Three Day Juice Cleanse

I plan to take the plunge starting Monday. I have a juicer and a vague idea of what I am doing. Anyone do this? Have any tips, horror stories to share? Anyone want to join me? I will chart my progress here.
Fruits and Vegetables. I plan on doing mixes of both. Like A green one with apples, grapes, bananas, spinach, cucumbers, jalapenos, and kale. Then a purple one with beets and carrots, with berries. You know, something like that.
good thing to do.. theres a documentary on it called "FAT, SICK, and NEARLY DEAD" great doc. try to stay away from CITRUS (oranges) as they are loaded with sugars....

refrain from putting more than one type of fruit.. the reason you add the fruit is to attempt to hide the taste of the juice... some are good.. some are gross.. hope this helps... btw.. dont do this on holidays or near events where food is included..

also its hard to have a fridge with tons of other junk and the veggies... try to empty out your fridge.. than load it with juice items...

this is the juicer we use... juicer

good luck to all those who try it.. if you arent sure.. watch the DOCUMENTARY.. its a life changer... even if you can replace one meal.. or add it with your meals.....

It will be really good for you but I don't think three days is enough to make a huge impression. Everything helps though and I'm sure you'll notice some differences. It will take care of some bloating, help with digestion and give your body a major boost in vitamins and micro nutrients (if the veg and fruit are raw) Fruits and vegetables are the best source you can get your carbohydrates from.

KD, sugars found in fruits are in the form of sucrose and are not bad for you. They do not cause a spike in blood sugar but feed into your body slowly. I don't see a problem with mixing fruits either....

Now I would say anything in excess is not good. A healthy mix of both is best. I would say 2 parts vegetables to one part fruit is a good ratio.
Three days is what I have heard from friends is the recommended minimum for a detox. That is why I am doing that. I know that the more greens the better, and yes fruit is mostly used as a flavorer. I like vegetables and fruits so I don't see this as being a problem for me. I just want to hear from people that do it. Also, I was told that chicken broth is ok. Is this so? If so, is beef broth ok then?
KD, sugars found in fruits are in the form of sucrose and are not bad for you. They do not cause a spike in blood sugar but feed into your body slowly. I don't see a problem with mixing fruits either....

sorry.... lots of it had to do with wifey's diabetes.. which is why we steered clear...

youre right.. 3 days is not a life changer... but for those who want to commit it starts with i believe 5 or 7 days... if you desire you can continue.. i urge you all. to watch
I know next to nothing of this, three days will be worthwhile though right? I was told by a few friends who have done it that I should expect to lose 10-20lbs. Not doing it for weight loss, just to try to clean my system out.
no you won't lose 10-20 lbs. Not after 3 days. Maybe 5-7 is possible if you added exercise. Three days is definitely worthwhile. You'll feel better, definitely loose some amount of weight and you'll be giving yourself nothing but good healthy foods that will feed your body vitamins and nutrients. It might be the start to the rest of your life.
You're going to be spending some time in the bathroom. I would recommend 5 or 7 days though. You'll just start to get over the cravings then and start feeling energized. I have done 7 and will probably do it again someday.
You're going to be spending some time in the bathroom. I would recommend 5 or 7 days though. You'll just start to get over the cravings then and start feeling energized. I have done 7 and will probably do it again someday.

I'll see how it is after three days, and go from there. I cannot ever foresee myself giving up meat.
I know next to nothing of this, three days will be worthwhile though right? I was told by a few friends who have done it that I should expect to lose 10-20lbs. Not doing it for weight loss, just to try to clean my system out.
You must really be full of shit
I do this alot these days, so here's what I do:
One thing not to do is mix too many fruits. 1 or at max 2 fruits because of the way the stomach digests sugars. Then, keep it simple, and definately only use fruits and stuff that are "in season" if you can, and the natural "mixes' are digested well, and the useful energy is not destroyed by other organs having to process lots of sugar.
recipe 1: 1 apple, 2 bananas, nuts, sprouts (lots of any type i like echelot sprouts, cinnamon powder, vanilla powder, and use tofu of whatever consistancy as a thickener.

recipe 2: carottes, potatoes, nuts, sprouts and hot peppers. Use any potatos, but I like baby potatoes and big giant carrots. Raisons and apples go well here too.

I add ice. Nuts: almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, walnuts ect. Experiment with powders, especially tasty peppers that do well with carrottes and raisons.
I also sometimes add cold pressed oils.
hope that adds a bit of spice to your great idea.