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Timmmy's 3rd year

All of the overwintered plants have new growth forming now except for the 2 year old Blonde nagabon. I've moved it into a spot in the yard that gets the longest period of sun in the day. I'm hoping that will kick start it back to life

yellow 7 2nd year


The 3rd year dorset was the only plant that didn't really slow down much over winter so I haven't chopped it back and its now starting to set lots of new pods. I'm sure they'll be small but at least I'll have fresh pods until the other plants kick back in.

Dorset 3rd year

I don't think that some form of herb as a ground cover will hurt the peppers too much at all mate. I can't imagine that they would steal nutrients to any great extent and they'd aid in keeping soil moisture.

Buuuuuuuuuut..... What happened to you're pics?
hey dude,

Will get some new pics up soon.

Only the yellow 7 has really taken off, everything else is just dormant at this point. The super super bad news is that the blonde colored bonnet/naga cross 2 year old plant that hippy gave me has died. Will its a dark brown/dead color......

Everything else has survived and have new growth just starting to come out.
Ohh well after a !@#$# few weeks heres an update on the plants.

The 2 year old Blonde colored Naga bonnet cross that I was given by Hippy has died booooooooooooooooooo
I feel a bit guilty as he didn't have any others at his place and this was a separate cross from the version he's selling.

The good news is over 30 little seedlings have popped up out of the soil in the Naga.B's pot, I'm assuming that their going to be from the mother plant as I used all new potting mix.



The other bad news is that one of my two BT Scorpions has form of disease and is just about gone.

So some good luck and some bad luck at this point
Not much has been happening in the garden until this week. Everything seems to be starting to take off again

The dorset hasn't got any real decent growth happening but it does have lots of tightly packed flowers on it


The old blonde fatalii has jumped back into gear and has some real fast growth happening


Choc bhut at the start of the season, I'm just about to go outside and tip it. Last year it ended up real leggy which as far as I know is normal but I want it as bush as possible this year


And the original Fatalii showing new growth, it was one of the last plants to stop producing last year so I'm not surprised that its taking its time to start growing again.

The other little bit of fun I'm trying out this year is making mash sauces. This is my first attempt, after reading up on Jacob's informative posts in the THP Sauce forum I'm giving it a go.

This is a pic of my 5-6 day old hooch :dance: Hopefully it works, I still have lots of peppers from last season and my first attempt will be a pear and fatalii mash. Thats if all goes well with the hooch starter, so far its looking good and is slowly getting a denser population of bacteria.


Fingers crossed, in one week I should be able to start up my first ever mash :woohoo:
The other little bit of fun I'm trying out this year is making mash sauces. This is my first attempt, after reading up on Jacob's informative posts in the THP Sauce forum I'm giving it a go.

This is a pic of my 5-6 day old hooch :dance: Hopefully it works, I still have lots of peppers from last season and my first attempt will be a pear and fatalii mash. Thats if all goes well with the hooch starter, so far its looking good and is slowly getting a denser population of bacteria.


Fingers crossed, in one week I should be able to start up my first ever mash :woohoo:

Whats a mash, and that thing looks a little weird haha.
Odd that so many hooches turn out so dark. Mine tends to more of a bright yellow. I wonder if it's because I maintain my starter aerobically since imo it makes a better loaf. While most people put a cap on it and put it in the fridge and maintain it anaerobically. Simply because it needs far less maintenance(I feed mine daily).
@ TheAlaskan324, a pepper mash is another form of preserved sauce. Instead of adding preserving compounds such as vinegar, lime, lemon you can in theory develop a smoother tasting sauce by adding a bacterial starter (hooch)and then let the sauce mix ferment. Theres a few current posts in the sauce section at the moment.

@ DaQatz, I'm a total newb on the subject myself. This is my first attempt at creating a starter. The starter on the left has some added lactobacillus bacteria at the very start to kick start the hooch. I've had a lot of experience in culturing single celled photosynthetic organisms before and just figured I would try to play it as safe as possible the first time round with this hooch by sealing it and putting it in the fridge.

I've just split the starters again so they've lost a bit of the dark color/density and I'll probably start up a mash next weekend.

On a side note, some little @#$$% decided to eat all of my healthy looking seedling yesterday lol At least all of the overwintered plants are taking off, with the exception of the remaining BT Scorp and the Doughlah.
And the Blonde fatalii is in the lead so far with the biggest first pod of the season. Its only just starting out but this season looking good so far.


I know a lot of you guys are going to say WTF to this one but I have to admit I'm not a massive fan of the yellow 7's. I gave away my second plant and just kept one for myself. Looking at it I'll be getting tonnes of pods either way lol


Most of the plants have a crazy number of flowers going at this point. The dorset is looking like it will be a massive producer this year which is awesome.
And I guess I should add in a pic of my mash mix. 5 liters :onfire: its a mix of fatalii's, yellow 7's and around 50% choc bhuts.

Here it is at the start of week 2



I've got one large worm farm going thats made from old large plastic bins I had laying around and then my little original bucket worm farm. I had basically given up on the bucket and had just dumped a few kg's of compost on top of it before forgetting about it for a few weeks. As you can see above its taken off and has a seriously large population of worms going.

The large farm has a good number of small worms but few large adults. I'm transferring the babies from the bucket into the large bins to populate them.

At this point I have at least 5ltrs of worms juice just waiting to be used :) As long as you keep the farm moist but not wet, cool and in a dark spot it seems to be easy....... on the third attempt lol
Seems like less is more :)

I have to stop myself from adding to much food in but I don't really have many large worms at this point.

They sure are multiplying fast :woohoo:
Ohh well after a !@#$# few weeks heres an update on the plants.

The 2 year old Blonde colored Naga bonnet cross that I was given by Hippy has died booooooooooooooooooo
I feel a bit guilty as he didn't have any others at his place and this was a separate cross from the version he's selling.

The good news is over 30 little seedlings have popped up out of the soil in the Naga.B's pot, I'm assuming that their going to be from the mother plant as I used all new potting mix.



The other bad news is that one of my two BT Scorpions has form of disease and is just about gone.

So some good luck and some bad luck at this point

Timmy that is one beautiful sight
Good way to have some extra seedlings for the next year hey :) Not that it was intensional or anything lol

Maybe I should do that this year with each favorite plant, just dig one pepper into the soil under the corresponding plant.

First decent sized pods for this season:

Blonde fatalii



I've also got lots of Dorsets but the plant always seems to put out mutant looking pods for the first run of each season. I've also got yellow 7 pods and some normal fatalii's just starting to pod up.