IMO the tales of recovery are exaggerated and most people have not seen any improvement. Numbers can show most anything depending on how they are interpreted,some people fail to see that.
So I have a better understanding, based on your post #13 and followed by #16, the administrators of THP have determined that politics is forbidden topic?
forum rule 11...they are not numbered but count 11 down from the top...
I have very strong feelings on this subject but my opinions always turn political and politics cause flame wars on forums, so please understand that is why I don't post what I had written.
off to the nursery to get some much needed supplies...later all...
I, for one, would be *really* interested in your "non-political" answer ...I realise it'd be diluted by removing politics.
Personally, I think our country ( UK ) is governed by "lessons learnt in USA ... f**k the 'voter'" ... and our populace is equally apathetic ( we, at least, can claim the normal "english anal retentiveness/understatement" clauses for our "misunderstood/apathy" ... it's apathy, no matter how you dress it ).
Saddens me that we've been reduced to this ... we used to "own" 3/4's of the planet ( including y'all j/k ) ... now we're all (world wide) owned by the few
ack, hard to express thoughts when you're attempting to avoid looking "political" ... suffice to say, I think current "modern world" is the wrong way forward ... also think it'll take a fair tad before people care about more than money
The world revolves around physics, not [insert name of local currency here]
It's more amazing what Portugal has been reduced to, not to mention France and Spain.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
We (the US) are in a society that are going the way of Rome...and history repeats itself..
Whooo Hoooooo!
Proof the economy is going to be all right.