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Timmmy's 3rd year

Heres how I get my green going on


A mix of all in the pics and then about 5mins or so of ozone :)

The container on the ground is compost juice.

Do you see a big difference in using the ozone against not? I was considering using a regular aquarium bubble stone for a few minutes in my water before I water my plants. They are not doing very well despite what ferts I have tried, (most of what you have in this pic). I'm thinking it is pH, or lack of oxygen in the water, or maybe root rot.
Hey Megamoo I seem to have had some large growth spurts after watering with the ozone and prior to that the plants had been struggling to grow much. I guess more people would have to try it out before I could say go for it but how many people have a spare ozone unit hanging around :)

I haven't had a taste of the scorp looking dorset yet its in the freezer :)

We are having a bit of a heat wave here and its supposed to last for a while so until then I can't see myself getting a chance to take many pic's ..... booo
Hey dude your alive and have internet things musn't have been to bad for you then over the last few weeks. Good to see

I wouldn't bother going out to buy an ozone unit unless you find some other evidence to backup my very brief observations. But hey if your a billionaire and you normally tip a few hundred when you go out to buy some milk then yeah give it a go hehehe Fish shops or at least reefing supply shops would have them, maybe hydro places to but I'm not sure, mine is a low mg pump around 25mg or something like that.

The plants survived the heat and are starting to recover. The dorsets putting out a good number of average sized pods:


And the scorps starting its second run of pods and it has some great looking pods, I'll have to take some pics in the next week or two.

So what do you think about adding some ground cover in the pots? I was thinking of some herbs or something like that.

Bad idea?
I know I'm late but, I add herbs to mine, things that are shallow rooted like mint, rosemary turns into a good size bush here in Tx so that goes in its own pot. FYI mint is invasive but only grows about 2 inches into the top soil so the pot will need a good regular watering and the mint will enjoy the noon shade from the sun, other herbs I use are chives, thyme and Roman chamomile.
Guess I should start a new log for the new season but for now here's a pic of the overwintered plants


Fatalii, BT Scorp and a Douglah :)

It's been a cold winter and summer just seems to be trying to hide at this point but we just had our first 35c day (95f). So the plants should start picking up quickly now.