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The road to DWC - ups, downs, info, failure, success, guidance....

Ok. So you say it's safe to wrap it? It runs kinda cool, so perhaps. Do you have a picture?

I'm thinking of using fireresistant boards used to build gas fireplaces. And coat the inside with rockwool. I hate noise :).

Another question. If I move the pump outside I need about 3.5m with air hose. That way it would suck in an operate in cold air too. +20 - -15 celcius during the winter.
NorwegianChili said:
Another question. If I move the pump outside I need about 3.5m with air hose. That way it would suck in an operate in cold air too. +20 - -15 celcius during the winter.
I would check the manual for both of those items. 3.5m is a lot of air hose and you will loose a lot of air flow through a 1/4" tube that long and -15c is pretty cold and unlikely outside the design parameter of an indoor air pump.
Yeah, 0-50c is the range from the manufacturer. So I'm construction a box made of 50mm fire resistant materials used for gas fireplaces. It will be 25x30x35 inside. Used water hose as intake for air, as well as outtake for air hoses. I filled the joints with silicone and when it dries I will add rockwool inside stringed up so I leave some working air for the pump (ambient air). I'll wrap the box in 2,5cm sound proof (-40db) foam/rubber. The materials used can withstand a blowtorch. So if it should start to burn, which is unlikely, it will not spread for a goooood while. I'm also thinking about attaching one of those self activating fire systems. They release co2 when a given temperature is reached. And they cost nothing
Ok guys. So this is the makeup up an hour work. It will be finished later when girlfriend comes home from work with rockwool. Anyhow, the setup is simple. Used fire resistant boards from work, cut them into 35x30 and made a box with. Attached two waterhose outlets and one intake. Used silicone in all corners to make it tight. Wrapped the whole package in foam. Just tried it out with foam inside and closed the end up. Man, that was ANOTHER world. Now Ill just see if it heats up or not! Have a look!



I gave up on silence after I started running 114,000 lumens. Lol.

Fans, two blowers, pumps, air pumps, and co2 injection..

Its all noisy. Soon as you step it up to make some serious crops, sound will not be an issue.

Nice looking box none the less! ;)
He he, yeah, but for now I cant go any further ad it has to be quiet :) But thanks for the help on the way! I will have more questions as I roll down that DWC road ;)
I finally made the last modifications. Added a Corsair Silent fan in the exhaust. It lowered the temperature to about 1.5-2C less than ambient and really has a nice airflow to it1 ! So now its complete. 



Anyone recognize these flowers? 



I see some Lime coloring of new growth on the top of the plants. Only the ones in DWC, not the 4 soil ones! I guess this is a sign of underfeeding ? I have still not received the PPM/EC meter, and overfeeding is worse than underfeeding. Right ? 
Ph is kept on 6.0 steady and roots are growing out of the air stones. Thick roots  :P. Seems like with every new thick healthy root that develops, some of the old thin rootsystem from when they were in soil pots dies and breaks off. 
My thaidemon plant has a lot of yellow leaves! easy to take off. Any suggestions? On the same nutes as the others that are doing fine and new thick white roots shooting out all over. Rapid developing, please advice me
Try this chart. I've used it in the past. 

But they might just be old leaves or your plant might be in shock. Hard to say. Keep an eye on it. 
I dont understand, yet. However, it was crises this morning. The air hose had fell off the outlet on the pump. Its been sitting in dead water throughout the night! MAx ariation on it now before I left for work. Checked the PH, 6
GH Micro and Bloom! The day after it was mentioned here ;) It still looks the same, or some of the yellow has been dead. But I can see how the new roots shoot out all over. Hopefully it will make it?
You'll be fine.

Peppers and tomatoes use a lot of nutrients. Looks like you need to bump up your nutrient levels.

hydroponics can be tough sometimes! I am currently battling some mucus looking algae attacking the roots on my okra plant. Its the beginning of root rot.
Ok. I dont have the PPM/EC meter yet. I changed the water on sunday. On the GH product with my light cycles: 
GH Vegi 5ml/10L
GH Bloom 5ml/10L
GH Micro 5ml/10L 
Since I have 20L/5gal buckets and the chilies are supposed to use half strength, I gave them the following: 
Veg 5ml, bloom 5ml, micro 5ml of a total of 15ml in approx 17L!
How often should they be fed, without having the ppm ?
Further. When it say 5ml /10L in each product, should reduce it to 1/3 e.g 1.66ml of each nutrition with a toal of 5ml pr 17L?
So I got my ppm meter. Water here is 49, from now on 50. Measured one bucket and it had 101 - 50, 51. So I bumped it up to 350ppm (400) not too shock the plants on the way to 550-650ppm. I think my nutes have been waaaaaay too low. They varied from 100 - 268 pr bucket. Finally in business. This can explain slow growth, but I also think developing new roots are a part of it. Roots are shooting out all over, so I guess they will soon take off. Comments please
NorwegianChili said:
Ok. I dont have the PPM/EC meter yet. I changed the water on sunday. On the GH product with my light cycles: 
GH Vegi 5ml/10L
GH Bloom 5ml/10L
GH Micro 5ml/10L 
Since I have 20L/5gal buckets and the chilies are supposed to use half strength, I gave them the following: 
Veg 5ml, bloom 5ml, micro 5ml of a total of 15ml in approx 17L!
How often should they be fed, without having the ppm ?
Further. When it say 5ml /10L in each product, should reduce it to 1/3 e.g 1.66ml of each nutrition with a toal of 5ml pr 17L?
NorwegianChili said:
So I got my ppm meter. Water here is 49, from now on 50. Measured one bucket and it had 101 - 50, 51. So I bumped it up to 350ppm (400) not too shock the plants on the way to 550-650ppm. I think my nutes have been waaaaaay too low. They varied from 100 - 268 pr bucket. Finally in business. This can explain slow growth, but I also think developing new roots are a part of it. Roots are shooting out all over, so I guess they will soon take off. Comments please
Something doesn't sound right. On your post from the 23rd, you are basically saying that you have mixed 15 ml to 17 L of water. You also stated that the directions call for 15ml per 10L so this should put you at roughly 60% strength. That is great and within the range I think you should be at. BUT, there is no way your PPM should be that low, you should see something around 600-700ppm from the nutes. Also, unless you are using very filtered water your PPM of regular tap water shouldn't be that low either. Mine is 170-ish and we don't have hard water at all.
Before you go bumping up nute strength too much, check out that meter and make sure it is reading right.
Read this chart. I think it is saying that you were waaay too low. 50% of these is what I think you should be at. Mix a gallon at the recommended strength and verify that your meter reads something similar to what you should have in this chart. 
Was looking into some weed growers forum and found some growers in and around Oslo/Norway. They all had low ppm on the water. As stated before, we have insane clean water. Its one of few countries were you can drink water directly from lakes, streams and rivers with out any hazards. 
Anyhow: the plants have gone darker in the color just 24h after bumping the nutes up. They all grew some limeish green on new leaves, now they are darker green. Seems like a positive reaction. The amount of new grown roots the last 24-48h are doubled. Rootball's are starting to form, yet one is still slow on dropping its soil roots and developing "dec" roots. 
So I don't know whats right or wrong. I might suspect that dividing the 3 different nutes on 3 is wrong? Never got answers on that question. On each bottle of the 3 part nutrition system from GH it´s 5/7 ml pr 10L of each one.  That might be the answer. I treated the nutes as one, not as 3 ;)