Thanks TC! It really is pretty technical, but it looks so easy when it's all done. LOL Not only the substrate and all that but if the layout is wrong, it looks awful!
So, you asked for it, you got it. Here's some tile pics. (then we move on to hhwiskey LOL)
Here is a curbless shower that we remodeled for some elderly folks. The subfloor under the shower pan had to be lowered by 2-¾" to accommodate the mud pan. There is so much shit happening at this seam, you wouldn't believe it. Mortar, Wire mesh, heat cables, 40 mil vinyl pan liner, water proofing, then tile and grout. but look at the result, perfect transition!
These are "Pads inlaid in a hand hewn wood floor, one in front of each door (3) and one under the wood stove.
Just another kitchen backsplash. yaaawwwnnn