• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
I'll be posting a full update this weekend sometime, but I figured it would be fun to post a few things that I have used my peppers for this week.

Since my aji limo pods are ripening, it was definitely time to make some ceviche. I also accompanied it with some steamed blue crabs with old bay. I made an aji limo butter for dipping the crab in.

The next night I tried out my aji Dulce by making sofrito to marinate the chicken, and a mojo/culantro for dipping. The aji dulce contributed a great flavor to both sauces. They are thick walled, sweet, and have absolutely no heat whatsoever. The flavor is on point though, great chinense aroma and aftertaste. Definitely a keeper.

Last night I brewed a stout with a fresh peach bhut SS. I cut deep slits in the pod, put it in pisco for a minute, then dropped it into the primary right when I pitched the yeast.

While I picked the bhut to brew with, I spent about 3 minutes grabbing a few extra pods from some other plants.

All the Vietnamese places near me serve pho with Thai sweet basil and culantro on the side. In Vietnamese its called Ngo Gai. The Thai people call it something like Farang.
Next year i must try the Aji Dulce too. I would have had them this year but my order got messed up.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
All the Vietnamese places near me serve pho with Thai sweet basil and culantro on the side. In Vietnamese its called Ngo Gai. The Thai people call it something like Farang.
Next year i must try the Aji Dulce too. I would have had them this year but my order got messed up.
Culantro is ridiculously easy to grow. I just grow it in a long planter in my house in front of a sunny window. I clip the flower stalks as they grow, and the plants put off new leaves year round.

It's definitely nice to have a non hot chinense in the garden. I have two very different aji dulce phenos growing. They both put off very big pods, and the flavor is the same, but one plant makes pods in a tomato shape, and the others are the ones I posted in the pic above.
Brocoli said:
Everything looks wonderful! Aji Dulce and Aji Amarillo are on my list for next year thanks to you good sir.
Glad to see the beers turned out well, that stout sounds delicious.
Glad that you decided to add those to your grow list! Start the aji amarillo early, like late December/early January. It is an incredibly productive plant, and gets absolutely massive, but the pods take a long time to ripen. That's why it is best to start early.

The stout smells fantastic from what I can smell blowing out of the airlock of the carboy. The bhut SS is very spicy, but I think will add a great flavor to the beer. The pepper is only going to have a week or so of contact time with the beer, so I don't think all of the capsaicin will be pulled from it.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Yes they are! I like peach superhots. I don't know what it is about them exactly, but I enjoy growing them more than the other colors of super hots.
I'm right there with you only I also like to grow chocolate/brown pods. I enjoy the flavor of both of them. I flaked this year and didn't plant any peach...and 2 of my chocolates have turned other colors. But I got a mustard Bhutlah out of it. :)

Bhuter said:
I'm right there with you only I also like to grow chocolate/brown pods. I enjoy the flavor of both of them. I flaked this year and didn't plant any peach...and 2 of my chocolates have turned other colors. But I got a mustard Bhutlah out of it. :)

Nice, mustard bhutlah! All of my peach supers are OW, and produce like champs. I think I'm going to clone my peach bhut SS at the end of this year, because out of the supers I grow and share with people, that is the one I get the most request for. I like chocolates too. I was very distraught when my chocolate bhutlah plant succumed to the mites this May. I definitely want to grow the CPR next year, along with the chocolate bhutlah.

We have been getting absolutely hammered with brutal heat/humidity this week. Today the heat index was 112!
