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THP PC builders Unite!!!

are you just running the integrated g processor? the IVB one is astonishing to me... i was playing HoN on it for weeks before actually getting a hold of a GPU.

No. Installed the GeForce GTX 650 Ti (which I've had since the beginning of Dec), and it's running overclocked at 1.2 GHz [stable].

I have pics of the final install "guts", and the wire management on the other side of the case, but I'm being lazy and blaming it on this new config for not understanding how to access my Canon 40D.

After OS install last night, I treated myself to a movie and then ran a good "system burn" with Folding@Home. Watched the temps for a bit, then hit the sack for 6 hours. Everything was still running upon wake, and the temps were nowhere near system max tolerances. Means I have a good amount of headroom for overclocking... but that comes later. After I get all my software install worked out.
All the pictures I've posted so far have shown this build minus the parts I stripped from my previous computer that were essential to keeping it running... so I could use it as long as possible. Yes, yesterday the SSD was safely nested in its new home in the bottom bay of this build. And the 750GB Seagate HDD was installed in the top bay. No worries, this was done right.

I need to get some pics up.
The innards. Note the GTX 650 Ti, the SSD in the bottom bay (left it in its 3 1/2" conversion tray), and the 750 GB HDD in the top drive bay. All six are full.


A little from behind the back action (winky)... here's the cable managment. Not fantastic. I don't like to zip-tie things that might move around in a few months.

Getting ready to pick up a new processor... Looking at the FX 8350 (8 cores 4.2ghz in turbo).

any thoughts? don't want to spend more than about 200$ on a chip, and already have a motherboard (recently purchased) that I'm happy with.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284 Chip
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131877 Board

Mostly do heavy graphics work, or video editing and so forth. VERY little gaming. in fact, I haven't gamed in about a year now.
Sexy case. I love modular PSUs.

If anyone has any tech questions, feel free to PM me. I own an IT company and I'm pretty comfortable answering any questions that come up!
This is the first modular PSU I've owned/worked with, and I love it. Such an array of options on this one, and about half of them got stripped simply because they weren't needed for this build. And there's always the option of adding them back in later if configurations change.

It took a task that seemed fairly daunting at first and turned it into something I felt very comfortable working with.
what are the results of your crystaldiskmark and superpi? I looked it up again and it seems hyperpi will let you run multiple instances of superpi so you can run one on each core.
Looked up superpi yesterday and noticed that it was not multi-threaded. Then found hyperpi and read up on it, but never gave it a go. Didn't get around to crystaldiskmark.

I can't find a hyper Pi that I trust.

Getting ready to pick up a new processor... Looking at the FX 8350 (8 cores 4.2ghz in turbo).

any thoughts? don't want to spend more than about 200$ on a chip, and already have a motherboard (recently purchased) that I'm happy with.

http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819113284 Chip
http://www.newegg.co...N82E16813131877 Board

Mostly do heavy graphics work, or video editing and so forth. VERY little gaming. in fact, I haven't gamed in about a year now.

I'm an Intel guy, myself, but that chip is WAY more than what you can find in the Intel world for that price. I'd say pull the trigger on that purchase.
Damn Sum, can't believe how small that video card is compared to mine. I have a GTX570 and it only just fits into my Lian Li K62, and it isn't a small case. My Computer is a AMD 955 which I bought back in 2009 before the first i5 processors were released. Even still the 3.2Ghz quadcore is more than enough for my gaming and internet surfing needs. I have overclocked it in the past but had issues once I hit 3.8Ghz. My computer stopped working almost altogether. It would power up but no video, no beeping, no posting bios. I really thought I had blown my mobo. I finally got it working again when I reseated my RAM. I don't know if I've ever been so stressed in my life lol.

I'm also amazed to see so many people that have more hard drive space than I do. I think I've got 6T of hdd atm, I got a new left handed Razor Raptor mouse for Christmas, and I've also bought a Razor mouse pad. So much better for gaming.
Yeah, the [GTX 650Ti] is, basically, half of a GTX 680 card. It's an intro graphics card for gamers, but it's good for what I do. Hell, part of the reason my build even happened was because of that card. $$$

I hear you QQ, your recommendations have not gone unnoticed, and I value your knowledge in the graphics card world...

But it was either... sit on my couch with a $500 graphics card in my hand, or build a whole new system that FAR exceeded what I was previously using.

Take your pick.
i dont think i recommended a 680, if i did it was bad advice because its not necessary at all for a gaming rig thats running 1080 resolution.
i think if you look back i reccomended a 660 or 670, the 670 being the luxury option, the 660 is only 300 bucks, thats 2x the price of the 650 correct?

imo you should a dropped the water cooling, because its largely pointless, went with a regular IVB chip like the 3770K and a regular Z77 non sli bord since you are not using SLI. the 3770 is at parity with the sandy E chip if i remember correctly, it is however much more power efficient, so is its new chipset.
this would have saved you about 200 bucks that you could have put toward a better gpu.

sandy E on the otherhand is overclocking better i understand. but whats the point in having a cpu that is going to be bottle necked by your gpu. IMO thats like buying cheap honda prius tires for a nutty bmw or something.
I think Sum chose that mobo and case since he can easily swap out that video card with two (or more?) larger vidcards tomorrow and not have to worry about re-installing the OS or windblows/activation or driver issues that might otherwise arise from a CPU swap.

he's got room to grow, and not nearly bottlenecked by the loss of a less-expensive vidcard and quick/painless upgrade to a new vidcard
Getting ready to pick up a new processor... Looking at the FX 8350 (8 cores 4.2ghz in turbo).

any thoughts? don't want to spend more than about 200$ on a chip, and already have a motherboard (recently purchased) that I'm happy with.

http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819113284 Chip
http://www.newegg.co...N82E16813131877 Board

Mostly do heavy graphics work, or video editing and so forth. VERY little gaming. in fact, I haven't gamed in about a year now.

first off nice build SUM!

that Processor is great, it is 1/2 the cost of intel and performs up to where us normal people will never know the difference.

here is my last build
Rosewill thor case(in white)
AMD FX8150 OC 4.4(can go higher but no need)
noctua NH-D14 cooler(super quiet and works great) keeps my 4.4Ghz on the mid 30's 60's at full load
Dual GTX 560SC 2GB in SLI
1200W PSU
dual 24" LCD widescreens
Razor gaming mouse
i dont have any pictures with the noctua in it but this cooler is MASSIVE! also no pics of the 2nd Graphics card.

Yeah, the [GTX 650Ti] is, basically, half of a GTX 680 card. It's an intro graphics card for gamers, but it's good for what I do. Hell, part of the reason my build even happened was because of that card. $$$

I hear you QQ, your recommendations have not gone unnoticed, and I value your knowledge in the graphics card world...

But it was either... sit on my couch with a $500 graphics card in my hand, or build a whole new system that FAR exceeded what I was previously using.

Take your pick.
my buddy is game tester and web designer and he just built a GNARLY rig. running dual GTX 680FTW 4GB cards in SLI! its intense!


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Yes, Spongey! Nice build.

I wanna see more builds up in here. This ain't a thread about me... it's a thread about us.
thanks, i will get a picture up of the inside with the dual cards and monster cooler
here are a couple pics with my windowa experience score for shits and giggles, highest is 7.9 my media PC in the livingroom is 4.2. LOL


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