• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippas Organic story of 2012/2013....things could be worse ...

So far my season has gone like this ... goood ... average ... great ... bad .... things are on the up ... and today .... pretty f&^%king annoyed and frustrated ....so many pests ... and the plants are looking much worse then this time last season (when I had no pests to speak of). I had aphids early on during winter ... they were easy to clear off and didn't bother me too much ...

but I have since been having major issues with thrips and broadmites?? (some sort of mite anyway) tiny little buggers which are about the size of a spec of flour (smaller then two spotted or spider mites). So My plants lurch from looking good to looking really terrible and then they bounce back for a while only to be hammered all over again.

Anyway through all of this I am getting some pods to eat so that is a bonus I suppose.

My grow list is as follows

7 pod/pot "Primo" (Junglerain)
Cili Goronong (Junglerain)
Jalapeno "HTM" (Sourced myself)
Prik Luang (Junglerain)
Fatalii (Pepperlover)
Trinidad Seasoning (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Accidental Hybrid Unknown??) (Pepperlover)
2 x Mystery Superhots (1 maybe Trnindad Scorpion "Sunrise"? From Jungle Rain)
Chocolate Bhut (Bonchi)(THSC)
Yellow 7 pot/pod (THSC)
Super Chilli (THSC)
Explosive Ember (THSC)
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend (Junglerain)
Scotch Bonnet TFM (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Pimenta De Neyde (Soon to be Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' (Junglerain)
Bahamian Goat Pepper (Junglerain)
Habanero Chocolate (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Douglah 'Alphanerdz strain' (THSC)
Wild Brazil (Pepperlover)
Birdseye HTM (Sourced myself)
Serrano (THSC)
7 Pot (Large) (Pepperlover)
Naga Morich (Pepperlover)
Bonda Ma Jacques (Original seed from THSC but this seed from saved pods from last season)

All of them are strictly organically grown in soil in containers in the limited space of my apartment balcony ...

I am not much of a wordsmith so I usually like to post plenty of pictures of pods (if I have any in the coming months!!) so come and enjoy/share the frustrations of growing in the most pest ridden area in the world :D ... I will post a few photos I shot today later this evening ...

Also thought I would link to my old glog as well just for posterity and self indulgence :) ;) :D

Skunks would eat like their cousins the Minks do, except they are bigger and clumsier. They're diggers, and tend to go for grubs and carrion. I don't put out my trash bags for pickup until the morning of because if I leave them out at night the little buggers will rip the bags and paw through the contents. For a critter that smells so bad, they have a keen sense of smell themselves, that's why you have to bury things so deep. They also dig a lot of 3 cm holes in the lawn to get out the grubs. They're mostly nocturnal, so we don't cross paths much, but I put on a headlamp when taking out the compost after dark since I don't want to blunder into one in the dark while night-blind.

Thanks rick!! So they are similar in there rubbish habits to what I always see raccoons portrayed as??
Do they smell as bad as everyone makes out or is it simply a made for TV portrayal we see??

Well the lightning shots look so so. But those pods shots look even better. I'd have to agree with the Bahamian pepper. It's awesome taste raw is good. I'm sure Greg will be nice enough to share a recipe with a sauce use for it. :).

Thanks KD for stopping in. Yeah the Bahamian Goat pepper is great I actually just used some along with yellow 7 pot/pods and Bonda Ma Jacques and scotch bonnet tfms with one fatalii in my batch of Christmas Chilli jam that I made to go with my Roast Pork Belly and spiced Sticky Cherry Balsamic reduction dipping sauce. Awesome is all I can say!!
Now i know you & Gas are getting this rain (looking on the radar right now) ive had it all night, my plants are drowned. :rolleyes:

Happy Chrissy Trippa!

Cheers man and merry Christmas to you as well!!

Now i know you & Gas are getting this rain (looking on the radar right now) ive had it all night, my plants are drowned. :rolleyes:


Yeah We are getting it Mez and its fantastic to wake up to a cooler day. Perfect day to pot up some plants!! Your plants will no doubt bounce back big time when the sun comes back out. You'll literally almost see them grow!! Merry Christmas for yesterday mez!!

NIce shots Trippa! Awfully hard to do that!

Cheers bro!! Thanks for stopping in and merry Christmas!

lol, na you have some very nice smexy pod shots, enjoying your glog :) ... that said, that lightning shot is impressive, only place I've ever seen lightning like that is Tampa Bay, lightning capital of the world :D
Thanks bro and thanks for stopping by. Well our climate here on the gold coast is very similar to Florida from what i know so thats probably why??

Merry Christmas Trippa!

Thanks bro and Merry Christmas to you as well!!

