound like something I would want though.

TPBM had a role in a B grade movie once.
Nope. The closest thing I can claim is that New Line Cinemas was a client of mine in the heyday of the TMNJ's. Not quite the same thing at all....

TPBM is a superhero in real life.
What a coinky dink.... *I AM* a ninja freakin' turtle! (you did mean TMNT, right? :P)

I am Rembrandt, but you probably never heard of me 'cause I didn't make the cut for the show. They wanted me to change my band colours from pink to something else. I was like, hell no, pink is tough!

TPBM reckons they made the biggest error not including me.
If they are not boxers, I'm not having it! Dad and the two boys don't like restriction.

TPBM is thinking TMI and a change of subject may be in order.
I think they're cool when worn well, but most guys I've seen in bowties don't know how to do that.

TPBM will create a bow-tie video.