• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Tomato talk 2009


I've never grown tomatoes before because of all the deer that hang around my place. Maybe if I surround the toms with peppers the deer will stay away.[/QUOTE]

Lucky for us Gators don't like either!I'm currently growing several types of heirlooms and will be glad to share seeds as soon as they ripen,I'm not sure if I wanna post pics of the plants as Florida toms are not pretty this time of year,but I have a lot of small fruit on the vines.We are supposed to get to mid 30's tonite(damn thats colder than my fridge!)
It's really the only time of year we can grow toms here,to much heat and humidity and critters.
bigt said:
Just got an email from Burpee today touting this Tomato Black Truffle Hybrid - this looks seriously good. http://www.burpee.com/product/id/111427.do?cid=2009_01_16_BlackTruffleTomato&

I've never grown tomatoes before because of all the deer that hang around my place. Maybe if I surround the toms with peppers the deer will stay away.

I posted in the past about a deer eating habs I had scattered around my garden, and how he freaked out beyond belief. I tell you there was lots of snorting and fluids flying, and his pals were in shock trying to figure out what happened and it seems I've never had a deer related tomato problem since(knock on wood)
I posted in the past about a deer eating habs I had scattered around my garden, and how he freaked out beyond belief. I tell you there was lots of snorting and fluids flying, and his pals were in schock trying to figure out what happened and it seems I've never had a deer related tomato problem since(knock on wood)

Haha - good story! The deer usually just eat the pepper leaves before the pods come - and that just sets the plants back. I had more of a problem when I used my garden close to my woods. The trees have grown so much now the garden doesn't get enough sunlight. I switched to containers two years ago and the deer normally don't venture onto my driveway, but tomatoes will be awful tempting. I used to spray my peppers with a mixture of Dave's Insanity (2 or 3 drops) and water - after I did that, the deer left them alone. But they needed a quick respray after every rain.
If you like Roma you will LOVE Opalka!!!!
Seriously... if you can't find Opalka seeds locally, give me your addy and I'll make sure you get seed!!


Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Say what you will but I love Roma tomatoes. Just got a seed packet from Lowes and will start them this weekend. I've never heard of most of the tomatoes ya'll talk about. I get several huge harvests of Roma and I always seem to have tons of fresh tomatoes all summer long. Their medium size makes them easy to grow.
I try to grow mostly varieties known for exceptional taste but then there are so many that are just cool looking, and others that just produce so well. Its so difficult to decide:rolleyes:
Thanks Potawie!

I have far too many tomatoes for my space. I plan to start a bunch and give them away to friends. Hopefully I get some ripe tomatoes in return :)
After two years of mediocre results, one year because of weather and last year a combo of so-so weather but trying way too many types of plants, this year I'm going with proven winners. I figure if I can put up 150 quarts of juice and 50 quarts of whole toms, next year I can try some different ones.

We've already gone through about 36 quarts this year and chili season doesn't end until summer gets here!

I was going to start a new thread for this question but...Here goes.
Who's grown black cherry tomatoes, where were the seeds from, and how did you like them?

I've grown the one from tomatogrowers(apparently their own exclusive) They grew very well for me but I wasn't very happy with the taste and sort of mushy texture. They were also terrible for splitting in damp weather.
wanting to know too...
I grew the ones from Tomato Grower's Supply, too, Potawie, and my opinion pretty much matches yours.
I was going to start a new thread for this question but...Here goes.
Who's grown black cherry tomatoes, where were the seeds from, and how did you like them?

I've grown the one from tomatogrowers(apparently their own exclusive) They grew very well for me but I wasn't very happy with the taste and sort of mushy texture. They were also terrible for splitting in damp weather.

I got some of these seeds from a trade and thought they were quite good, good enough to grow again this year. Mine were not mushy at all and were very sweet.

I grew them in '06. I can't remember where the seeds came from - probably a trade. I really liked the taste but definitely did not like the splitting. It was awful. Also, they didn't seem to keep very well at all. Because of that, I haven't grown them since. But, if you look at everybody's "grow list", they're just as popular as ever. To each their own I guess!
DownRiver said:
I grew them in '06. I can't remember where the seeds came from - probably a trade. I really liked the taste but definitely did not like the splitting. It was awful. Also, they didn't seem to keep very well at all. Because of that, I haven't grown them since. But, if you look at everybody's "grow list", they're just as popular as ever. To each their own I guess!
Now that you mention it I do remember some splitting on these but still a good eater.

Ok, I think this is the tomato list

Stupice, New Big Dwarf,Mexico, Giant Belgium (freebies), Stump of the World, Striped Cavern, Ponderosa Red, Rose, Eva Purple Ball, Cherokee Purple, Tropic, Coyote, and Bella Rosa

And of course, the yellow currant tomatoes that plant themselves.

And if the heirloom tomato guy is at the Spring Flower Festival, I might squeeze a couple more to try in there.
So after looking into different types of the San Marzano, i have decided to go with the Redorta... it does sound good..

i am also going to try a couple of new ones that i havent tried before that look very good.. if anyone has tasted / grown let me know what they are like please..

Black Prince

Brandywine Red ( looks awesome )

Ella's Pink Plum

Amish Red

thats all i am going to attempt.. one of each will do for me this year to experiment with..

anyone try Brandywine Red in particular ?