Things Going As Planned...Made it thru August

I definitely NEED larger pots for the rocotos and I WANT larger pots for my fave plants, especially those I overwintered.
Yep rocotos are free roamers and A.J mine loves bell peppers to..Have you seen the mini ones there doing..Damn cute things :)
Yummy bells AJ. Mine are just getting green ones, weather is downright cool at night ( 39F this morning ) I'm hoping this cold spell will take a hike and we have more time for peppers.
AJ, you really do have a great looking garden...Glad to see that everything has been doing well. I too have Jalapeños that seem to be struggling, which is odd since everything else is doing so well. I really enjoyed seeing how big your Serrano plants got. Mine all resemble short bushes, but are loaded with pods and have so far have been really good producers. I too have found their heat to be some what milder than the Jalapeño, but I have also discovered that their powder is extremely versatile.

I need to get off my butt and post some of my update pictures, maybe tommorrow...:)
Nice Plants, Nice garden. Plants look very happy and luscious.

Great looking plants. Here in Colorado where I live, I'll be lucky to have my peppers make it until the end of this month. Already have night time temps in the low 40's (F). Hope yours will make November.

yea, Rowbear, I am nervous as hell as well. Not all of my pods are ripen, and they have full of little babies. Only part I despise about Colorado is very short growing season, especially for tropical plants like Tomatoes, Peppers and Eggplants.[/QUOTE]