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Things you can only do if you are single

Pepperfreak said:
You can lay something down and actually find it the next day.

Amen Brother

texas blues said:
Anyone can squat. I'm talking about standing straight up! Might leave skid marks though.

disagree, not anyone can squat...knees won't let me...but it is all good with the hershey squirts...heck, I can hit a bullseye at 20 yds...

MikeyV said:
Have a couple beers and steak for breakfast.

I must have a good wife...she doesn't mind if I get up and mix a drink at 4:30 am...
pileiton said:
And for TB, I'll add a chicken.

That was said with respect and love, TB.
:rofl: TB and his crazy fetishes... I think he needs to leave Sin City and head back to TX.
pileiton said:
Well, they grow 'em bigger in Texas. And sometimes better.

bigger does NOT equate to better!..............

(voice of experience here!) Maybe HOTTER and more intense at the moment, but a person would have to look at the LONG TERM before locking into any long term pepper relationship!

It's all about the end result. Is it QUALITY or quantity?

Either way, bigger does NOT mean better>>

salsalady said:
bigger does NOT equate to better!..............

(voice of experience here!) Maybe HOTTER and more intense at the moment, but a person would have to look at the LONG TERM before locking into any long term pepper relationship!

It's all about the end result. Is it QUALITY or quantity?

Either way, bigger does NOT mean better>>

Lets see, I'm a little like salsalady, I never liked pink either- absolutely none of it in my house.

I can also- keep 20 tarantulas in MY BEDROOM. Keep exotic roaches in my bedroom closet to feed them.

Let the housespiders make webs in all the corners.

Do the dishes when I g***am feel like it.

Put as much peppers in my food as I want.

Cook what I know I like, rather than trying to cook for a man who wants me to read his mind and make what he wants when he doesnt know what it is.

Make the kind of cookies *I* like.

Have a heavy metal marathon with the CD player all day saturday.

Listen to NPR all day sunday.

set up an art project in the middle of the kitchen and work on it there for a week.

sleep in a twin bed with queen size blankets and have them ALL to myself!!!
i hate to rain on everyone's parade.. but i'm not single and can do most of the things mentioned here.. hmm... obviously there will be no sleeping with copious amounts of other peoples.. but pretty much everything else.. i can do..

i must be lucky..

now.. where's those cookies!
good for you piles!! although i dont know if being whipped is all its about :P me personally, dont mind a good whipping now and then :P
pileiton said:
I want quality and quantity. My reply had NOTHING to do with peppers.
Although HOTTER is also important in this sense too.

Off to make whoopie!

I was trying to do a little pun, but it didn't quite come off that way. Sorry~
mel said:
good for you piles!! although i dont know if being whipped is all its about :P me personally, dont mind a good whipping now and then :P

I don't mind a good whipping now and then either, it's a good workout for my arms.
beat me with a big stick mama, I've been a bad bad boy.....