seed-train The Unstable Seed Train

Tyler asked for my info the other day and it seems its skipping dragogt so I assume that its coming my way. I'm not sure if it has been sent though. Tyler would have to chime in on that.
yes i sent it 2 days ago to you i must of missed dragogt oops i think we should have a list of people on the train as more people get added instead of looking through other posts
yes i sent it 2 days ago to you i must of missed dragogt oops i think we should have a list of people on the train as more people get added instead of looking through other posts

Ok I will be on the look out for it. It will probably be here tomorrow. Also I don't think you screwed up. He did say he wasn't gonna be around and to send it on.

Im going to be out of town next week, so send it to the next in line...
Yes, send it to dragogt. I'll update the list.

7)Sr. Beaver
Lol nope I've never been to VA;
Hopefully there is a member there and I just got missed..


Ok after checking my PMS again looks like Bhut-eater lives there so we should still be on track..
All - The train was sent to me last Friday, apparently. I was visiting family in NC, and didn't get back home until yesterday. The train is on its way to the next stop, Sr. Beaver (Sorry dragogt, but i didn't relealize you got skipped until after I sent the package).

Fyi, I threw in some seeds labled "Jonah Hybrid." These peppers came from jonah seeds that I purchased from Refining Fire Chilies, but the pods were enlogated instead of the normal round shape (looks like a possible bhut jolokia cross). Anyways, please see the pics below (the first image shows the hybrids above and a "normal" jonah underneath for comparison):




:censored: :doh: :banghead: Dang, after all that I must have copied the wrong address when I was looking at the PM's. I had them right next to each other and you both have the same first name. Bhut eater, was it even your last name on it if you remember? I'm really sorry Dragogt. Any way I could make it up to you?