Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

Ok, I read all the posts here and was all ready to join in and plant some Scorpions, only to find out that I did not have any. Please PM me if you have any to spare, I would love to plant a few types. I have a LOT of small trades, will send a link for anyone who wants to trade.

I would send you some vlkno but am getting pretty short supplied here...I need enough to plant one more tray (72 cell) and I will be lucky if I make that...

maybe some of the other good hearted members will oblige...

by the way...seen any "Peaches" lately....
AlabamaJack said:
my current shelving is 16" wide...I went yesterday looking for 24" deep shelving and couldn't find any....but I did find they had the 8' X 16" shelving on sale for 6 bucks each so I bought three...I am going to "scab" on the new shelving over the old ones and use "tie wire" to hold them in place...they will overlap 8 inches and give me a total of 24"...hope you understand what I am trying to say here...will take pictures today while I am working on it...that is if my back holds out...I tweaked it yesterday evening and it is pretty stiff you can see in the picture, my trays extend about 3" over the lips of the shelving too....

I also got 2 sheets of 19/32" plywood and will be painting one side flat white (instead of using mylar), ripping them in half (2' X 8' pieces), and using two for the sides and one for the top...will hang the lights from the shelving and top...the lights sholdn't create too much of a cantilever load for the scabbed on shelving to hold...the front will continue to have that old white bamboo shade...

Ah, yes that makes sense. Good idea! I look forward to seing the finished product.
What kind of medium do you have them in right now? The reason I ask is that magnesium can be provided in many different ways. For example, my medium is heavy on peat, and therefore I have to add lime in order to bring the pH up. I chose to use dolomitic lime, because it includes magnesium, so I've got magnesium built into my medium. With that said, I may add additional magnesium through dissolving epsom into the water I use to bottom water.
Oh, I thought that the epsom salt was meant to be a foliar spray. I am kinda pushing it with my plants that have two sets of leaves. I think I should be potting them up soon, I am just trying to wait a little longer till more of them are on their second set of leaves. I may drive today to get some of that Pro Mix that yall are raving about.

Right now they are in Miracle Gro seed starting mix.
Matt50680 said:
Woohoo I am not the only one using a BioDome anymore. LOL WGB, have you used it before? This is my first year using it, but germination with it has been right near 100%. I transplant from the BioDome into growing mix 1 day after they stand straight up, havent lost a seedling to transplanting as of yet. I like the germination rate, but the sponges worry me, kinda feel they will restrict the root growth, maybe I am wrong though.

2 tablespoons per gallon? Whole crap batman!!! That is super duper strong bro, most disolvable ferts I have seen say 1/2 strength is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.

Hello mat, U R correct about the fert. I read the wrong lable,didn't remove the old one from last bad.I have had great luck with the bio-dome,near 100% germ. on everything I've started.3 years running.the sponges degrade fast in dirt.usually don't see any when I plant into the garden.Good luck
I just had a Yellow Scorpion stick its head up that I had planted on Jan 20th. Thats what, 3 weeks? Out of 85 seeds started (lots of varieties) I am still waiting on 12 seeds to sprout.
Mjdtexan said:
Oh, I thought that the epsom salt was meant to be a foliar spray. I am kinda pushing it with my plants that have two sets of leaves. I think I should be potting them up soon, I am just trying to wait a little longer till more of them are on their second set of leaves. I may drive today to get some of that Pro Mix that yall are raving about.

Right now they are in Miracle Gro seed starting mix.

I haven't tried using it as a foliar spray, but this is my first year growing peppers.

Miracle Grow seed mix includes their fertilizer, so it probably has some magnesium in it.
AlabamaJack said:
Not taking anything away from Neil at all here but Scorpions are one of the tallest pepper plants I have grown over the years....but agree, Neil has something up his sleeve...

We have a bloke over here, Marcel that owns the Chilli Factory. He raises Naga's (Bih's i believe) in a greenhouse in which the ceiling is 3.4 meters tall.
He had to trim the plants recently because THEY WERE TOUCHING THE CEILING!
Howz that for big!
For the spreadsheet:

Planted 10 Scorpions from the Hippie in peat pellets on 2/4/2010, maintained at 87 degrees on a heat mat, four germinated so far, no ferts used, seeds were soaked 24 hours prior to planting.
Well, it's watering time today, so I thought I would take a few pictures for ya fellas (n gals, of course ;) )

Of the 10 trinidad scorpions that I ordered from neil, two have sprouted sofar. They are being grown in a makeshift grow box out of two storage bins stacked and then gutted. I found that my shop lights seperate near the socket, so I fashioned a reflecter out of an aluminum banquet tray top. Then for the heat, I happened to have an extra herpstat proportional thermostat laying around, which will keep my reptile heat mat sitting under the seedling tray within 1/10 of a degree of whatever temperature it is set. If my snake ends up laying, then I'll need to steal that thermostat away for incubator duty. Without further adue, here are some pics!

Top view. It is lined with aluminum tape for reflectivity. My makeshift reflector is super shiny, and holds two 26watt 6500k cfls with another 26watt in the middle that is more on the warmer side of the spectrum. I can't remember what it is, I bought it a long time ago, but it was the right color temp :P

Better angle of the reflector.

My T. Scorps look kinda weird:
^^^ um.... haha

Sorry about the links, I did the embedding, but they where waaaay too big. If a mod feels up to fixing that for me, please do! Otherwise, I'll look into how to do it, or just resize everything.

Question for AJ and any other Scorp lover...

I have a partly tree-shaded area of my backyard that gets morning and evening sun, and an area that gets about 5 hours of direct afternoon sun and shade the rest of the day, but limited space there. Will superhots (including AJ's scorps) get super-hotter in the sunny location? I had pretty good results in the shady location but if I am going to get superhots going this year, I want them to be superhot!



Trinidad Scorpion

Nice looking scorpion MJD, how many do you have going? My last hook from AJ is ALMOST standing (5 of 5), its taken 3 days of hooking, but I think tomorrow is it's official birthday.
Matt50680 said:
Nice looking scorpion MJD, how many do you have going? My last hook from AJ is ALMOST standing (5 of 5), its taken 3 days of hooking, but I think tomorrow is it's official birthday.

Thank You. 10 Scorps