WickedMojo said:they seem to be really bushing out at the base of the plant, I'm wondering if I should trim the growth thats at the bottom to promote more top growth.
thaichillihead said:Top of canopy. Can you make out its container?
superdv1 said:Heres the latest and greatest of my pride and joy scorpion. Today is the big moving day outside for my hydroponic system.
MrArboc said:It must be a pain in the-you-know-what to harden off a plant in a hydro system.
toastynoodles said:Here is one of my Ts that was indoors,but now it's been outside for about 2 weeks!
toastynoodles said:Here is one of my Ts that was indoors,but now it's been outside for about 2 weeks!