• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

WalkGood said:
Good to read you enjoyed my birth city rum mon, lolz!
I'm of the belief there's a lot of BS in this world and many who do anything for a buck ... so I say screw the pots, pellets and other gimmicky crap, crack a few eggs, make some omelets, enjoy a Bloody Mary or some Rum and use the egg shells to start some peppers, hahaha!
Only having some fun, to each their own in starting seedlings ...
Sorry to read you are under the weather, hope you feel better ... maybe a little birth city rum can help ;)
Cheers Ramon !!  Have taken a bunch of pain killers enough to get me up and about to post some pictures and put my babies out side ... then I will likely head to the couch for some movie watching

Devv said:
I'm gonna try the eggs this fall when I start next years babies and try a comparison.
Get well soon, eat a super, it will clear your sinuses!
Cheers Devv....Yeah ... I have got a bunch of supers that will be going into some Jam this week from the freezer ... it will make me feel great in the long run .. just not sure I can face the pain in the short term right now ... maybe you are right though ;)

Ok I said I had some pictures and here they are ... nothing as exciting as the laden pod shots I have been viewing here lately but some baby's instead ...

They have been potted up for now in the initial small containers with only some Organic vegetable and herb potting mix and some Seamungus and Myco's.  I Figure in such small pots and before final pot up (they should only be in these for a few weeks) they can do without my final mix of Ingredients (truth be told I didn't have all the Soil mix ingredients on hand when I needed it for the potting up so I just brought an organic potting mix :D )


Brainstrain Baby (Small dark streak on the back leaf)    (King Denniz)                                    This is the worst of the babies with the dark patches on the leaves which I suspect is sunscald??

Ignore the edges of the upper right leaf on the Reaper that was from Wind Damage about a day after I put them out we had a strong cold wind come through (Reaper from Colorado Ronin via King Denniz)


J's Peach Ghost Scorpion F4 (notice some of the leaves with the distortions)  (Wildfire Chillis)

Hot Fish Pepper    (My Own saved seeds originally from JungleRain)

Nebru (From THSC)


Orange Rocoto (From Paul G)


???? x ???? F1 the WTF cross ;) (My own cross )


Same again (depending how this works out I will be asking people to help me grow out the F2's of this plant next season)


White Fatalii (Gnslngr)                                                                                                                                                Yellow 7 pot/pod (My own Saved Seeds originally from THSC)

I have 2 -3 more shots to put up soon
I wanted to grow a single Tomato plant this year (I know I really don't have the room but I am telling myself I will :D )  I was looking at getting the San Marzano variety ... has anyone here grown this before and if so do you recommend it??
stc3248 said:
I think Bonnie (highalt) grows that one...pretty sure! Everything looking good. I concur sun scald/light burn on your leaves. Will be fine once those leaves thicken up a bit! I'll be watching!
Cheers stc!!  Yeah I might have underestimated how hot it got on my balcony during a few days when they were still in jiffy pellets and I was giving them some vitamin UV ... today isn't as hot as it has been and had a breeze blowing and I put the thermometer out there and it was reading 29C at the base of the pots out of the direct sun ... so yeah I think the poor little buggers suffered a little ... but hey better them getting hardened to it now then waiting until mid September when it will be even hotter
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Trippa, and hope it's better now. +1 on sunscald on the leaves in your first pic. The ones not affected look great! San Marzanos are an excellent plum-type tomato for making sauce because it has more pulp and less of the watery jelly around the seeds that the big slicing tomatoes have. If you buy canned plum tomatoes from Italy, they're most likely San Marzanos.
Hope you feel better soon Trippa. I picked up the damn Ekka flu the Saturday before last...and it was easily the sickest I'd been in a few years. I was horizontal for 7 days, and the only thing that finally got rid of it was about a dozen scotches this weekend!! 
Sawyer said:
Makes me want to plant some seeds.  That WTF is an attractive plant.
Cheers sawyer ... Yeah its shaping up nicely so far .. I officially switched off my propagator for the season yesterday ... That way I can't be tempted to start any more :D
wahlee76 said:
Lovely Baby's you have Trippa, Your family is looking good and happy :P .
Cheers wahlee!! I hope it continues ... Ironically the hardest time of the year here is Summer with heat and pests, so its imperative you get a good start early
Pr0digal_son said:
Looking good mate. Where are you in terms of plant out date? I know you are pretty far up the coast and have mild winters.
Cheers Prod!! Well all but 6 plants are outside full time now so I guess I have officially planted out. Weather at the moment is a minimum of approx 12C and high during the day of around 24-26C. Its been getting much warmer then that on my balcony though. We will get a cooler snap usually around start September and then we move into storm season and hot weather.
stickman said:
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Trippa, and hope it's better now. +1 on sunscald on the leaves in your first pic. The ones not affected look great! San Marzanos are an excellent plum-type tomato for making sauce because it has more pulp and less of the watery jelly around the seeds that the big slicing tomatoes have. If you buy canned plum tomatoes from Italy, they're most likely San Marzanos.
Cheers Rick!! Still feeling pretty crook and slept for half the day again today and am currently feeling sorry for myself on the couch...
Yeah the San Marzanos seem like the perfect tomatoes for me for cooking and sauces. Thanks Rick!!
romy6 said:
 Hope you feel better soon Trip. And it is nice to those peppers on the balcony again.  :party:
Thanks Romy!! Yeah its good to have the babies out basking again ... Doesn't do anything for the stress levels while at work though when a strong wind picks up ;)
Devv said:
Plants are looking really nice Trip!
Hope you feel better soon..
Cheers Devv ... I think/hope I have turned a corner still feel pretty rough!!
GA Growhead said:
Get some rest! Hope you feel better soon!
Cheers GA!! Yeah been resting but am in the first 1/3rd of a 12 week training program and have been making good gains .. Best thing is I haven't lost my appetite and have stuck to my diet so hopefully I am not set back too far when I start again .. (Optimistic to start tomorrow afternoon again after having last 3 days off)
Cartz said:
Hope you feel better soon Trippa. I picked up the damn Ekka flu the Saturday before last...and it was easily the sickest I'd been in a few years. I was horizontal for 7 days, and the only thing that finally got rid of it was about a dozen scotches this weekend!! 
Cheers cartz!! Shit I know that it has bashed me about pretty good but I hope not for 7 days .. Got training to do and a big house party without the kids to go to on Friday night .,. No time to be sick ;)
looks like many of the seedlings are out of the woods (past the fragile initial stage of growth) and thriving. Do you also have good germination rates?
Dot Com said:
looks like many of the seedlings are out of the woods (past the fragile initial stage of growth) and thriving. Do you also have good germination rates?
Ended up having great germination so good I had to cull a lot when only small from each jiffy. Still waiting on a couple of seeds to pop but all varieties popped.
You weren't wrong about that flu Cartz .. Feel just as bad today as past 2 days ...now I have to try to get into work tomorrow ... If I feel like this again I won't be able too ...
Trippa said:
I wanted to grow a single Tomato plant this year (I know I really don't have the room but I am telling myself I will :D )  I was looking at getting the San Marzano variety ... has anyone here grown this before and if so do you recommend it??
Hey Tripp
The San Marzano is a great tomato.......grown them for years.
They might be too large for a balconey.  Try to find yourself a large Cherry variety that will tolerate growing in a container. Most have a great taste and produce vine like clusters all season. Altough they're not the "King of the Sandwich" type.....the use of them can go in many directions.
Your seedlings look spot on. The color appears to have stabilized. They're off to a healthy start...