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The road to DWC - ups, downs, info, failure, success, guidance....

theliveculture: If I want to harvest (that would be a bonus as this is more of a really good start for next year), would the bloom mixture also leave that sharp flavor to the fruits? What about the flush mixtures they also have?

start a day to day log, look at your plants and note there appearance. Record temperature, light cycle, nutrient measurement (ec, or ppms), and ph. If something goes wrong, you can see where you went wrong.

You will harvest this year my friend.. Hydroponics is on an average 30% faster than soil.

Your bloom nutrient should be always used if your doing that 3 part nutrient feeding. You should flush before harvest. Clearex is a flush solution you can use, or you can make your own. I will find a link for you.

I didn't bring this up earlier, but you will probably find that at some point you will see a calcium deficiency, probably from nute lockout, but maybe from actual calcium deficiency. Peppers like calcium a whole lot and Including Cal-mag into your Nutes package will add all the calcium and magnesium the plants will need. 

Yes, cal-mag is a must have nutrient! I always add h2o2 to the mix also.
Why would you flush before harvest? Peppers are always ripening so flushing would only hurt the pods still forming. The only time a flush is needed is when growing cannabis and that's to allow for a smooth smoke and burning less chemicals.
H202 I have in the mix, but how often shoudl I add more of that? Your my mentor now on this theliveculture
You can use h2o2 every 3-4 days. I usually only use it with every reservoir flush.

Here is a link to some DIY flushing solution.


rebelgrower3 said:
Why would you flush before harvest? Peppers are always ripening so flushing would only hurt the pods still forming. The only time a flush is needed is when growing cannabis and that's to allow for a smooth smoke and burning less chemicals.
Lowering your EC and adding flushing solution (sugars) to your reservoir will actually help clean salts from the plants tissue and help in avoiding nutrient luck up.

calmag will introduce some seriously bad chemical flavors. you should seriously do a side by side taste comparison before saying that it only helps MJ.

As soon as your done harvesting pods, increase your ec back to your vegetative levels.

Have you ever ran lettuce at 800 ppms and tasted it? You'll think twice about eating it...
Resorvire flush? Changing all the water?


You are doing complete flushes at 10 days.

You are on day 8 and you have pods, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc that you want to harvest. Hold off if you can for another day or two.

Do your reservoir flush and bring your ppms up to about 300-400 and balance your ph. Do not add h2o2 or cal-mag. Add your flush solution and check your ppms over the course of a few hours. they will rise because the sugars are pulling the salts from the pants tissues.

Harvest on day 11, add nutrient solution to top off ppms at 900 again. Add h2o2 and calmag.

Boom! ;)
Example two:

Your early in the week, sitting at day 3 or 4 after a reservoir change. You will be topping off your reservoir with ph water. Your ppms well drop. Let them drop.. Add your flush a day before doing your reservoir flush. Harvest the day of reservoir flushing.
Don't take this all as gospel.

If you don't taste a difference, don't do it.
Question about the H2O2. Will the H2O2 kill myco or other beneficials in the res and on roots?

It will kill "bennies".

If you are using an organic based nutrient profile. I would still keep h2o2 on the shelf if things get out of hand.

root rot is a food source for thousands of pathogens. If they establish themselves, they can be tricky to get rid of. Your best chances would be to introduce beneficial microbes or try h2o2.

h2o2 is very unstable in its current form and it breaks down very quickly in the nutrient solution. It releases a single oxygen atom that is very aggressive.

If this atom comes across another oxygen atom, it will attach itself to it forming a larger and more stable oxygen atom. More oxygen is always beneficial for the root zone and canopy.

If this atom comes across a pathogen, it will attach itself to it and immediately oxidize itself and the organism.

also, this stuff is very caustic.. Let me reemphasize... This stuff will blind you, and it will leave white burn marks on your unprotected skin.

theliveculture: So by flushing, you talk bout flushing the plants nutritiions and roots, not the water? I need it with t spoons I guess. Until I get my meter to measure PPM. When should I add more H202 and nutes? After having slowly replaced the water? Or make a blend of say 10L with PH stable water, with nutes for 10L, H202 for 10L and top up the system? And is H202 measurable?
Failure! drooped the PH meter in the ground, and new ones here in Norway are 100$ + !!! 4 new ordered from ebay, at 8$ a piece. So now I´m blind. PH paper at the pharmacy or something tomorrow? 
Had a look at their products online. 25$ for a bottle with strips fro GH. I measured last night, so hopefully the new meters arrive next week. If not lacmus paper will be the solution. :)

On the brighter side, its blooming and living like crazy. Here are some flowers on a 4 month old plant, around 50cm tall


Here is my mystery plant. I think I messed up the label on it. If anyone recognize it, please tell. I thought it was a thai from Thailand. Now im not so sure. 


NorwegianChili said:
Failure! drooped the PH meter in the ground, and new ones here in Norway are 100$ + !!! 4 new ordered from ebay, at 8$ a piece. So now I´m blind. PH paper at the pharmacy or something tomorrow? 
get some from a fish aquarium shop, just litmus strips for PH in the meantime :D
And que! Embrace silence! Nasty old desktop fan out and in with computer cabinet fans. 200mm and doing the same job. WITHOUT noise :D
I´m struggeling with how to work around the air pump vibration / noise. I´ve tried tying it up, putting different materials under etc. But I think I will go for my first idea. Building or buying a box and using rockwool inside to insulate the noise. Having holes to the airlines out and a intake hole. The box need to provide some free space inside for working air for the pump. It does run cool and I read somewhere that the pump is cooled by running. Does anyone have experience with that? Been googling somewhat, but not found any solutions yet that I´m satisfied with. I read about one guy in a aquarium forum that did this thing, but he did not post anymore. So did his house burn down :) ? Rockwool is pretty fire-resistant tho
What kind of air pump do you have? The ones I have used don't really make enough noise that you can hear them from the other side of a closed door.