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Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

meatfreak said:
Looks like the germination is going very well for you, Trippa. Keep it up!
Devv said:
The babies are looking real healthy!
Cheers Guys ... yeah they are looking ok so far ... however the proof of the pudding is always in the eating .... (or maybe that should be the proof of the podding is always in the eating ;) )
I am still holding out hope I will get the Primo x Bhut Jolokia Yellow F2 germed by the end of this weekend ... its a long shot now with the original seeds (3 weeks on sunday since planting) but I will probably keep my fingers crossed for another week ... you just never know 
Looked at the germination chamber this morning and guess what ... My newest hook edition is the one I have been waiting for the Primo x Bhut Jolokia yellow f2 :woohoo: still early days though so not counting my sprouts before its fully hatched
It was one of the original plantings as well so 20 days roughly from planting
Great germ Trippa! So awesome to be able to visit your grow at this stage this time of year. You're jealous of the poddage up here and I'm jealous of the new babies sprouting. One of my favorite times of the grow that you're in...
Dot Com said:
I like to use the same type medium for my germinating as well. Looking good.
Cheers Dot Com ... yeah there are pros and cons to any starting medium , personally because of ease of handling and cleanliness (because of my setup and not having a shed makes things difficult with my better half  if I don't keep things tidy ;) ) of jiffy pellets, I can't fault them ... they do take some getting used to if you come from seed raising mix but its really just a matter of learning to get in there and use your judgment about moisture levels ... this year I was incredibly inpatient and worried for some reason but as you can see I needn't have.
Cheers for stopping in!!
stc3248 said:
Great germ Trippa! So awesome to be able to visit your grow at this stage this time of year. You're jealous of the poddage up here and I'm jealous of the new babies sprouting. One of my favorite times of the grow that you're in...
Cheers Shane!!  Yeah its funny I guess either way their are pangs of jealousy :D ... it is a great time of year and on par with the first pods starting to set and ripen I think ... Yeah Germ rates have gone beyond what I expected this season ... there are still hooks showing up everyday in the jiffy's with established sprouts ... I sometimes think the fluctuating temperatures outside the germination chamber actually may help some seeds germinate ... in fact that reminds me of a study I read about breaking dormancy on chilli seeds ... I will see if I can dig it up.  Basically I think you need more red light to break Capsicum species dormancy if they are having issues popping, which may be why once I switched on my floro t5 daylight bulb beside the germination chamber for the new sprouts it slowed everything else down.   I have read before that an Incandescent or warm temperature colour bulb will encourage germination whereas a fluorescent or blue light will inhibit it ...maybe something I could look at another year
Cheers for stopping in bro!!
WalkGood said:
Great updated shots of da baby girls, so cool to see dem at dis stage mon, I love it \o/
Have a great weekend ^_^
Cheers Ramon ... Yeah they are looking ok at this stage ... After a couple of full days of sun outside the ???? X ????? F1 leaves are darkening up quite a bit from the initial photos i took yesterday ....Halfway through my weekend its been very low key so far ... You have a great weekend too. Cheers for stopping in !!
First pot up for some of the babies this weekend ... Looked at them this morning and new hooks are still emerging 4.5 weeks after initial soaking ..means I have far too many seedlings in most jiffys ... Will be a waste but will have to cull some of them before they are big enough to clone this year. Should have trusted my methods and only planted 1-2 seeds per jiffy. Ahhwell no harm done really.
They are in desperate need of sun and gentle wind everyday now which I can only provide once they are potted up (jiffys tend to get blown about too much if left unattended)
They get plenty of sun from behind glass but you can't beat pure UV rays to get them growing. I have my soil mix sorted .. Just have to go and buy the ingredients ...
Homemade smart pot materials sourced just have to order....its coming together slowly but surely
Trippa said:

