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contest Tortilla TD

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I do.

No lie.

I also have gingerbread house cutters.

And ice cube trays that make frozen delicacies shaped like balls and penises.

...Don't ask.
I have to....

Hey FD, What's up with the Balls and Penises ice cube trays?

Did you make the molds yourself?

Did Mrs. FD have a HAND in that?

Until now, you never mentioned they were tiny.
Tiny is relative tho right?
Like an AK-47 is tiny compared to a Naval Destroyer?

I have an idea now for tortilla shapes. Something with frijoles...

Damn, now I think I need to bust out the adult-moulds for a throwdown.

Fried homemade corn tortillas covered in cinnamon, sugar, marshmallow fluff, and dick chocolates.

Whipped cream anyone?
I don't like sugary stuff, I don't care, call me a sugar racist. Egg whites and chocolate though...I'll turn a blind eye to the sugar and make mousse but serve it to somebody else.

im doing fish tacos

i told jay that the other day

cant wait

thinking of using Artic Char, and going all gangster on it with some beans and rice folded in them bad boys
Arctic char is one of the best fish you will ever eat. Dredged in flour, sauteed in butter with fresh squeezin's of lemon juice and capers, deglazed with white wine and then slapped on a tortilla with fine shredded cabbage. So dang good. Mouth fist yer self with that taco and you too will be taking your pants off over your head.

True story.
wheebz I have no doubts you can do up a fish taco as good or better than me or anyone else here. Arctic char is kina' tuff to get round my neck o' the woods and if'n you post that fish in a taco, you'll definitely pull in some heavy votes! Fish and shrimp taco's are my favorite taco style and I can't get enough of 'em.
I can't wait to see how these fish tacos are prepared! I need some fresh ideas! I usually use rockfish or arctic cod, but if I shared how I prepare it, I'd get shot!!!!!!! :lol:
I can't wait to see how these fish tacos are prepared! I need some fresh ideas! I usually use rockfish or arctic cod, but if I shared how I prepare it, I'd get shot!!!!!!! :lol:

C'mon now CJ. You're in the PNW. That's beer battered fish country! A spicy dungy fried crab cake on a taco ain't a bad thang either.
But remember...I'm on the deserty, cow-country side of the state.....in a town with one grocery store. And no food trucks. Man, this place needs some revamping! Why did we move here again???????? hahahaha
Don't y'all have some friends on the other side of the country???????
Where food trucks and grocery stores are an afterthought???

just sayin.
Sorry, FD, but I am NOT sending CJ anything from a food truck. It would be ..... ICK ..... by the time it got there! ;)
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