My 15 year old son is on a school sponsored trip to D.C. and New York City. He called me this morning about 11:00 D.C. time to tell me he was in the Holocaust Museum. I turn on the news an hour or so later and they're talking about the shooting that went on there. Talk about almost crapping my pants and being seized by fear and dread. You wouldn't believe how fast I called him. He was on the bus headed to New York. He said they were told about it and they left about 30 minutes prior to the shooting.
Thank God.
What the hell is wrong with people? The guy is 88 years old and served in the Navy during WWII. He's a freaking neo-nazi. WTF?
Thank God.
What the hell is wrong with people? The guy is 88 years old and served in the Navy during WWII. He's a freaking neo-nazi. WTF?