That's one fantastic close up!!!. Looking great and I'm sure you'll have a great season :P
wahlee76 said:
That's one fantastic close up!!!. Looking great and I'm sure you'll have a great season :P
Cheers wahlee!! Thanks for the compliment ... I will say it again ( I tend to crap on about it a lot ;) :D ) I do the best I can with my close up photography but really am limited with how close I can go because I don't have a macro. May get some Kenko extensions in the mean time while I um and ahh over a macro or putting those funds towards an L lens costing me an arm and a leg. Anyway cheers for stopping in!!
Trippa said:
Homemade smart pot materials sourced just have to order....its coming together slowly but surely
Will be looking frwd to seeing those. I might not have been following last season, so I missed it.
Dot Com said:
Will be looking frwd to seeing those. I might not have been following last season, so I missed it.
This will be my first year using them. Previously I have used plastic buckets with holes melted in them part way up the sides and the bottom. Will be interesting to see how they perform in the heat of summer here. I will also experiment with a couple of reusable shopping bags on a couple of my over winters for comparison
Have you made the bags yet? I have some pond underlayment on the way, gonna make 4 20gal  bags and see how they fly. Then the question is how to move them...LOL
Devv said:
Have you made the bags yet? I have some pond underlayment on the way, gonna make 4 20gal  bags and see how they fly. Then the question is how to move them...LOL
Yeah I am only going for 23-24 litre bags (around 21 85% full) so what's that about 6-7 gallons?? Mainly for space constraints. No I haven't started yet ... They will be going in to small plastics to get established and then in a few weeks straight into grow pots. I have sourced Firestone pond underlaynent with UV stabiliser for $4.35 a lineal metre by 1 metre wide and will be making the basic fold and seal design with no round bottom (thanks coheed :D ) hand stitched with nylon fishing filament instead of dubious glue ingredients.
Every metre will give me two containers exactly hence the reason I went with that size
All my seeds for growin come from the over ripe stage, for 2 reasons....first, I think that seeds from any fallen over ripe pods are going the full route nature intended.
I find little bastions of seedlings surging out of fallen buried pods that have partially or completely broken down in the mulch /dirt, way more often then I find little stray singles scattered about. Enzymes at work here...just a blind stab in the dark.The second reason is sorta funny, no way I can even come close to ingesting all my super hots, so the really cool ones I just don't get around to munching, get that way, because I usually have them sitting in a bowl to oogle til it gets mushy :rolleyes: ...yep , I'm a fondler :dance: . Shrug.Catch you later-
gnslngr said:
All my seeds for growin come from the over ripe stage, for 2 reasons....first, I think that seeds from any fallen over ripe pods are going the full route nature intended.
I find little bastions of seedlings surging out of fallen buried pods that have partially or completely broken down in the mulch /dirt, way more often then I find little stray singles scattered about. Enzymes at work here...just a blind stab in the dark.The second reason is sorta funny, no way I can even come close to ingesting all my super hots, so the really cool ones I just don't get around to munching, get that way, because I usually have them sitting in a bowl to oogle til it gets mushy :rolleyes: ...yep , I'm a fondler :dance: . Shrug.Catch you later-
Cheers for stopping by Dave!
Haha so I am not the only one just to have a bowl of cool looking chillis sitting about that I am always to precious to eat ... yeah I do that too I actually have a wooden board durng the season that goes on the side table at the entrance or on the coffee table simply for ornamental purposes ... They will actually last for a few weeks out like that (out of direct sun is the only caveat) and they will still be good enough for eating (just not as hot tasty or crisp)  Only ones which don't like it as much are the Prik Luang and Choc Habs and Aji Lemons.
I think you might be onto something with the fallen pods too dave ... I have noticed whenever a pod falls ... 9 times out of 10 if left under some mulch you will have some baby sprouts within a couple of months or so ...
Cheers Man!!
:rofl: Haha...I'm usually more secretive with mine. I keep them in a brown paper lunch bag on my desk and when no one is looking i pour them out on my desk calendar...I pop one after particularly "stimulating" meetings in stead of throwing my computer monitor. By the time the burn is gone, I am feeling much better...
Sounds like you have everything well in hand Trippa, I hope you post pics when you pot up!
stc3248 said:
:rofl: Haha...I'm usually more secretive with mine. I keep them in a brown paper lunch bag on my desk and when no one is looking i pour them out on my desk calendar...I pop one after particularly "stimulating" meetings in stead of throwing my computer monitor. By the time the burn is gone, I am feeling much better...
Y'know... I've been saying that chiles are mood-elevaters for years, glad to hear it's not just me... ;)
stc3248 said:
:rofl: Haha...I'm usually more secretive with mine. I keep them in a brown paper lunch bag on my desk and when no one is looking i pour them out on my desk calendar...I pop one after particularly "stimulating" meetings in stead of throwing my computer monitor. By the time the burn is gone, I am feeling much better...
Secret work endorphins are the best ... relaxes you for the afternoon ... except if you eat too much of certain types and you start getting the stomach cramps towards about 3-4 pm ... :rofl:

stickman said:
Sounds like you have everything well in hand Trippa, I hope you post pics when you pot up!
Y'know... I've been saying that chiles are mood-elevaters for years, glad to hear it's not just me... ;)
Yeah I will be sure to post some picks Rick !!  Although it appears my Saturday night may have just turned into a drinking one.. just got a call froma couple of friends and they are inbound to our house +45mins  with a penchant for bourbon ... look out toilet bowl tomorrow :rofl:
Thought I would share an honest/humble dinner ... MSA Diamond Range Porterhouse (steak from a full porterhouse) Steak, Mixed Salad, with Sundried Tomatoes and spiced olive oil with roast potato.
Naga Morich Pod sliced on top with Worchestershire Sauce and THSC Naga Sav BBQ Sauce ... with a Chang to wash it down ...not the best beer but it was a fridge left over from a friend so it does the trick ...

Excuse the photo composition ... I have had a few ...
Done Medium Rare in case you were wondering ... and tender as can be with nice marbling .... slice it with a butter knife with ease ...:cheers: :beer:

hope you all have a freaking marvelous weekend!!
Photo composition looks fine! I can't see a thing behind the awesome food and beer! 
HAHA...you keep hitting the nail on the head! Yesterday just before lunch I split off a couple pieces of a yellow mystery pod thinking it was a Bonnet type and shared it with a coworker...did I mention just before lunch...oh and no Breakfast...oh and the key words to that pod were thinking and mystery!!! NOT a bonnet WOW stomachs were PISSED until we were able to dig up some leftover chips from a BBQ in weeks past. Hey, at least the mystery is narrowed down!!! :rofl:
Nuff story time...now show us them little sprouts!