• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

Well, I finally decided to start a Glog.  I have quite a few plants that ore OW from last year, and some new ones that I started this January.  Here is the list, lots of pics to follow, I'm still in the process of planting out.  Most everything is going into root pouches, and pots, but I do have 9 total rocoto plants in the ground as well.
Aji Amarillo
Aji Arnaucho
Aji Dulce
Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Aji Pacay
Aji Omnicolor
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Fantasy Yellow
Peruvian Red Rocoto
Giant Peruvian Red Rocoto (Miraflores Market)
Rocoto Cusco
Mini Rocoto
Brown Rocoto
Orange Rocoto
Rocoto Peron
Rocoto Montufar
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
Aji Oro (Rocoto)
Aji Largo (Rocoto)
Rocoto Arequipeno
Guatemalan Red Rocoto
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Rocoto
Ecuadorian Sweet Rocoto
Peru Bitdumi
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Brainstrain
Pipi De Mono
Aribibi Gusano
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Peach Scorpion
Peach Ghost Scorpion
White Fatalli
Bolsa De Dulce
Tepin x Lemon Drop
PDN x Bhut (Ripens Cream)
Coyote Zan White
Red Primo
OCD Chilehead said:
Congrats on the bottling and pod's.
Thanks man, there are several more types of plants that are now showing pods that I haven't shared yet. August will be a very busy month for both gardening and brewing.
Ozzy2001 said:
Plants look fantastic. Hopefully our weather will cooperate here and I'll have some more pods. That beer sounds pretty good. I think I'm going to have to experiment with some peppers in a brew. Keep it up
Thanks man! I just pitched some WLP 565 into some very nice wort of a braggot/saison that will meet some aji limo from my garden. I'll post the recipe once I'm off of work tomorrow.
FreeportBum said:
Plants and pods look amazing, great work. 
Thanks! I'm looking forward to having fresh rocoto at my disposal again. I ate through the rest of last years crop frozen at the end of May.
D3monic said:
plants all look really nice and healthy, great work. 
Thanks! I plan on crossing some Pubescens next year. I will definitely hit you up for some tips, if you are down to share, of course.
1tom2go said:
Looking good!  Thanks for the updates of some great plants!
Gracias! Can you do me a favor, if you ever get a chance, can you hit up Nopalito on Mesquite st. for both the green salsa, and the green combo? I could potentially live vicariously through your enjoyment of that food, cuz damn it is sooooo tasty. Also, The Shed for any breakfast smothered in their spicy green chile would suffice. I guess Andele's Dog House with the green combo smothered with their cream of green chile would be amazing as well.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
A small update of some pods growing.

Aji amarillo

Aji arnaucho

White Fatalli

Tepin x Lemon Drop

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion #1

Aji Fantasy

Judy's Peach Scorpion

Rocoto Peru Cusco

Aji Pineapple

Mini Rocoto

Ecuadorian Red Rocoto

Aji Oro

Aji Limo Rojo

This one is really interesting. It is an aji limo, from Peruvian seeds stock, but the pods are turning from green to purple. I have heard of purple aji limo, but have never seen one.

Trinidad Cherry

Guatemalan Red Rocoto (round pheno)

Chocolate Brainstrain (finally starting to ripen)
Wow amazing maturing !! Aji Fantasy is really interesting but all of your varieties looks great !
Bhuter said:
Everything is looking great! My White Fatalii last year had the same crinkled leaves. Must be a trait. I didn't know Judy had a Peach Scorpion. It looks like it'll be a great pheno, too! Nice work!

Good to know I'm not the only one with the crinkly leaves on the white fatalli. It's a relief, because I've been under the impression it had some type of mystery nutrient deficiency. It's putting off a lot of pods right now though.

I got those peach scorpion seeds for free with a seed order I made last year through pepperlover. I haven't ever seen the peach scorpion listed on her site. I grew this peach scorpion last year, and it is an OW. The pods are really nice looking once mature, and they have a good amount of heat to them. I'm surprised she doesn't sell them, because they are great peppers.
I snapped a couple of pics while I was out mowing the lawn. It's been blazing hot here lately. 95+ degrees every day. My plants love it though!

PDN x Bhut

Mini rocoto putting off a large amount of pods, that ripen to a nice cherry red color.

