I have been dealing with a series of set-backs that have have kept me away from this hobby for the past several months, and delayed the start of this year's growing season.
My hard drive & PC
DIED - resulting in the loss of (along with a
LOT of more important stuff), over 10 years' worth of growing logs & pepper pictures!
Then I had the guy I had been working for suddenly & unexpectedly leaving the country for an extended trip overseas, and forgot to pay me before he left!
Things got progressively
WORSE after that, and I'm just now
finally getting things turned back around.
Meanwhile, while my back was turned trying to deal with all these "fun" events, the dang aphids resurged

, taking-out two of my remaining four full-sized pepper plants (and leaving the other two looking like they were foliar sprayed with Agent Orange!) Those plus some babies & small cuttings are now all that remains of my original collection.
(BTW - If anybody knows of a
long-term solution to aphids, please let me know - the spray I use only kills on direct contact (so I have to constantly keep spraying just to keep 'em at bay). I have also considered a systemic poison, but I'm thinking using that on a vegetable plant would not be a good idea? Am about ready to consider a flamethrower...

Anyways, I'm
finally getting a chance to get started planting for the growing season now, so hopefully I will at least have a few peppers to enjoy, before the end of this year.
SuperHot said:
I'm not sure how well your variety/ seed count has recovered, but I do have some seeds to spare. I understand your pain; I lost two plants the same way this fall. Both of which were the only specie types I had. Fortunately, I was able to recover from the Douglah, but not the TS Red Cardi. Next season I will be in a better position to help our community even more.
Thanks, SuperHot!

Got some of the superhot varieties I wanted to try, but still struggling with the others. There are a few items on your list I could use, let me know if there is anything of mine that you need! Will send you a PM shortly!
I also have an
ultra-rare variety I will be adding to my trade list soon

, which I am hoping will entice a few trades from some of the senior members here?
Anyone else that wants to trade,
please let me know, as I'm trying to get a (late) start to this season now!