I picked up a few Tiger Tooth plants and have them stuck in a couple different yard spots, and one in a pot... I guess I'll find out what they're like in a couple or three months.Men, if your nursery calls them very hot then they haven't heard of the "THP"!
We know Hot – Hot – Hot!!
Maybe they have incredible flavor, might be worth a go!
Sego, in North Hollywood, CA. They had LOTS of the Tiger Tooth, Fatalli, Yellow Trinidad (?), "Trinidad Pot Pod" - I'm guessing it's 7 Pot, Scorpion "Extreme" - as it's labeled, Orange Habanero, Devil's Tongue, Chocolate Naga, and Bhut, along with the more common varieties. I just got something called "Cranberry Red Pepper" from them, and they didn't know anything 'bout that one either - same grower as the hotties.I grew them years ago...heat maybe 7.5 of 10. Picture is accurate. What nursery sells this variety? lol. It isn't any common one I bet.
Make sure you save the Tiger Blood form it and then you can bang 7 gram rocks
Sego, in North Hollywood, CA. They had LOTS of the Tiger Tooth, Fatalli, Yellow Trinidad (?), "Trinidad Pot Pod" - I'm guessing it's 7 Pot, Scorpion "Extreme" - as it's labeled, Orange Habanero, Devil's Tongue, Chocolate Naga, and Bhut, along with the more common varieties. I just got something called "Cranberry Red Pepper" from them, and they didn't know anything 'bout that one either - same grower as the hotties.
They haven't been to open fields have they?? I grew a bunch of GRIN Pimentos De Cherios out one year, one of them (a chinense)Sego, in North Hollywood, CA. They had LOTS of the Tiger Tooth, Fatalli, Yellow Trinidad (?), "Trinidad Pot Pod" - I'm guessing it's 7 Pot, Scorpion "Extreme" - as it's labeled, Orange Habanero, Devil's Tongue, Chocolate Naga, and Bhut, along with the more common varieties. I just got something called "Cranberry Red Pepper" from them, and they didn't know anything 'bout that one either - same grower as the hotties.
I've no idea where the grower (United Plant Growers - Vista, CA) got the seed, but here's a picture of the "Cranberry" plant:They haven't been to open fields have they?? I grew a bunch of GRIN Pimentos De Cherios out one year, one of them (a chinense)
looked exactly like a cranberry, so I was calling them Cranberry peppers since I didn't have a proper name for them, gave quite a few away too if I remember right, if its the same pepper, heat is about the same as a habanero, great fruity smell and flavor, lots of pods on a medium sized plant, size cranberryish.