seed-train THE "SEED TRAIN"

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So yoou bumped me down AGAIN !
Do yourself a favor and take me off your :censored: train.
no problem its been done thanks i moved you cause you were a jerk in the pm and then i was about to take you off from the current message you sent that i replied to but you already posted this so your wish is my command sir.

Hey Tyler I'll take his spot near the end .

- Mega

P.S. boy oh boy do I have a bunch of goodies to add in here in just a few days !
Alright great mega we should have a good looking train going this guy was being a A***ole in pms he sent me so he is now gone
A been away for a few days man been going in before the sun comes up and not getting out till dark this past week kind of unusual but not complaining tis the season lol for little overtime ($$) hows everybody doing ?any word on the ol cabooses location?
i dont think people should post whats in the train let it be a surprise when they go to the mailbox and pull out the seeeds opening and looking around...
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