Three Day Juice Cleanse

Heh heh, good you are here. You pull TB's finger! Not his thumb though, we don't want that thumb ring coming off.
I did a lot of research on this subject a couple years ago.  There really isn't anything you can do to get "clean".  It's a big old fad that if you are a juicer or take this healthy natural pill,that it will make you poop out shit from the colon that's been trapped there for years!  Your liver and kidneys remove toxins from your body and colon removes all waste in one good shit.  not juice or pills.   
When you eat processed foods you are just putting your organs through extra work to get rid of the toxin.  All you have to do is eat healthy and if you want to lose weight then lower calories while eating healthy(or start meth!).  The 3 day fasting with juicing every few months or so can be healthy just give your colon a break,but that's about it.
Just wondered how the juicing went?
I'm 1 hr and 27 minutes into a 5 day juice-only diet, and craving a bacon sarny like crazy. 'Course it doesn't help when the wife gets out of bed, makes hot coffee and warms up some blueberry muffins. Bloody sadist.
Hey rooze!!! Long time no see!
.....and then you end up here....on the juice cleanse thread?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh My!!!!!   ;)
Wish you well! Happy juicing!!!
Hey CJ......juicing not going so well at the's a tough challenge for someone who likes to cook, and eat, but not necessarily in that order...
Look at it this way're 2 days in already....can you think of anytime better to do this between now and, say, January 15th?!
No? Me neither!  ;) Think of it as resetting your palate!!!!