• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

Glad to hear you're feeling better Trippa! Good catch with the netting on the jiffys.
The Douglah has 3 pods left to ripen on it and then it'll be done for the season. I'll bring it inside when conditions require it, but it seems to be reasonably happy outside despite the shorter days and cooler temperatures. I've saved all the seeds from the pods I got this year, so I'm hoping to be growing them for many years yet. Cheers!
Hey, Tristen.  Sorry to see you've been laid up, mate.  Hope that you are recover(ing/ed) by now.  
Your seedlings look awesome; glad to see the little pubescens is looking healthy for you!
Just wanted to share this picture of the Scotch Bonnet TFM bush from your 2012 harvest; it
has become a very interesting bush.  Not a bonnet, but a cross of some kind.  Many of the
big pods look like hot air balloons - big on top then pinched and tapering a bit on the blossom
end.  Some of the pods are growing little stingers on them, and all are bumpy, but not quite
brainy.  They are tasty and go great with steak or fish.  I've been eating about an eighth of a
pod with dinner nightly.  A number have started ripening in the two days since this pic.  I'll
send you some pics of the ripe pods when they happen.  Can't wait to grow this out next year:
Wow Paul.... That is very Interesting ... I have a couple of plants I could suspect it crossed with due to what it grew beside ... Will get some pictures and we could have a stab at a guess. Glad to hear they taste good... That's the main thing.
As for my seedlings is all I can say is the hot Spring we are having is giving me early summer issues with my seedlings .... Broadmites have found them and hit them hard. The White Fatalii is looking all bronzed and all others around it are showing similar issues ...
I fully believe they need the outdoors and inground conditions here to flourish ... Being undercover full time and in containers they seem to just get hammered with pests ... I hope I can save the season ...
Trippa said:
Wow Paul.... That is very Interesting ... I have a couple of plants I could suspect it crossed with due to what it grew beside ... Will get some pictures and we could have a stab at a guess. Glad to hear they taste good... That's the main thing.
I'll post a pic or two of some ripe pods in the next day or so - there are some awesome looking monsters!
As for my seedlings is all I can say is the hot Spring we are having is giving me early summer issues with my seedlings .... Broadmites have found them and hit them hard. The White Fatalii is looking all bronzed and all others around it are showing similar issues ...
I fully believe they need the outdoors and inground conditions here to flourish ... Being undercover full time and in containers they seem to just get hammered with pests ... I hope I can save the season ...
You are a pro, buddy; I know you will pull it off   :cool: 
Right on about the benefits of being outside.  Since mine went out
in the Spring, there have been few insect issues, but in the grow
shelf and greenhouse it was a constant battle with aphids.  Good luck
getting a handle on those mites   :sick:   yecch.
 Trista, glad you are feeling better. I have been battling broad mites bad this year as well. So bad the natural predators just can't get enough. Hopefully things will turn for the better. The pro and cons of living in our tropical paradises  ;) Flip flops 365 but insect 365 too  :rolleyes:
romy6 said:
 Trista, glad you are feeling better. I have been battling broad mites bad this year as well. So bad the natural predators just can't get enough. Hopefully things will turn for the better. The pro and cons of living in our tropical paradises  ;) Flip flops 365 but insect 365 too  :rolleyes:
You said a mouthful there, Jamie!  I complain about our cool rainy weather
all the time, but inside I'm really glad the pest and disease issues aren't so
bad.  You southern (and down under) guys do a great job of shepherding your
plants through the heat and storms at the same time as fighting the natural
enemies - the rock-and-rollers of pepper gardening!
Hey Trippa, I'b going out to harvest a few pods this afternoon - I'll shoot ya some
pics of the SBTFM pods.  They are awesome - you may be able to piece together
the puzzle once you see the pics.  Beautiful yellow color and great eating.
Thanks for stopping in guys ... I am on my phone so will answer properly later. I hear you Romy and Paul I can't wait to see the shots.
And spice ... I know ... Maybe in a few months time that will be possible??
Sorry to read about insect problems, I had probs with mites early on. They really like to mess with young plants!
I never saw an Aphid in my garden until Sept. got them under control with some wettable sulfur and then the naturals took over.
Have a great week!
Hey, Tristen, here is a pic of a sampling of the SB TFM cross' pods.  There are a variety of shapes, but by
far the most predominant are the 'hot air ballons'.  Many have the tiny stingers you can see in this photo,
and are mildly bumpy.  The longest pod is almost three inches long - the red squares are about 13 mm on
a side:

Have fun solving the puzzle, Trip!  Hope the pix help.
Did I say I hate mites???
Poor old Chilli's are pathetic this year .... Need a repot ... Will be shifting in a month and need to conserve cash and make the plants easier to move ... Unfortunately they are suffering as a consequence. :(
Tripp whats happening ?
Sorry to here about the mites....I hate them too...had a dream about them once, they were on my plants , except they were bigger...squishable... :D
Are you moving to a new local........or just moving the plants from the balconey ?
Good to hear from ya !
Hey Greg .... Mites are probably my own fault to a degree because the plants are stressed but I sure wish they were squishable!!

No moving to a new location .... A house with room for Chilli's!!! Likely to be just up the road from where we are now ... Should give me plenty more options chilli wise though!!

Thanks for stopping in ... I will update my glog one of these days with some embarassing chilli plant pictures ... Not a proud gardener at the moment
You should see my plants this season, Trips, I'm willing to bet they're at least twice as bad as yours! ;) Sounds like most of Australia is having a pretty shitty one this year.

Trippa said:
???? x ???? F1 the WTF cross ;) (My own cross )

This little guy looks interesting, T, tell us more! Nobody likes a hold out, you know? :P
Any photo updates on the little fella? I would be keen to see them! :D
Hi Trippa, What a drag that the weather and the parasites aren't co-operating this season. :mope: I know space is an issue, but have you ever thought of growing a small pot of French Marigolds next to your chiles? I always plant them, and Cilantro as well, to attract Lady Beetles and Lacewings to groom my plants. I've been doing it for most of my gardening life and it seems to be working so far. Just a thought... I hope things turn around for you soon brother! Cheers!
I don't think I hate anything more intensely than I do mites.... well, except maybe fruit fly. How did the predators end up working for you, T? Can't remember, did you go the Californicus or the Monties or another one? All I know is Californicus are broad mite eating machines! Gonna hold off on them this season though, just don't have the time anymore to put in what I used to put in for my plants and spending hard earned $$$ on predators would just be a waste at this point. Not that the Cali's haven't been worth every cent I've paid for them in the past! ;)