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The red dawn...

Not wrong mate, guys at work here talking about how they have just cleaned their pools, hahahaha.

Can actually taste the dust in the air and feel it in your eyes.
The dust in the air woke me up a few time last night as my house is on floor boards and the wind is pushing the dust up through the floor and My nose is not enjoying it at all........

Some very blurry "on the move" pics that I took on the way to work this morning......(about an hour ago).

There is only really one pic that really shows how red it is and even that doesn't come all that close!!!! It's total madness......



This is the pic that sort of come a little close to showing you how orange it is at this very moment...
Someones been a bad boy and have been holding their phone whilst driving and taking pics..... I'll have mine up a bit later. :lol:
Badger said:
Excellent pics! Is the dust all sand, or is it soil and other crap as well?

We are a pretty dry continent at the moment, and NSW has about 80% of it in drought and dry as a bone!
Alot of wind / no water...
I would say its all of the above !
Heres some more pics..

Looking outside my front door

Down the main road, note the lights from the service station

Nother road shot
We have a lot of red dirt in the middle of Australia and that is what this is.....

I'm sitting in my office (which for the first time in a long time i'm very happy about) and my nose is still playing games with me......It's horrible.