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"The Scovie Chronic-le"

GASTRITIS = too much hot sauce fool! 
JayT said:
I don't even speak to any boss. They have a call center that you call in to that is automated. You can call off anytime you want, but you get a point. I am trying not to do that as it can affect you in regards for applying for another position. I had to take two occurrences since I have been there due to my gastritis, which is fine (I get six), but I really don't want to call off any more than I have to. Plus Sundays are time and a half so I would miss out on about $400 if I don't work tomorrow night.
THat's a crazy way to call out of work!  I see where you have to make your own decision as to whether to go in or bail.  Time + 1/2 is hard to pass up on, so hopefully by the time you have to go to work the roads will be sorted out.
The Hot Pepper said:
GASTRITIS = too much hot sauce fool!
Believe it or not the hot stuff doesn't bother me. It is when I get on a roll with da booze. Beer doesn't do it, just liquor. I think I am good today because I didn't drink much until tonight and I drank a bunch of water and did a bunch of work (shoveling).
I got pickle shots on my mind.

AIGHT!  When are we all gonna get together????  Vegas?  Orlando????   We have GOT to get together.  This whole online virtual partying can only go so far.  I wanna par-tay with y'all IRL!!!
If Jay bring's his sausage it 's a PAR-TAY!!!!! Don't leave home without it!
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Ain't no party like a JayT sausage party 'cause a sausage party don't stop!
I actually want Hank there when we do this.
I heard his sausage is A+
Hank's Sausage can travel.....
justsayin'......................... but we can make a Methow Par-tay happen   (Scovie, I'm nominating you for this by default!!!) 
We need some kind of open invitation national chile pepper party!  Show Up, Bring Something HOT(or Not)...hang out, have some brews.....An excuse to get the heck out of dodge and write it off as a tax expence!  (well that's not the total reason....)
Methinks I can probably afford a trip to Methow this year as long as I plan on it a bit ahead. End of Summer, Err beginning of Smoke Season would probably be best. I might be able to make it for the NW campout deal this year if it happens to coincide with my time off that month. And yes, I can't wait to jam some of Hank's meat into my mouf!
Shaking that guy's hand is on my bucket list!
(Scovie, when random dudes start shaking Hank's hand and talking about his epic sausage.... :eek:  )

Y'all do know that Hank is a real person...right?
Just checking!  :lol:
Hell yeah I know Hank! Hank even knows who I am. I am a big fan of his collection of (how should I say) wild game he has harvested that he keeps on the top shelves in the store. Do I know Hank? Puuleeeasseee! I know all about Twisp. Just ask Scovie and CJ.
There's 2 Hanks, the dirt farmer and and the grocer. Who's sausage do you want Jay? :lol:
Well, technically...not any more...
The Dirt Farmer Hank is pushing up Daisies....the Grocer Safari Hank is still kickin' it. 
well the GET WITH IT, DUDE!!!
 I would say to re-wine, but that's not your flavor... 
Oh, and to the "Hank"s posts........  not the same persons, different last names.....
I was posting to LDHS who was not inebriated enough to post....  :lol: 