Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

WickedMojo said:
they seem to be really bushing out at the base of the plant, I'm wondering if I should trim the growth thats at the bottom to promote more top growth.

Here's a plant that I didn't trim any bottom growth. The growth at bottom eventually pushes outward. The top growth never stopped growing wider and taller either. Excuse the pics of a bhut (sorry no scorpions this year). Not sure if this is good horticulture practice or not. For me the plant didn't need staking during our winds.

Top of canopy. Can you make out its container?

:onfire:two weeks in the bucket and doin good.growing in MG potting mix,aprox.1 ft. tall and starting to bush out.did clip lower leaves after photo.

Trini.#2,same 2 weeks in bucket,had to clip top at transplant because of wind damage.I think it helped to make it more bushy than Trini. #1.aprox. 8 in. tall,i keep forgetting the measuring stick.
superdv1 said:
Heres the latest and greatest of my pride and joy scorpion. Today is the big moving day outside for my hydroponic system.

It must be a pain in the-you-know-what to harden off a plant in a hydro system.
Quick update:

Trini plant is third from the left (or second from right):


The plant is full of flower buds, and the first three are bigger than any other Chinense I've grown. About two inches long. Leaves are also getting at around 6-8 inches in diameter.
Dang,now the secrets Recipe is out 1part coke 2 part sprite zero!!I ran out of soil and on windy days the dam plant was swaying side to side lol,so i threw two soda cans in there to make a ghetto brace to stop the plant from moving till the roots can hold it in place!
toastynoodles said:
Here is one of my Ts that was indoors,but now it's been outside for about 2 weeks!

YEAH!!! please share your info on how you get your plant that large!!! do you have others that size or is that one just a freak? It's a Scorpion Tree!!! Is that just this years growth or overwintered from last year??

also do you pinch buds or what?? I really would like to get a plant that large and overwinter it for a few years...