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Torno 2011 Grow

I have found some 30% H202 and should be good to use.

Now I see on the label it says "add to nutrient tank every 3-5 days. So it is safe to mixed with with other nutrients something like chilli focus?
Yes, you can put the H2O2 into fert mixtures. I normally mix everything I need to one at a time then add the H2O2 at the very end. Haven't blown up yet :P

Quick update...

Heat Wave of 2011 has really put a tight knot on growth. You can see the plants haven't really grown to much from the last "family photo" but all in all they are still alive! You can see that my late starts were potted up and added to the rest of the plants outside and are doing extremely well. They put the other plants to shame in over all growth and a lot younger than the rest. Major lesson learned this year: don't rush seedlings! oh and make sure to check your waters pH!



You can see I started to have a dip in available Mag on the ButchT and NagaBon in the very back but it was quickly resolved and all new growth is coming in a beautiful green. The two plants up front have YET to accept anything I have done to get them to green up and have been yellow/green for two months now.

Oh ya, there is still enough time to get a solid harvest in and if by some crazy chance things start getting cold and quick... They'll come inside to give me a harvest! haha.

Now that the weather is back to it's normal temps the plants are loving it. There a lot of new growth coming in and quickly and over all them being out in the sun most of the day now is really helping out. Once they get back to where they should be I'll post pictures of the outdoor plants. For now here is a progress line up of a Peach Bhut in DWC.

3 Sep 2011

14 Sep 2011 *this is the point where the roots just started to reach down in the water, the plant next to is another Peach Bhut, germinated on the same day as DWC plant*

20 Sep 2011 *leaves are downward as it's time for it to call it a night, when lights come on at 5am it's all perked up!*

Wish I could get my hands on a digi camera that took time lapse photos. Love to set it up for a few days and create a movie showing the growth through a movie. I'm gonna have to pick Tonly's brain a little on his outdoor hydro setup, he's gotten some really good results with it.

Quick reply... Pictures taken today, 6 days after the last pictures posted of progress. The largest leaf is 9 1/4 long and 5 3/4 wide when I measured last night. The plant is subjected to 24/7 fan air at high speed and still growing fast enough that I'll have to end up staking it somehow to avoid it leaning to much.





Lookin goot, I might try a lil peroxide on a couple of mine and see what it does. I only have the 3 pct, but I'm sure the Hydro store has some...
Wow thats the power of hydro right there! It looks like you're going to have to raise the lights soon if you can.

Do you have the bubblers on 24/7 too?

What's your future plans for this plant? Is it going into soil ouside or, are you going to get it to flower and pod under lights?
Andro: FoxFarm Ocean, but I've since found a local 50% compost/50% local soil/sand mix that works just as good AND it's extremely cheap compared to FF.

Moo: Ya the lights had to get pushed up another 5 inches to accommodate the growth. The plant has been in a bloom mix for the past week and half since it started to node. This plant is more or less my introduction into DWC and going to push it to pod quick as possible. Next year I do plan on having a handful of DWC grown inside from start to finish just to see how massive I can get some of these plants and play around with some isolated crossing.

Due to some sort of funky fungus/bacteria attacking the main stem leaves they were all hacked off to avoid any wide spread issue. I tried a copper based spray with no luck, seemed to make the issue worse to be honest.





Thankfully nothing was severe enough to hurt the plant in any way. Just decided it was best to hack those leaves off as a "just in case" and in doing so I've seen a burst in growth. I'm guessing by Friday I will have to go in there and raise the lights a third time. It's getting to the point I am thinking about just putting the plant in the garden window in the kitchen where it will receive direct sun in an east facing window from early morning until around noonish. The downside is it will very likely become leggy in growth after that as all windows on my house have 80% solar screens on them. All in all the plant is doing good and very much enjoying the hydro setup!

Quick Update.... Plant has been in the garden window now for a few days and doing fine so far. It's pushing right around 22 1/2 inch and as you can see I've been hacking away any leaves pushing into the 6-7 inch long. Want to get as much light and air movement to the plant as possible, those monsters leaves I had a few weeks back were creating this leaf armor that was restricting air flow inside the plant. Other than that it's doing good and the root mass is getting rather dense...


