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Torno 2011 Grow

Agree w/ both of the posts. The hydro looks interesting. How long have you been doing that?

I just started playing around with hydro in the last month or so. So far it's not to bad and very excited to see the final outcome of both plants.

So I lied... One more final post before I head out in the morning. Nine days away from the plants, I'm not sure I can make it. Hopefully I come home to some thriving monsters and nothing wilted and dead.

Looks like at least one mantis has made it... Some how this shot came out after doing a burning feet dance and leaning over into the rose bush. Pure luck!


DWC NagaBon this afternoon.... It's offical, the roots have established fully in the hydro system, now let the growing begin!



Douglah earlier today during a water change... This one too is exploding with growth.



I'm starting to really dig hydro. Weekly water changes and that's about as labor intensive as it has been for me haha. Still gonna to post weekly pics of the two NagaBons together to show the differences in growth.

I'm starting to really dig hydro. Weekly water changes and that's about as labor intensive as it has been for me haha. Still gonna to post weekly pics of the two NagaBons together to show the differences in growth.


Yea once you get use to everything it becomes quite easy. Plus, depending on your setup, you can leave and not worry about the plants drying out and dying.

I got home about an hour ago after being on vacation for the past eight days. Came home to find my Douglah was completely gone, my late starts are legging as all hell and very weak on the stem and likely to lose one or two since they were burned up pretty bad with fret. The outdoor peppers are still looking really well and most have put on a lot of new growth while others are content with staying small and bushy. I'll post pictures later today once my camera is charged back up.

Lesson learned... never trust family or anyone else to take care of your plants the way you would!

Bummer. I find even family need very distinct written direction and phone call checkups like letting someone watch infant children for the first time.
Bummer. I find even family need very distinct written direction and phone call checkups like letting someone watch infant children for the first time.

Funny you say that, that is EXACTLY what I did haha. The late starts got a hell of a soil flush after the wrong water was used. Both the late starts and the DWC NagaBon are back in their grow areas under the lights, should start putting on new growth here soon.

I appreciate it. Been dying to get a burn from the douglah. Just can't figure out what killed it off when the NagaBon was in the same type of water and nutes. It was really cranking out some serious growth too, bums me the hell out.

Here is a picture of the NagaBon, trips me out how you can see where the cat had a snack after all this time. Those leaves were small when it happened.


Here is a shot of how leggy those late starts of mine got, it's crazy! Just eights days and they did that. You can see how much new stem growth there was on the green 3 inch pot, the Yellow 7 Pod. It was literally bent at a 90 degree angle growing because when it was shooting up it hit the underside of another plant and bent and grew that way. Gonna stake it tonight.


edit: I'll add pictures of the outdoor plants tomorrow afternoon.

Ya they are all healthy aside from a few distorted new leaves from being over fert. The person that came over to do a single watering used a jug of water that was heavy in ferts and is the cause of the issue. I've already done a heavy flush on them and once they dry out a little gonna go ahead and pot them up to a gallon pot. The fan is on them now and will be over the next few days to try and get the stems to harden up some, but the Yellow 7 had to get staked. I guess the plants could of been worse than they were, as long as these babies produce... I'm good :)

Update on a few of the outdoor plants.... Due to the extreme heat here, this past week, I have moved all of my plants in 100% indirect sunlight until things start to reach in the the low 90s. Some plants were starting to get mild bouts of sun scald and most had limp/soft leaves during the peak hours of heat. During my vacation I had put them in the same spot they are now and saw more growth on them in those eight days than I had in a two week span. Maybe they were happier not getting cooked during the day haha. Another thing I did was leave two 5 gallon buckets of tap water inside each with two air stones that were left on. The buckets were getting close to four days of bubble time before used on the plants, maybe this had an affect on them as well? Any ideas on the topic?

Choc Bhut #1

Bih Jolokia

7 Pod *still can't believe this plant went from a stem with one tiny leaf to this!*

7 Pod Brain Strain *THANKS AGAIN AJ!!!!!!*

Creepy Unknown Moth *found on the underside of Black Congo*

Family Photo!!!!

Thanks! They are getting there, slowly but surely. I am starting plants for the 2012 Season in early to mid Dec to attempt an early harvest before it gets to hot like it is now. There were a few flowers on some plants but they dropped because it was warming up, now... there is NOTHING!

Photo from today of the late starts I have going... After getting leggy as hell when I was away on vacation they have since been potted up and back under their lights.


Where are you getting all of your nursery pots from? every place I go in town either is out of them or doesn't have them at all, which really sucks because the alternative is roughly 5 bucks a piece.