contest Throwdown Throne

Mojo is on vacation to Pennsylvania from what I hear and was part way in the trip when he won the throwdown crown! It sound he he may switching throwdown teams and moving north. :crazy:
Mojo is on vacation to Pennsylvania from what I hear and was part way in the trip when he won the throwdown crown! It sound he he may switching throwdown teams and moving north. :crazy:
On vacation in the US and not accessing the internet for (going on 3-days now)????? OMG! How has he survived?!? 3 Days without INTERNET?????

Unless he's on a Continental Divide 3-month trek......... :?:
Pennsylvania Lobster and Pennsylvania Snapper are gross.
He'll never move. Florida is a hard state to leave.

Anyway, SoFlo has an Atlanta member. If wicked leaves the area, it would only stretch our circle of influence, and help our cause to take over the nation...then the world. Watch out Aussies!
frydad4 is a wiener.

Crown #2 for the 2nd Annual Oktoberfest Throwdown.
Thanks to all my supporters!!! Enjoyed this throwdown immensely.

No time to celebrate, however. Gotta reload and start getting ready for November!
Man-Batter For EVERYONE!!!!!!

:woohoo: Hey FD4 Congratulations on the win. I gotta try that corn (man) batter. Can't till next month, Go Noobs

Thanks, It was a variation of an Alton Brown Good Eats (from Food Network) corn dog recipe. Look into it! Highly recommended!

Thank you all!
Congrats on ur 2nd crown FD4. So...what's nexts months challange :)
Ugh! Have we even had time to recover from this month's challenge yet?!?

I prefer to let FD4 revel in the glory of his man-battered win for a while....

WAY TO GO, FRYDAD!!!!! WOO-HOO! :woohoo:

(Oh, did I say something like that already? That's okay, it's worth repeating!)
Surprised Wicked hasn't posted! So many voted for him.

A very belated thank you to everyone for their votes and congratulations from last months TD, as mentioned above I may or may not be moving to PA soon (Im trying to stay in FL which in that case I still may be relocating to the Daytona area) I have been traveling around alot latley for work and I dont have internet access all the time like I used too. I was on the road during the voting for last months TD so I totally missed this thread and apologize for not giving a well deserved thanks to everyone, it was a great TD and everyones entries were epic!

now on to current business.. CONGRATULATIONS FD4!!!!! way to go man the Corn-Brats were brilliant!! back2back wins for SoFlo Posse , I think Sum might be lookin to make it 3 in a row for the Posse come November watch out ya'll
That cristo was amazing looking.

Stay in FL!!!! Soflo needs you. PA posse is getting stronger and stronger, and if you end up man, I cant even imagine.
Daytona is lovely, especially this time of year.
Congrats FD4, you and the rest of the others sure did up this TD. Everything looks awesome and I would have been honored to eat any of the entrées.
paulky_2000 wins his 2nd crown with the Circle H Brunch Behemoth!

Well deserved.