Merry Christmas, dude!
Merry Christmas Doc!! Thanks for the holiday Cheer!!
Now i know you & Gas are getting this rain (looking on the radar right now) ive had it all night, my plants are drowned. :rolleyes:


My plants are lovin' it after the heat we had yesterday. And double awesome is I don't have to water today! :D (Being Christmas and all yesterday I decided to skip that.... even though they needed it!)
My plants are lovin' it after the heat we had yesterday. And double awesome is I don't have to water today! :D (Being Christmas and all yesterday I decided to skip that.... even though they needed it!)

Merry Christmas for yesterday gassy!!
Yeah my plants are getting a very special christmas treatment today. New pots, some new pine bark mulch, coco coir, some gogo juice, some Searles 5in1, organic link, sugar cane compost and new potting mix.

Went to bunnings and couldn't find any amgrow organic potting mix and masters don't stock it any more either.

So I brought some brunnings cheap ass potting mix as it felt quite light and has no additives at all. Including any dreaded water crystals!! Only certified organic potting mix was miracle grow and it felt like a brick!!
So I am just making up my own amended soil (only thing I am really missing is perlite)
Merry Christmas bro!! Hope you had a fantastic day and ended up with a nice full tummy! :dance:

Yeah, I got HEAPS of gardening I have to catch up on! Don't know if it's even worth it though... as per usual the season has gone to shit for one reason or another..... got the absolute most poorly behaved dog someone here decided to sit for a month (or more!). It's only been like two days and so far the little shit has started digging up two plants in the garden, broken branches on multiple plants (including one whole side of the Bonda :shocked:), has bitten I don't know how many pods now, knocked over and spilled one of my Ceratraps ($20+ a pop or whatever it is), has chewed a few of my empty small pots and destroyed a pair of my thongs! Oh yeah, and got into a bag of Dynamic Lifter and started eating it! :mad: :mad: :mad: Not to mention the bloody thing won't shut up. I am friggin' OVER IT! But I'll stop now before I rant too hard and ruin the Christmas vibe...... ;)

How is the Brunnings cheap ass stuff? The last time I bought a bag a couple years ago, the stuff may as well have been some kind of bark mulch! Poorly composted (if even composted at all) huge chunks of bark and that was it. And yeah, I know what you mean about the Miracle Grow stuff. Why is it such a PITA finding something even half decent here??
Thanks rick!! So they are similar in there rubbish habits to what I always see raccoons portrayed as??
Do they smell as bad as everyone makes out or is it simply a made for TV portrayal we see??
If you ever find yourself at the receiving end of a skunk's musk you will surely find out... It's about as bad as tear gas for the first half hour or so, and then oxidizes to a sulfurous reek that lasts for days.

My wife is a breast cancer survivor. When she came home after her mastectomy she was having trouble sleeping because of the neighbors across the street, right under our bedroom window. They didn't work, and would stay up to all hours of the day and night blaring loud music, shouting, drinking and getting into fights. I approached them and asked them to keep the noise level down so she could sleep, and their answer was to flip me the bird... So I waited until they finally went to bed about 5 am and doused their porches with a bottle of skunk musk I'd bought at a sporting goods store... It kept them inside with the doors and windows closed for a week...
Merry Christmas mate!!!! Stay dry :dance:

Cheers Romy and Merry Christmas to you too!!

Merry Christmas bro!! Hope you had a fantastic day and ended up with a nice full tummy! :dance:

Yeah, I got HEAPS of gardening I have to catch up on! Don't know if it's even worth it though... as per usual the season has gone to shit for one reason or another..... got the absolute most poorly behaved dog someone here decided to sit for a month (or more!). It's only been like two days and so far the little shit has started digging up two plants in the garden, broken branches on multiple plants (including one whole side of the Bonda :shocked:), has bitten I don't know how many pods now, knocked over and spilled one of my Ceratraps ($20+ a pop or whatever it is), has chewed a few of my empty small pots and destroyed a pair of my thongs! Oh yeah, and got into a bag of Dynamic Lifter and started eating it! :mad: :mad: :mad: Not to mention the bloody thing won't shut up. I am friggin' OVER IT! But I'll stop now before I rant too hard and ruin the Christmas vibe...... ;)

How is the Brunnings cheap ass stuff? The last time I bought a bag a couple years ago, the stuff may as well have been some kind of bark mulch! Poorly composted (if even composted at all) huge chunks of bark and that was it. And yeah, I know what you mean about the Miracle Grow stuff. Why is it such a PITA finding something even half decent here??

