• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2013-2014 ...its weird and wonderful ... for now..

Wishing you luck in da bug battle, I’m in the same boat as you and Jamie (romy6) now. All my free range ladybugs flew da coop … dem dam mites are killing my plants badly right now :/
Happy Halloween, good luck and let us know how you beat dem ...
Hab a great week :)
Sorry to read about the mites and cruddy weather, Tristen.  You deserve better, my friend!
Any luck figuring out what the SB TFM cross might be?  The pods are awesome, buddy.
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
Paul I can only supply you with the names of the plants immediately surrounding the plant that season. (I had 75 plants on that balcony by the end of that season so it would only be a most likely guess.
Immediately beside that plant on each side was a Chocolate Bhut, and a mysteryTrinidad scorpion var. Given to me as a butch t but isn't (very brainy and blocky so unlikely cross).
Next closest were bishop crown (and a plant i cant remember which one) There was a Bahamian Goat a little further away and a bhut jolokia Assam . this is all from memory so I will see if I can find a photo of the plants that season to remember that one I forgot to the front of the pot ....
No idea though .... Grow some seeds out next season and see what you get ... Probably only way to narrow it down . I am curious to grow some of those seeds i savded now
I will post some pics of all the pods from yhd plants around it and let you decide ;)
The dawn of your season...and the end of ours. Can't wait to see this one unfold!!! Freakin bugs always gotta throw a damper on things. I just started waiting for nature to handle them, and it worked out very well. Early on it seems the friendlies will never show up, but once they do it won't take long and things will find balance.
Trippa said:
a mysteryTrinidad scorpion var. Given to me as a butch t but isn't
Wait... was it I who sent you TS ButchT seeds, T?? I'm going to feel bad now if I sent you (and possibly others) bum seeds... :oops:
Trippa said:
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
Paul I can only supply you with the names of the plants immediately surrounding the plant that season. (I had 75 plants on that balcony by the end of that season so it would only be a most likely guess.
Immediately beside that plant on each side was a Chocolate Bhut, and a mysteryTrinidad scorpion var. Given to me as a butch t but isn't (very brainy and blocky so unlikely cross).
Next closest were bishop crown (and a plant i cant remember which one) There was a Bahamian Goat a little further away and a bhut jolokia Assam . this is all from memory so I will see if I can find a photo of the plants that season to remember that one I forgot to the front of the pot ....
No idea though .... Grow some seeds out next season and see what you get ... Probably only way to narrow it down . I am curious to grow some of those seeds i savded now
I will post some pics of all the pods from yhd plants around it and let you decide ;)
I am definitely going to grow that one out, Tristen.  
There are some very interesting pods on it.
Would you like some seed back from one of the pods
just for fun?
Trippa?  Who dat?
Hey buddy, I just hope you are just busy and
not something wrong!
Holler if you need anything, my friend.
PaulG said:
Trippa?  Who dat?
Hey buddy, I just hope you are just busy and
not something wrong!
Holler if you need anything, my friend.
Alllll goood ... and thanks for the good wishes everyone ....Early Merry Christmas .... its been a tough season chilli wise so far ... Mites have really smashed me back ... been getting very small harvests off 3 plants (Bahamian Goat, Cili Goronong, Douglah and Naga Morich and a wild sown Aji Lemon has been cranking out the pods from the pot that used to house some mint ... mints dead ... Aji Lemon is cranking :D )
I have lost 2 plants to mites so far ... luckily they were duplicates ...some have started recovering on there own... almost developed there own resistance ... and then I noticed aphids (because of recent storm activity increasing the moisture levels I believe) which I squashed pronto .... I have just given them a big feed and potted some up in the hopes they can recover with some bigger boots. 
Threw 4 old plants out .. one of which had some form of wood slater eating the inside of the stem ...it had subsequently died ... Bugs , bugs and more freaking bugs!!
Then earlier this month or perhaps late last month we got absolutely smashed with a hail storm with hailstones as big as golf balls (some larger) and 140kmh winds (localised to our suburb and a couple of others only) which hammered the plants on the edge of the balcony and stripped the leaves off most of the older plants) ... the plants fared better then my car at the train station which no looks like the moon with craters all over it and two smashed wing mirrors to match :D .....

gnslngr said:
Okay, time cough up some pics, :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
HAHA-this coming from the least updated glog in THP!
What is it about purple leaves?? :party:
Have a good one-
Dot Com said:
I can't wait for an update from Trippa either ;)
If you read above .... you will see at this stage there will be no photos this side of Christmas... The plants have had a rough time and really are a sorry looking bunch.  Sorry to disappoint ... I am endeavouring to get them all on the road to recovery ASAP ... I want some chillis for Late Summer at least !!!

