Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

has anyone here grown both the TS yellow CARDI and the TS yellow FG strain?
thay are both yellow versions of the TS, but they have very different pheneotypes from each other,
I'll post some pics soon
i sowed 6 7pods and 6 Trinidad scorpions, so far, all 7 pods has sprouted like crazy and growing nicely while only 1 leggy weak looking Scorp sprouted :(
AJ, Here's some data for your spreadsheet. Planted 7 T. scorpion seeds, the ones you sent, into 100% coco coir. Temp is 84F. You need anything else?
Nice, more pics Trini.

Here's some NFO to fill in the blanks AJ.

Color	Source	#seeds	Germ Temp  Constant    Start Date   Media

Red	 PRF	  4	83.1	    Yes		2-4-10     Jiffy Mix
Yellow	 PRF	  4	83.1	    Yes		2-4-10     Jiffy Mix
Upated spreadsheet...if you want to provide information that is not there, please feel free to do so...I updated the sheet and took the when started fert and other treatment start out of data...


and my season has started...first T. Scorpion sprout 2/4/10, found about 6 more hooks this morning

AJ I have back tracked through my records and found that my seedlings emerged on 10/17/09.
Also I have them potted in ProMix BX potting mix with 1 tbl spoon of organic bone meal rendered in each pot and give them half strength 18-18-21 MG tomoto Fert every water (about once a week)
They are a standard variety TS from THSC
cool Fade...will be included in updated spreadsheet
got it Derek...sorry for the mess up...
My red scorp is completely out of the ground and growing. I have all the plants that I will be growing for this up and running, 2 yellows and 1 red.

2 Yellow


1 Red

looking at these seedling photos makes my.....well you get the idea...roflmao
I think the genetics of the variety Sara is growing my be different. Last year, mine did not have tails either and had a different texture than hers pictured. I love that pic. lol.


Novacastrian said:
I just picked a brown TS but no tail, none of my scorpions have tails :cry:
All of the Trinidad Scorpions I am growing and have sent seed out to people are of the "Sara" variety..she did me good...we traded (and I got the best deal, cause all I sent here were wild tepins) in Fall 2007....

I got Yellow 7 Pot (or Scorpion)...were labelled Trinidad Scorpion but none have stingers, are a large pod resembling the blockish 7 pot shape and averaging about 10 gms each, pretty yellow color...saved seeds from the largest, prettiest shaped pods in 2008 and 2009....

Regular 7 pot...large pods like the Yellows at about 10 gms each...some have more pronounced "pimpling" than others...have saved seeds from the largest pods in 2008 and 2009...

Trinidad Scorpion - some had tails and some didn't...seeds saved from 2008 and 2009 season of the "tailed" variety...

Hot Cherrys (that I neglected to save seeds from)

Trinidad Seasoning (I think and am nt growing them this year)
Put in dirt yesterday 9 red, 3 yellow and 3 chocolate Scorpion. All planted in Pro-Mix and watered with 6.0 ph'ed tap water and ¼ strength Neptune's Harvest seaweed fertilizer. All kept at a constant 82F and under a dome and using my HID lamp for heat. Source is homegrown seed for both red and yellow and megamaster71 for the chocolate.
Just put 4 of your fine Trini Scorpion seeds on Coir pellets, good sir.:)

The shall be kept in the boiler room until germination. The temperature in the boiler room is fairly constant (warm), but can´t provide you with a specific reading :(

Really looking forward to seeing how it goes!:onfire: