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Timmmy's 3rd year

I'm happy to see the Dorset's got pods already :)

Its interesting to see how some plants have taken off and others are still a bit dormant. All of the plants have lots of buds forming.

Good luck on your season Jimmy :beer:
Why aren't the rest of the plants going this crazy

sweeeeet Timmmy, those pods are coming along great, I've only got a few plants just stating to flower...no pods for me for a while yet
My dorset naga is about one centimetre high. Methinks I have left it a bit too late. It's quite clearly Megamoo;s first year :confused:

edit: oh yeah.. congrats on the nice pods, I will drink a celebration sixpack or two in your honour. :beer:
Hiya all :)

Well the funny story for the week is that my yellow 7 just had two large pods eaten by something hehe It's like their a magnet for trouble.

I think just about everything has pods now but nearly all plants haven't had much growth. There all small chopped back plants, I tried to let them grow out by cutting off the buds but they were growing them back quicker than the rate I could cut them off at.

I should have an okay season but I'm thinking of moving in the next few months and I'm not sure if the plants will be coming along for the ride lol Maybe time to learn how to Bonsia pepper plants in the new year.

Good luck with the flowers everyone :)I seem to have a lot.

and Megamoo, I wouldn't get too worried about the Dorset. My plant didn't produce anything in the first year. That year was all about getting ready for a bumper 2nd year :) :) :) I figure your started nice and early thats all lol
I can't believe my dorset has been holding onto the same flower buds for what seems like many months. A few months back (September)we had a hot spell and it flowered. Since then there've been dormant just sitting on the plant. It has lots of small 1cm pods and only 5 0r so 20-30mm pods.

I've started to dose dolomite on a very regular basis as some of my plants just won't grow or take up much color. The two plants have been sprayed with ep salts every other day for a few weeks and they still seem to be yellow ish. I've checked the soil and there real dry so I doubt its an overwatering issue.

I guess I shouldn't be toworried, the weather has been rather wet for the last month now. In a few months I'm sure they will start to really take off, especially once the first run of pods are over.

Will have to take some pic's of my other fatalii plant next week. It has some seriously fat pods :) I've never had much luck with large fatalii pods but it looks like this could be a good year for it .
Not a very good pic but heres one of my fat fatalii's pods


The old poor Dorset which is looking rather sickly


And the blonde fatalii which looks like a one year old plant instead of 3 years


lol super rushed update
Thx Franz and Gasificada :beer:

Once again it does look like I'll have more fatalii's than I can actually use. I wish my choc bhut and dorset was like that.

I'd love to end up with larger sized pods this year, if anyone has a secret tip let me know :) I'm still using pots and that won't change but I do have the plants in really large pots.

At the moment I'm using worm pee, seaweed fertz, epsom salts and dolomite. I did use asprin last year and for what it costs I might give that another go this year, it will be as cheap as throwing a pinch o salt over the sholder lol

I dumped the contents of one of my smaller worm farms into my dorsets pot yesterday. The dorsets looking sickly and needs some serious lovin. Hopefully it might help kick start something positive.

Not a very good pic but heres one of my fat fatalii's pods

I reckon they're all great pics mate! And that fat fatalii looks like it'll do you proud! The pic of the Dorset makes it look pretty good to me too, if thats sick lookin then my plants are DEAD! :rofl: . I hope you're season keeps goin strong for you Timmy, best of luck mate.


lol the dorset pic makes it look good, its really leggy and has lots of tissue die off going on. It seems to be loosing branches quicker than its growin pods.

All up its going okay but some of the plants just won't grow lol

This morning I chopped off some dead branches and tied up the Dorset.


I seem to have some pale colored leaves on a few of the plants. I have dosed Dolomite a few times and they do seem to be a bit better. I'm also trying to limit the watering until the plants look like they need a serious water.

The choc bhut


The blonde fatalii, for some reason this little fella just kicked off so well this year. I think I chopped it back earlier than most of the other plants, so maybe thats it..

That Dorset look ok, it's not TOO leggy, how old is it?

I may be just reaching retirement?? That A LOT of flowers on that Choc Bhut there mate!! If they all stick it out, you'll have SQUILLIONS of pods from that bad boy!

Take it easy mate, and I hope that Dorset bushhes up a bit for ya.


EDIT: on closer inspection is a bit leggy huh, but I think you'll see it thicken out soon, it looks to have a few new nodes starting out especially towards the bottom branches.
Hey Dude,

Yeah the Choc Bhuts making slow but steady progress, they never seem to do amazingly well but always seem to come through with a nice amount of decent sized pods each year.

The Dorset seems to be able to produce lots but the more it sets the smaller they are. Id rather a harvest of monsters lol


I'm regretting that I chopped back the fat fatalii at the end of last season. It was a good size and was producing lots of good sized pods. I'm sure it will come back strong in the long run.

I heard a little rumour that Worm juice will help enormously with pod size! I'll be using it very soon myself. I'm with you 100% on the pod size! I'd rather large pods than a 1000 smaller ones! I wish my Choc Bhuts would get big enough to do ANYTHING! They are all still around 7-8in tall :( ! I'm going to start some more DWC soon I think so I can put a Choc Bhut in there. You're season is WAAAAAAAY ahead of mine man! you're doing AWESOME!

Keep it up man.


The choc Bhuts from the last post have done nicely this week


More peppers are showing up and they all seem to be growing fast

Choc Bhut


This could be an interesting year for the BT scorp, its setting some different shaped pods. The plants at least 2 years old
