Trent's pepper giveaway 2014 - Central IL Pickup ONLY

I've got about 2/3's of them transplanted to 5" pots. The rest will get done as time permits. The ones I've transplanted are sitting outside now getting tough. :)
They're pretty decent sized, 8-10 sets of true leaves on most; the annuums have double or triple forked and are setting flowers.
These are the "small ones" I haven't transplanted yet.

(Currently being treated for aphids with ladybugs)
They're ready to harden out.

These are getting hardened off; all those are in 5" pots (for scale)

The other angle. Try not to use the dog on the left for scale; he stands 8' tall on his hind legs and is 38" tall at the shoulders.... (Irish Wolfhound)
Wow, thats a ton of healthy looking big plants. Mine are still pretty small like 4-5 inches because i didnt transplant them from small cells soon enough. I have much better luck starting in solo cups ive noticed. Makes me wanna drive to grab a few haha
It is if you aren't a registered / inspected nursery; especially if they cross state lines. I also can't sell live plants without being registered and inspected (which I'm not). 
Which is why I'm giving them away. 
(I do take donations for materials, but not required)
Next year, if I have the stomach to grow this much again, I may go through with the registration and inspection.
Haha no I think shipping any sort of produce is regulated. I started looking in to it all earlier this year, hoping to sell some of my extras off, but got irritated with all the rules and said "screw it, maybe next year."
Government can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.
Dude I'm going to be planting pepper plants everywhere this year. 97 going in the garden... 220-something plants hardening off..
I had some perennials die off in my rock garden = pepper plants. 
Dog dug a hole in the middle of the yard = pepper plant.
Rosebush died out front = pepper plant!
Trent I can probably take some if you just want to get rid of them. I'll be heading up I155 Sunday, I'll let you know if I have time to stop at the exit (15?).
TrentL said:
Oh hell no. I have a ton of them left. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 extras left at this point?
You still got quite a few still to find homes for?  Not sure yet, but a few of the guys I gave some too burned them up in that heat a few weeks back.  If they need more and you are still needing to part with some, might get back in touch later next week.
Yeah I still have a hundred or so I don't have room for. And I might have even more; my high school kids in Ag class brought home their squash, bell peppers, etc today and now I have to sacrifice more of my garden space that was reserved for peppers.....
OK All the plants are in the ground.
THESE are the extras! (120ish plants)

If anyone wants them, come get them. :)
They're fully hardened off and ready to go in the dirt immediately after pickup.
Man trent... I realized I had too manny too lol. I have about 30 left I'm going to pot up but do have a friend that is interested. I'll message him here in a few.