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Things you can only do if you are single


thehotpepper.com said:
Bwahahaha. In the same drunk tank? pileiton is a male dude. Bubba!

No, female from the womb.

I was having a coed prison porno fantasy.

If you are having trouble remembering I am female look at my avatar. See the cherry?
pileiton said:
Yes, I remember you now from the drunk tank! But you were the exception to the rule. Or were you having an off night?

Off night? Not likely! I'll have you know I have had 3 vasectomies!! The first 2 didn't take. Simply too much mojo workin'!
pileiton said:
Then my question still remains unanswered, TB.

I don't know NJA but based on my experience with older men they make better lovers. Even without Viagra.

Atta girl !!! Luv ya for your confidence in older men.
Experience is better than raw youth.

I have many cherry trees near my house.
I used to live in cherry Hills before the present house.
Looks like I have an affinity for dem cherries.
can't post multiple quotes so-

in a jar next to the bed

makes for nice midnight snack

and you are.....HOW OLD?!?!?!?!???????????????
salsalady said:
can't post multiple quotes so-

in a jar next to the bed

makes for nice midnight snack

and you are.....HOW OLD?!?!?!?!???????????????

HSL, Was your question directed at me :oops: :lol:

To post multiple quotes, just click the "+ on the right hand lower corner of the first person to be quoted and then click on the Reply With Quotes of the last person you want to quote.
Pepperfreak said:
HSL, Was your question directed at me :oops: :lol:

To post multiple quotes, just click the "+ on the right hand lower corner of the first person to be quoted and then click on the Reply With Quotes of the last person you want to quote.

No PF, it was directed at pileiton.....

thanks for the "how to"...I never really looked at that "+" button and didn't know how that worked. I've seen other's do it but.........I really am still a "forum newbie" as far as knowing how to use all these cool forum posting options goes........

Thanks PF

(sheesh- i don't even want to think about trying to do the multipost out of order~~~~~)))))))
Noshownate said:
If i was single i would probably be at 5,000 posts right now

AJ is married and has 11K posts............what does "single" have to do with anything?

at least I'm pretty sure he's married or at least in a "long term relationship" with the lovely lady who was in the Superbowl throwdown pics___---

Uh Oh! maybe stepping in doodoo here~~~~
He be married ;) You think that Mrs AJ would put up with all his chilli related business otherwise?

BTW, i was in a loving relationship before joining THP, she made me choose between her and chillis. I do miss her sometimes...