seed-train THE "SEED TRAIN"

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Are the next four or so people in line willing to pay to ship a medium flat rate box ? It is like tweleve something with delivery confirmation ?
yeah mega if it has to be a mfrb then thats what it is.. if they dont want to pay it then they can be put in a later position and swich with someone who would
Hey all,

I got caught up in a BUNCH of crisises at work today and couldn't make it to the post office. I will get it out first thing Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.

- Mega
Hey all,

Just shipped the train out. Do not reuse the box I sent out (I didn't have any tape and wanted to reuse a box). It wasn't a medium flat rate and cost me 16.35, if I bought the tape it would have been about the same. If you transfer it to a medium flat rate it should cost just over 12 with delivery confirmation.


- Mega

ENJOY the special treats I got in there for everyone... please try and make them last down the line.
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