Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

Trini.Scorps. update

I finally had time to pot up to their grow home....5-6 gal. buckets.Soil is MG potting soil that is recomposted 1 year,with a small shovel of composted cow goodness, and 1 tabl. spoon of Osmo. Bloodmeal.Topped off buckets with fresh MG potting the real fun begians. :onfire:


I will measure their height tomorrow.
Finally managed to snap a pic of my Yellow Trini Scorp. I planted it shortly after I got the seeds last year. August/september sometime. My seasons are crazy short so I've got to overwinter and start extremely early if I want any sort of decent production out of them.

Thanks J. I can't wait to try a pod. I had some other peppers growing under fluro's all year, but they just don't seem to get as hot as those grown under the sun. Got a few pepperhead friends around here that I'll be sharing them with. Should put a bit of a shock into them
Here are my Scorpions right now. I had them outside and we got a cold snap, it really took it's toll on them, but they have been living in my bedroom for a couple days and are starting to bounce back. I still have 6 more Red Scorpions that I need to transplant and a ton of CARDIs as well.
AJ Scorpion (sorry AJ)

Asia Garden Scorpion
Blister said:
Thanks J. I can't wait to try a pod. I had some other peppers growing under fluro's all year, but they just don't seem to get as hot as those grown under the sun. Got a few pepperhead friends around here that I'll be sharing them with. Should put a bit of a shock into them

I noticed that when these above pictured seedlings sprout, the have 2 "leafs" of my Scorps just sprouted with Three leafs in an even arrangement. Is this odd?
^ looks amazing!! What a difference a matter of days can make! I have 8 of 10 yellow CARDI poking their heads up as of this morning and I planted the regular trini and moruga in peat pods in a jiffy heated mini greenhouse Friday so should see them sometime this coming weekend...on a side note, handling moruga seeds then scratching itches=no go.
Here's my bed o' scorpions, I have 8 out of 12 that survived the aphid assault of 2010 unscathed for the most part theirs one in the back right corner of the bed that seems stunted but its making a good recovery.
they seem to be really bushing out at the base of the plant, I'm wondering if I should trim the growth thats at the bottom to promote more top growth.

(theres one plant thats not a scorpion and thats the taller one in the back left corner , its a St Bart, its the one in the rear in the pic with the dogs rear)




Wicked, I personally take the lower leaves off the plants upto about 4-6 inches, or until the upper leaves no longer hang to the ground. As AJ called the lower leaves "A bug highway". LOL Plus I like the way the plants look, makes them seem bigger, to me atleast.

I noticed I had a scorpion I had forgotten about in the back room, it is flowering, but it isnt real big, maybe 12" or so, I want to let if set pods, the Bhuts back there set them, maybe they gave the scorpion a pep talk and it listened, but then again I want a big plant, so should i pluck or go for pods??? I hate making these choices!!!
Yeah I think Im gonna trim the bottoms, they are producing a tremendous amount of new growth though but its all on the bottom half of the plants, I want the tops to bush out more.
Blister said:
Wow Wicked, your scorps are the cats as... I mean the dogs ass! Plants are looking good!

Thanks, lol the dogs ass likes to make cameo appearances in alot of my photos I may just start using it as a watermark of sorts :D