My favorite bees, that I call rocoto bees, are finally here. These bees only take pollen from my rocoto plants. I don't know if they are attracted to the purple flowers or what, but they are pollinating like crazy. They were here last year around this time as well, feasting on rocoto pollen. I'm getting almost no flower drop right now from my Pubes, even though we have been getting 95+ degree daily temps. I think these bees have a lot to do with that.

Aribibi Gusano

Judy's Peach Scorpion

Beru Bitdumi is finally taking off and setting pods. I have 4 of these in the ground, and 3 are finally starting to pod up.

Farmers Market Jalapeño is starting to cork.

Pipi de Mono

Aji Limo pods turning from green to purple. My other aji Limo is putting off green to red pods like normal. Once fully ripe in a couple of days, these will be added to a braggot/saison I brewed three days ago.

98 degrees at 5:30 last night on my drive home!

Anyone in the NE with a Wegmans near them keep an eye out for this. They bring out a truck full of fresh hatch green pods for one weekend only each year during harvest time. They have the large tumble style roasters, and you can buy them by the box/bushel. It's the only way in my area to buy legit Hatch green chile, aside from the anual UNM alumni meeting in D.C., that I never go to, since they just try to get us alumni to donate to the school, then charge us triple the going rate for hatch greens.
az1000 said:
Great pictures!
Mini Rocoto is larger than what I saw in others pictures ,definitely is a cross.
Yeah, it probably is a cross. The plant is actually pretty large, and the pods are bigger than what I was expecting, and red. It is very heat tolerant and productive though, plus the pods taste great. I plan to OW the plant, and put it in a 10 gallon pot next year. It is definitely a great addition to my garden. Thanks for the seeds!
That Mini Rocoto looks crispy and juicy. Yum! I was looking through your grow list and noticed that you are growing Brown Rocoto. How is that one coming along? I'm very interested in this strain. I love chocolate/brown superhots, so I'm just wondering if a good flavor is to be expected from a chocolate Pubescens. Is it a more difficult one to grow?

Bhuter said:
That Mini Rocoto looks crispy and juicy. Yum! I was looking through your grow list and noticed that you are growing Brown Rocoto. How is that one coming along? I'm very interested in this strain. I love chocolate/brown superhots, so I'm just wondering if a good flavor is to be expected from a chocolate Pubescens. Is it a more difficult one to grow?

The mini rocoto is definitely crisp and juicy. The brown rocoto met an unfortunate demise from mites. It was among 7 plants that I lost. I have two seeds left for the brown rocoto that I will be germinating next year. Since you are into superhots, you might find it interesting that a chocolate bhutlah plant was patient zero for the mite attack. I've been growing veggies for years, but I have never been hit with mites. My only remaining chocolate/brown variety is the chocolate brainstrain that I ate a half a pod of a few days ago, and felt like the back of my eyeballs were melting. I won't be doing that again!
Oh no! What a bummer. Damn the mites! You lost a Bhutlah, too? That IS unfortunate. I grew Judy's version of the Bhutlah last year and again this year. I love that strain. They were probably my hottest pods last year. But I too have a Chocolate Brainstrain and am thinking that might be my hottest this year. I'll bet that half a pod was a gut bomb, too. I'm planning on growing the Red Brainstrain next year, just gotta find the right place to get the seeds from. Luckily, I haven't had any mite problems, but these darned stink bugs are killing me. I find some every day. Seek and destroy.

Bhuter said:
Oh no! What a bummer. Damn the mites! You lost a Bhutlah, too? That IS unfortunate. I grew Judy's version of the Bhutlah last year and again this year. I love that strain. They were probably my hottest pods last year. But I too have a Chocolate Brainstrain and am thinking that might be my hottest this year. I'll bet that half a pod was a gut bomb, too. I'm planning on growing the Red Brainstrain next year, just gotta find the right place to get the seeds from. Luckily, I haven't had any mite problems, but these darned stink bugs are killing me. I find some every day. Seek and destroy.

Yeah, I was upset I lost the bhutlah. I still have 6 more bhutlah seeds that I will germinate for next year. Thankfully the rest of my plants have recovered well from those demon mites!
OCD Chilehead said:
I bet your counting down that date for the Hatch. We get truck loads up here in Colorado. I love that time of year. I wish, I still had a deep freezer. Great pics of the bee.
Oh, definitely! I have a bushel of extra hot, and a bushel of hot already ordered to be roasted for that Friday. I'll be leaving work early to pick them, and go home to zip them and put them in the freezer. I've only got 4 ziplocks left of green chiles from last year. I'll have to stretch them out to make them last three more weeks.