Looks really tasty, Ela! (Yes, in spite of the black pepper.....

) Do you mind sharing the recipe(s)?
Oh shush don't get touchy about black pepper.
There are some jalapenos in this soup too it is not just all black pepper.
I would gladly share recipe(s) with all of you.
I never measure ingredients for tomato pasta or for any bread. Throughout of years of making them I have developed touch for dough so I would do my best to give you all right measurements.Hope I wont miss
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
4 bone in chicken thighs
1 celery stalk chopped
1 med size carrot chopped
1 small parsnip chopped
1 big tomato chopped or 1 can of crushed tomatoes
Salt to taste
Enough water to cover 2 inches above chicken.
Optional: one leek stalk, or bit of cabbage ,or peas, or string beans or 1 whole potato peeled.
Cook in pressure cooker on medium heat for about 40 min or in stock pot until is done.
After is done, transfer in stock pot, bring to a boil and add pasta about ¼ cup.Lower down heat to low and simmer until pasta is done. In the mean time slice just one round slice of onion bulb and toss it on very hot fraying pan with out oil. Cook it on both sides to get it bit dark with out burning to much. Add the onion slice to the almost done soup, adjust taste: add more salt, black pepper, parsley leaves or hot peppers.
Serve with bread toast.
Dry fried onion gives to any soup a realy nice flavor.Instead of chicken beef or veal bones could be used to.
I'll post recipes for multigrain bread and tomato pasta over the weekend.