Sure did Gas!! Was an overfull stomach of Guinness and other Christmas goodness, including turkey, Baked Ham, 2 Pork Bellies (my specialty) with my own Yellow Chilli Jam and that was just the meats ... Desserts included 2 pavalovas, 1 baked caramel cheesecake and homemade rocky road ... many trimmings of course and the crackers and gifts .... homemade boerewors and biltong (other families we celebrated with were all South African and English with no extended families here either) .. put it this way we didn't eat tea last night or breakfast until late this morning because we were still full. Great Day

I will have to check back with you about the brunnings ... like I said it felt light but that could have been because it ws mainly bark chips ... not to worry I bought a bag of sugar cane compost (organic) to add to the mix along with the searles 5 in 1 with mushroom compost and all the other goodness I should be alright for composted nutes until the bark starts breaking down a little.

Hang in there gas ... the dog should be gone soon and if not pepper spray it each time it messes with your chillis ;)

If you ever find yourself at the receiving end of a skunk's musk you will surely find out... It's about as bad as tear gas for the first half hour or so, and then oxidizes to a sulfurous reek that lasts for days.

My wife is a breast cancer survivor. When she came home after her mastectomy she was having trouble sleeping because of the neighbors across the street, right under our bedroom window. They didn't work, and would stay up to all hours of the day and night blaring loud music, shouting, drinking and getting into fights. I approached them and asked them to keep the noise level down so she could sleep, and their answer was to flip me the bird... So I waited until they finally went to bed about 5 am and doused their porches with a bottle of skunk musk I'd bought at a sporting goods store... It kept them inside with the doors and windows closed for a week...

Ok I will be sure to stay clear of them by the sounds .... yuck!! I like that story ... nothing like a little underhand justice to make you feel satisfied ... and you didn't need to hurt anyone ;) :D I like that a lot!!

Hope you had a great Christmas Rick!!
Merry Christmas Tripps....skunks smell like very good cannabis from a distance,close up it is nausiating. They aren't supposed to spray if all four feer aren't on the ground,I can tell you that is a complete lie!!! Hah
Merry Christmas Tripps....skunks smell like very good cannabis from a distance,close up it is nausiating. They aren't supposed to spray if all four feer aren't on the ground,I can tell you that is a complete lie!!! Hah

Merry Christmas to you too Prodigal!! Skunks seem like pretty unpleasant little creatures. Glad we don't have them by the sounds. What family are they from??
They are related to badgers,and weasel as mentioned before. There are actually folks who domesticate them and keep in their homes here in the states. I worked on a golf course when I was a kid,and we would shoot them at night. They for sure will spray without all fours on the ground!!!!!!! Actually roll up the sod like a carpet trying to get to the grubs.
Like your style stick, personally i would have just taken a big shit on his doorstep.

Couldn't have done that Mezz... it was an apartment building, and the people on the upper floors weren't the problem. I like to think of it as a precision strike... ;) Limited collateral damage...

Actually roll up the sod like a carpet trying to get to the grubs.

I didn't know they'd do that... our soil is so sandy that it doesn't hold together that well.

They for sure will spray without all fours on the ground!!!!!!!

Actually, the critical point is the hind legs. They need both of those on the ground to aim. I once knew a fellow who was an animal control officer for his town. He got a call to remove a skunk that had gotten into a basement when the residents left a hatchway open. Skunks have no fear, so he was able to get close enough to reach down in a nonchalant manner and grab the skunk by the tail and pick it up. In order to let it go without getting sprayed he dropped it in a nearby creek, and it swam away... I don't know how he manages to walk with balls that big...

Hope all you folks down under had a smashing time this Christmas, and a Happy Boxing Day today. Cheers!
Had smoked fish fillets for tea tonight. Made in my BBQ with my new smoker box and hickory chips from my kids for Christmas. Tasted great. Next step might be some Chilli's i think
I'm doing an organic grow as well, I'll be watching your progress on here.

I've been lucky so far with pest. Lacewings have been taking care of most of the pests other than the horn worms, which I just find and squeeze to death.
I'm doing an organic grow as well, I'll be watching your progress on here.

I've been lucky so far with pest. Lacewings have been taking care of most of the pests other than the horn worms, which I just find and squeeze to death.

Hey bro and thanks for stopping in for a look. Its a constant hunt for the perfect plants which always leads to these harsh self assessment s you often find about on here. My advice ignore most of the negativity and find the nuggets of information which is positive. I think most people (me included ) often focus on the problems without actually focussing on what they are doing right.

In other words follow the positive advice and you can't go wrong. Good to hear you have lacewings they are supposedly one of the best all round pest control agents around
Just in the midst of potting up ... much bigger job then I ever envisage each time I set out ... happy with my mix though ... will post more details later but I have a good feeling about it.
Well Just finished potting up my bigger plants and they are now getting absolutely battered by a huge storm ... they should pull through all right I hope but it is windy lightning and absolutely teeming down ...eye candy will have to wait ... lightning is getting mighty close!