contest Throwdown Throne

:tear: Damn Scovie you had to sell the caddy?

SUM Won...

Let's see some titties!?!

All these nipples - jeez, what kinda community is this?!?


Sum, congrats - one of the more difficult TD's to win, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this one bad. But in the end you beat out a burger that was thrown on the floor. So uh, yeah.
Congrats Sum. You are now the Overall Throwdown Crown Leader. How does it feel? I suggest for your next throwdown, that you pay homage to your latest adversary and THROW IT ON THE GROUND!
Thanks everyone. The veggie burger was totally outside of what I'm used to cooking. Congrats to all those who entered. I honestly thought participation would be found wanting. I'm glad I was wrong. And a big shout out to Sic... You put up a good fight, bro.
nice titties scovie.
I remember autographing that shirt, and the Mole sauce handprint. Classic. Glad to see it's still there.

Did you ice-cube those puppies before the camera shot?

Looks like the DeVille left his headlights on!!!
Congrats to 3/5King, Best Alternative Burger - Fresh King Crabass!
Man oh Man, I am pumped. Thank you everyone for the votes. This means more than it probably should to me but I don't care. These TD's have brought me so much further in my culinary abilities. I've learned a lot from cooking and from all of you. I throw down for all of you, wish you had the pleasure of eating it! Thanks again everyone!
I like the familiar burger toppings of pickle, onion, special sauce... so it's a burger not a crab cake, and the textures with panko and potato chips... and the uniqueness of that patty with seafood/fresh fish. Home made bun. Yeah. Good choice voters.
congrats, 3/5! The bling looks good.