• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippas Organic story of 2012/2013....things could be worse ...

So far my season has gone like this ... goood ... average ... great ... bad .... things are on the up ... and today .... pretty f&^%king annoyed and frustrated ....so many pests ... and the plants are looking much worse then this time last season (when I had no pests to speak of). I had aphids early on during winter ... they were easy to clear off and didn't bother me too much ...

but I have since been having major issues with thrips and broadmites?? (some sort of mite anyway) tiny little buggers which are about the size of a spec of flour (smaller then two spotted or spider mites). So My plants lurch from looking good to looking really terrible and then they bounce back for a while only to be hammered all over again.

Anyway through all of this I am getting some pods to eat so that is a bonus I suppose.

My grow list is as follows

7 pod/pot "Primo" (Junglerain)
Cili Goronong (Junglerain)
Jalapeno "HTM" (Sourced myself)
Prik Luang (Junglerain)
Fatalii (Pepperlover)
Trinidad Seasoning (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Accidental Hybrid Unknown??) (Pepperlover)
2 x Mystery Superhots (1 maybe Trnindad Scorpion "Sunrise"? From Jungle Rain)
Chocolate Bhut (Bonchi)(THSC)
Yellow 7 pot/pod (THSC)
Super Chilli (THSC)
Explosive Ember (THSC)
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend (Junglerain)
Scotch Bonnet TFM (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Pimenta De Neyde (Soon to be Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' (Junglerain)
Bahamian Goat Pepper (Junglerain)
Habanero Chocolate (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Douglah 'Alphanerdz strain' (THSC)
Wild Brazil (Pepperlover)
Birdseye HTM (Sourced myself)
Serrano (THSC)
7 Pot (Large) (Pepperlover)
Naga Morich (Pepperlover)
Bonda Ma Jacques (Original seed from THSC but this seed from saved pods from last season)

All of them are strictly organically grown in soil in containers in the limited space of my apartment balcony ...

I am not much of a wordsmith so I usually like to post plenty of pictures of pods (if I have any in the coming months!!) so come and enjoy/share the frustrations of growing in the most pest ridden area in the world :D ... I will post a few photos I shot today later this evening ...

Also thought I would link to my old glog as well just for posterity and self indulgence :) ;) :D

So beautiful, very nice. I decided to cut out the Y7 from my 2013 grow, your pic made me reconsider for a moment... must not give in...

Thanks Spicegeist and thanks for stopping in!! I think the yellow 7 is one I don't think I will ever leave out of my grow list ... just keeps on trucking no matter the issues around it .. mine is in desperate need of a pot up though!!
Think I might get some lacewings from bugs for bugs as well .. just killed 2 adult thrips out there today ... and I wasn't even really looking ... lacewings are cheap as well 10 bucks for 100 eggs and 3-4 little boxes to hang in your garden

How much do you pay for freight for your bugs for bugs orders gas??

$8 or $9. It's express though. And I'm not sure if it's only online orders but you have to spend $30 too. Bit of a PITA as the Californicus I order are $27! :lol:

So beautiful, very nice. I decided to cut out the Y7 from my 2013 grow, your pic made me reconsider for a moment... must not give in...

I have been tempted to put the Y7 on the list for next season too, Charles.... especially after seeing pics like Trips too! I grew it a few years ago but did not like it. In the time between though, my tastes have changed big time! I am interested to see what I think of it now but..... must. not. give in! :lol:
Making me itchy with all the mite chat. I have seen what looks like mite damage on a plant or two of mine,but they seemed to shake em on their own. Last year I had an overwinter that had cyclamen,broad,2 spotted??? mites and it took a trip out of the second story window into the freezing outdoors!! Call me a quitter!!!!! I get red spider mites here but they are easy to stop before hey get bad.

Love the primo!!! I had 3 plants last year and they were all my last supers to ripen. They were all planted together,and in the ground???? Not sure if that is common for them. Super tall frame but smallish pods.
$8 or $9. It's express though. And I'm not sure if it's only online orders but you have to spend $30 too. Bit of a PITA as the Californicus I order are $27! :lol:

I have been tempted to put the Y7 on the list for next season too, Charles.... especially after seeing pics like Trips too! I grew it a few years ago but did not like it. In the time between though, my tastes have changed big time! I am interested to see what I think of it now but..... must. not. give in! :lol:

Have you got any seeds of it gas?? I can send you some if not ... to twist your arm for next season!! I can even send them out of that exact pod!!

Yeah I noticed it was a minimum order of 30 bucks ,... I noticed now they have a back garden back for lacewings for exactly 30 bucks but I don't need that many lacewings !! Maybe I should order some more Montys as well or Maybe the cali ones ?? Or maybe my wife will kill me for spending yet more money on my chillies :rofl:

Making me itchy with all the mite chat. I have seen what looks like mite damage on a plant or two of mine,but they seemed to shake em on their own. Last year I had an overwinter that had cyclamen,broad,2 spotted??? mites and it took a trip out of the second story window into the freezing outdoors!! Call me a quitter!!!!! I get red spider mites here but they are easy to stop before hey get bad.

Love the primo!!! I had 3 plants last year and they were all my last supers to ripen. They were all planted together,and in the ground???? Not sure if that is common for them. Super tall frame but smallish pods.

Thanks for coming by Prod! Yeah nothing like some good mite chat to get you going in the morning ;)

Yeah the pods of the primo certainly aren't big but they are a more upright plant that is for sure (much like the growth habit of my TSMB actually)
Damn it, I'll put a few seeds in some medium and see how I feel when they start to pop...