gasificada said:
Wait... was it I who sent you TS ButchT seeds, T?? I'm going to feel bad now if I sent you (and possibly others) bum seeds... :oops:
Nah not you man ... all good!!
On a brighter note ... I have some F2 seeds from my own cross from the single pod it has produced.  The good news is the pod from the F1 turned a bright red (So Purple tinged dark green foliage with large red pods) and was shaped in an exact mix from both parent pods and was large and fleshy (almost Jalapeno thick walls).   Now the taste was something else ... not what I expected at all ... Very, very fruity (think Bhut Jolokia "Assam" type fruity) with a slight floral note (along the lines of Aji Lemon floral type flavour) and a hot stingy burn that took your breath away and burned the back of the throat and stung the lips (around the same heat fatalii) ... funny thing was the burn literally faded to nothing within minutes ....
My initial thought with the F1's are that they would make absolutely perfect poppers with more kick then any Jalapeno could offer but the same fleshyness and no uncomfortable prolonged after effects
I am now quite keen to distribute a few f2's and f1 seeds to a select few people to see how the go in the Northern Hemisphere (Especially those that have given me seeds in the past)  I literally only have a few though at the moment of the F2's and only probably 5 or less of the F1's for distribution.
PM me if you are interested I will only be able to help a slect few people out at the moment but will hopefully (fingers crossed) be able to supply more f2's in a few weeks if I don't lose my only plant. But I don't want to lose the genetics by holding onto the seeds too long as i won't be able to grow all of them out
Sorry to hear the bad news. That sounded like one hell of a storm. I have seen the craters in a car hood before. That sucks.
Glad you are getting some pods! Hope things turn around in the new year!
Happy holidays from GA too!
I'll bet your plants bounce back from the hail just fine.  Severe pruning seems like a benefit for peppers sometimes.  Take some pictures even if you don't post now, then you can show before and after later on.  Also, I've read that the dimples on golf balls reduce air drag, so maybe you'll get better gas mileage with your car now.
GA Growhead said:
Sorry to hear the bad news. That sounded like one hell of a storm. I have seen the craters in a car hood before. That sucks.
Glad you are getting some pods! Hope things turn around in the new year!
Happy holidays from GA too!
Cheers man ... Things could be worse ... I still have plenty of pods in the freezer ... Plus I can start more whenever I need to here ... As long as My seed stash stays viable !!!
Sawyer said:
I'll bet your plants bounce back from the hail just fine.  Severe pruning seems like a benefit for peppers sometimes.  Take some pictures even if you don't post now, then you can show before and after later on.  Also, I've read that the dimples on golf balls reduce air drag, so maybe you'll get better gas mileage with your car now.
The hail yes ... the mites no ... they have really given them a beating ... but I refuse to use chemicals because they will just come back worse then ever and there will be no beneficials left ... so i am relying on trying to boost there natural defence systems through organic practices and improving the root system and introducing more beneficial microbes ...  I haven't been giving them the love they deserve lately because of some distractions but i am back on track now
Funnily enough ... I tell people that the lumps and bumps are for the aerodynamics of my car .... (Just like Homers speed holes :D )
Apologies by the way to everyone for my lack of application to the community lately ...I certainly haven't been pulling my weight :(  
Hey, Trippa!  glad to hear you are okay even if your plants
have been under constant attack.  Not to mention yur car.  
That's a real fook story, allright.
I have a feeling that in two or three months we'll all be marveling
at just how awesome your grow turned out and how well it bounced back!
Take care, brother, and relax for the holidays!  
Hey Trippa,
   Glad to hear you're still bangin' along, even if it's not on every cylinder... ;)  Do you think you could squeeze in a few pots on your balcony for growing plants to attract beneficial insects? Companion planting is a strategy that works very well for me. I think it was Sawyer who posted this link that talks about it and also about spraying the plants with sugar water to attract lady beetles. That could have the additional benefit of giving the plants sugars they don't have to photosynthesize for themselves. http://www.ghorganics.com/Beneficialinsect.html
Pr0digal_son said:
Trips,what did you think about The desolation of Smaug?
Hey Prod!! Thanks for stopping in. To be honest I haven't seen anything but the trailer yet. Its opened back home in New Zealand but in Australia it doesn't open until boxing day ... Will have to wait another week or so .... I am looking forward to it though ... What did you think of it??
maximumcapsicum said:
Storm sucks man. Glad you can get back on your feet quickly! Good luck!
Cheers MaximumC!! Its tough ... I love storms in every way ...except when they damage my Garden or wallet!!!
stickman said:
Hey Trippa,
   Glad to hear you're still bangin' along, even if it's not on every cylinder... ;)  Do you think you could squeeze in a few pots on your balcony for growing plants to attract beneficial insects? Companion planting is a strategy that works very well for me. I think it was Sawyer who posted this link that talks about it and also about spraying the plants with sugar water to attract lady beetles. That could have the additional benefit of giving the plants sugars they don't have to photosynthesize for themselves. http://www.ghorganics.com/Beneficialinsect.html
Yeah probably maxed out in terms of real estate on my balcony .. I could squeeze a couple of companions in .. The trouble I find is because I am on the second story I think good insect numbers are also naturally lower then on the ground ... Not sure could all be in my head ;)

To be honest it looks like I might need to restart again this season even most of my overwinters are looking incredibly sick all of a sudden and my new plants a good portion of them have shed all leaves and are now bare stems ... Mites are the worst I have ever seen them .... Gave a spray of soap and neem last night as a last ditch attempt at recovery but I might have to come to the heartbreaking decision of throwing them all out :(

Thanks for stopping in Rick!!
I would have used pyrethrin or sulphur but its too hot for sulphur and don't have any pyrethrin on hand ...
PaulG said:
Hey, Trippa!  glad to hear you are okay even if your plants
have been under constant attack.  Not to mention yur car.  
That's a real fook story, allright.
I have a feeling that in two or three months we'll all be marveling
at just how awesome your grow turned out and how well it bounced back!
Take care, brother, and relax for the holidays!  
I hope you are right Paul but my current plants don't look like they will be part of that recovery equation
Its a shame as I had some great genetics growing as well ... Hopefully I have enough seed to get another round out of each
I am really sorry to hear that Tristen.  Dang.  You really gave it the
college try keeping it organic, but had a lot of battles to fight.
If you need anything by way of seeds write quick, I have a little
pkg of the TFM cross, and some others ready to send, but will
wait a day or two in case you want me to add some more; if there
is something you'd like.