• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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Triplets - Pepper Porn!

So does that mean you have a 3mil SHU Pod?? I think you should call Guinness :onfire:

Thats a good suggestion. Considering how quickly the gave the record to the Infinity and the Naga Viper I could probably convince them. Maybe I will askt them to create a category for world's largest superhot.
Keep seeds!!! That flower may have some super mutated genetics and that could show up later down the road.

I do plan on getting the seeds from this one. I found two more siamese pods on other plants in the field today, so it may have been a mutation in last years plants showing up this year. The other freak pods were just doubles. The triple still holds the belt for weirdness.
would need a macro lens so big we could not tell
it was a chili to show mine, i am hung smaller than a hamster
a triplet bhut and several more siamese pods in the field, do u by anychance live near a nuclear reactor? :scared:

No nuclear reactors. Its funny because I had another post with some bizarre pods from my prik kee noo suan plants I had. It can't be environmental since they are 40 miles apart and in different potting mixes. I guess it could be my ferts.