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Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

Ballzworth said:
I'm really liking that spreadsheet idea.

spreadsheets made me a bunch of money over the years...was my major analysis tool for reliability and maintainability...

patrick said:
He's asking if the prints too big? Damn I am getting old. Looks good AJ and I'll be happy to play. I'm going to use the seeds you're sending.

I enjoy keeping records but I usually peter out about half way through a project.

Good luck to all and remember, second place isn't so bad. Ha!

was trying to get the print big enough to see and still get all on the spreadsheet...I can upsize it again next time I update it...

and Patrick is right about second place...it's just as good as first is in this event...
Trinidad Scorpion. 6 seeds planted. Germination 80f. Tempature consistant. Miracle Grow Seed Starter. Josh W.
Yellow Scorpion. 4 seeds planted. Germination 80f. Tempature consistant. Miracle Grow Seed Starter. Pepper Mania.

I've lost a couple already yet the others look vibrant and healthy. I dont know what I've done wrong. Next year I am going to try Pro Mix or that Hoffmans that AJ talks about.

Start date Jan 20th 2010

Did I miss any information that you wanted?
thats good for now...we can fill it in as the season progresses...later on in the season when the plants are in their final home, I would like to know what fertilize regimen we all are using....
Jan 15th planted 36 Scorpion BT and have 8 sprouted at 30c. Interesting to note is same tray has Yellow 7 Pot, 24 of 36 sprouts planted same time.

A few months ago I germinated the Scorpion BT and a low percentage came up then as well.
Aji Chombo said:
Is there a particular humidity requirement for TScorpion seed germination?

probably just the standard. All mine germinated at the same rate as every other kind of pepper under the same circumstances.
AJ, for your spreadsheet:

Red Scorpion from Patrick. 12 seeds started (12 germinated) at a non-constant temp of 78 - 90F. Started seeds on Dec 28 in Peat pots with Promix. first germination on Jan 4. No fertilizer.
cool all...as far as the humidity goes...I can keep that information if you guys think it is necessary...the humidity in my germinator usually runs about 55-60%

I am also assuming the BT is ButchT
I have red and yellow scorpions
Yellows are Cardi, red I believe is just standard
Just one red was planted and six yellows
Germination temp at 80-87 bottom heat
I started my seeds on January 16th for the yellows and jan 30th for the red
Germination media is Coco Coir
Two yellow sprouts came up on the 28th and 30th, twelve and fourteen days
fert used after initial watering with a 1/4 solution of Schultz's plant food, 10-15-10
Excellent spread sheet AJ, here is my info for it
Red Standard Asias Garden 15 sowwed Germed at 83 Constant temp Sowwed 1-23 1st sprouts 1-30 No Fert BioDome
Red Standard AJ 5 Sowwed Germed 80 Constant Sowwed 1-30 No Sprouts Yet No Fert Peat Pucks
Here's a quick peek at the Scorpion winners before they go dirt divin' tomorrow, Dr Pepper day - 10-2-4. :)


Those well-known Dr Pepper numbers of 10, 2 and 4 weren’t selected at random. They represent the times of day when the human body needs a little “pick-me-up” to avoid an energy slump.

It was in the 1920s that Dr. Walter Eddy at Columbia University studied the body’s metabolism. He discovered that a natural drop in energy occurs about 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. But he also discovered that if the people in his research study had something to eat or drink at 10, 2 and 4, the energy slump could be avoided.

After Dr. Eddy’s research findings were released, Dr Pepper challenged its advertising agency to come up with a theme which would suggest that Dr Pepper should be that 10, 2 and 4 drink which would keep the energy level up. The result was one of the most enduring of Dr Pepper’s advertising themes: Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4.

Today, just those numbers 10-2-4 suggest it’s time for a Dr Pepper!
Here's my best attempt at data recording

2 Trinidad Scorpion red- BT from my own saved seeds planted and germinated around mid December with no added nutrients(just pH'd well water) and I used Lambert soilless mixture in plastic 72 cells. Germinated on a warm surface(?C) and then under floro light around 15-20 C. Took about 6-7 days to germinate. Will only grow 2 plants. Added some worm castings to "soil" when potted up

Yellow Scorpion Cardi from Cmpman1974 planted end of January, started to germinate yesterday(Feb 3) with no added nutrients(just pH'd well water) and I used Lambert soilless mixture in plastic 72 cells. Germinated on a warm surface(?C) and then under floro light around 15-20 C. Took about 5 days to germinate. Will likely grow only 2 plants. Will add some worm castings to "soil" when potting up

Edited: I think I actually used Lambert soilless mixture
patrick said:
Good luck to all and remember, second place isn't so bad. Ha!

Dang Patrick, you conceding defeat already? They're not even in the ground yet.:lol:

Seriously though, I don't care if I get the best looking pod or not. I think it will be fun to compare different growing styles and look at all those beautiful pics!

Mornin' All...updated the spreadsheet, increased font size and size of pic...see how this works...if I have missed any info or you have any new info, let me know and I will update it...probably pretty often to begin with, then slow down as season progresses...

AJ - Correction on the Spreadsheet. You included my 24/36 Yellow 7 Pot.

My Yellow Scorpions are only 12, planted 1-29-2010 in another tray. Source is Cappy. None Sprouted yet.

Both using Jiffy Seed Starter Soil in bottom-heated germination tray ~ 30c. Heat is semi-constant as I let remove the covers to cool a bit once a day.

About a week after sprouting I transfer to 2" Jiffy Peat Pots w/ growing medium 2 parts Jiffy Seed Starter, 1 Part course potting soil, 1 part worm castings.
SanSoo said:
AJ - Correction on the Spreadsheet. You included my 24/36 Yellow 7 Pot.

My Yellow Scorpions are only 12, planted 1-29-2010 in another tray. Source is Cappy. None Sprouted yet.

Both using Jiffy Seed Starter Soil in bottom-heated germination tray ~ 30c. Heat is semi-constant as I let remove the covers to cool a bit once a day.

About a week after sprouting I transfer to 2" Jiffy Peat Pots w/ growing medium 2 parts Jiffy Seed Starter, 1 Part course potting soil, 1 part worm castings.

I am confused...8 of 36 for Butch T and 0 of 12 for yellow?

did I misinterpret this?

SanSoo said:
Jan 15th planted 36 Scorpion BT and have 8 sprouted at 30c.

Interesting to note is same tray has Yellow 7 Pot, 24 of 36 sprouts planted same time.