:rofl: ... thats great news ... let me know what you end up deciding once they pop ... I have a sneaking suspicion they will stay in your grow ... and once you go with it ... it will be a keeper!!
:rofl: ... thats great news ... let me know what you end up deciding once they pop ... I have a sneaking suspicion they will stay in your grow ... and once you go with it ... it will be a keeper!!

ha, I know, it is a great pepper. I grew it last year and the year before... the plan was to grow only one(ish) yellow :liar:

(top row) from 2011:


Have you got any seeds of it gas?? I can send you some if not ... to twist your arm for next season!! I can even send them out of that exact pod!!

Bro... if you haven't sent the Bahamian's yet, consider my arm twisted and chuck some in ;) (doesn't have to be from the exact pod), else I REALLY have to consider if I have the room or not (a good 70 starts for next season planned so far!).

Yeah I noticed it was a minimum order of 30 bucks ,... I noticed now they have a back garden back for lacewings for exactly 30 bucks but I don't need that many lacewings !! Maybe I should order some more Montys as well or Maybe the cali ones ?? Or maybe my wife will kill me for spending yet more money on my chillies :rofl:

I'll tell ya, the Cali's are awesome at what they do. Can't really say how well the Monties go because I released them same time as the second lot of Cali's. But yeah, I dunno, even though the bloke said they won't eat each other, I would still be more comfortable with one or the other. The Cali's are bigger than the Monties so I felt I had to warn 'em on release "play nice and don't you lot eat my Monties now!" :lol:
Bro... if you haven't sent the Bahamian's yet, consider my arm twisted and chuck some in ;) (doesn't have to be from the exact pod), else I REALLY have to consider if I have the room or not (a good 70 starts for next season planned so far!).

I'll tell ya, the Cali's are awesome at what they do. Can't really say how well the Monties go because I released them same time as the second lot of Cali's. But yeah, I dunno, even though the bloke said they won't eat each other, I would still be more comfortable with one or the other. The Cali's are bigger than the Monties so I felt I had to warn 'em on release "play nice and don't you lot eat my Monties now!" :lol:

Well as luck would have it I am super slack and the bahamians are still sitting waiting to be sent :rofl: I work better under pressure you should have told me you needed them ASAP for this season :D

Sweet as I will chuck the Yellow 7's in as well then ... easy!!
Well as luck would have it I am super slack and the bahamians are still sitting waiting to be sent :rofl: I work better under pressure you should have told me you needed them ASAP for this season :D

Sweet as I will chuck the Yellow 7's in as well then ... easy!!

Thanks bro!!!

But if you could.... I NEED THEM ASAP!!!!!!!! ;)

(Seriously though, no rush!)
Sweeet as ... done ...

.... and on a completely different and foolish note I decided to give my TSMB a spin on pizza today ... mighty hot ... probably the hottest pod I have had so far ever and with all this hot weather we have been having it seems to have cranked things up a notch in all my pod heats over the past couple of weeks .... anyway half a pod diced and spread fresh over 4 slices of pizza ... felt really hot ... but the cheese obviously helped quell the heat some ...then watched someone eating a whole superhot pod and decided that I haven't really had a decent munch on a large raw piece of superhot chilli this season so I put a quarter (I know I am soft but seriously it was so far above any of my pods in heat from last year or so far this season I decided to err on the side of not spewing :D )of the pod straight in my mouth an hour after the pizza ....it kicked my ass pretty good and amazing fruity/strawberry aftertaste now but for 5 minutes there I was in orbit and untethered :rofl: I have never had a pod do that to me ... I still have Primo's and Douglah's to test yet !!! Yikes they may just have to be worked up to this season I think !! Last season and so far this season it seemed I could handle most anything ... I don't know what it is but something has really cranked my capsaicin production up
Was time for a shiny new Avatar ... but now I see it... it seems wrong somehow ... i'll keep it for a week and see if I get used to it
Gone within 24hrs Trips (see my other post) :rofl:


:rofl: I will stick with it still for a week ... at least then my other one will feel new again!

Are you getting this strong wind mez from the south east?? Last night it was blowing a gale!! Luckily my plants are on the NW side of my place so they were looked after. At least its cooled down with the wind change though
Got some nice looking pods there trippa! I had some predator mites last season that my sis picked up for us to try.They worked for her,but I don't think I had enough to make a dent as the hot weather really allowed the mites to multiply quicker than they could consume them.I ended up just dousing them w/homemade chili spray :flamethrower: and Azamax .
Got some nice looking pods there trippa! I had some predator mites last season that my sis picked up for us to try.They worked for her,but I don't think I had enough to make a dent as the hot weather really allowed the mites to multiply quicker than they could consume them.I ended up just dousing them w/homemade chili spray :flamethrower: and Azamax .

Thanks for stopping in Mr Pots !!
What type of mites were you hunting?? Neem (eg Azamax etc) isn't really effective on the mites I have issues with (broad mites) and studies have shown that sulphur is the most effective spray control method however that mills anything good as well so I have only used it on my very worst plants and seedlings once a few weeks ago.

It certainly worked but I believe its an ongoing thing. I recently discovered that I have naturally occurring predator mites so I am holding off on any further spraying and simply cutting any severely infested tips off. They seem to be doing OK now fingers crossed!!

Awesome as always, Tristen!
4/6 on your SBTFM!
Thanks Mr.G!!

Great news on those SBTFM's !! How are the other germ rates for the rest of your varieties going any of the stubborn ones come up for some fresh air yet??
Curry Party on Friday night at our house with some friends ... I have got a Douglah pod which will be perfectly ripe by then ... might have to slice it up and offer as a garnish :rofl: should be a good night ;)
Yowza! Are you making them sign a release first? :mouthonfire: Now THAT would be Vindaloo...

Also wanted to let you know that your Douglahs broke dormancy today and I planted them in Solo cups. Hopefully I'll have hooks to show by the end of the week or so. Cheers