• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippas Organic story of 2012/2013....things could be worse ...

So far my season has gone like this ... goood ... average ... great ... bad .... things are on the up ... and today .... pretty f&^%king annoyed and frustrated ....so many pests ... and the plants are looking much worse then this time last season (when I had no pests to speak of). I had aphids early on during winter ... they were easy to clear off and didn't bother me too much ...

but I have since been having major issues with thrips and broadmites?? (some sort of mite anyway) tiny little buggers which are about the size of a spec of flour (smaller then two spotted or spider mites). So My plants lurch from looking good to looking really terrible and then they bounce back for a while only to be hammered all over again.

Anyway through all of this I am getting some pods to eat so that is a bonus I suppose.

My grow list is as follows

7 pod/pot "Primo" (Junglerain)
Cili Goronong (Junglerain)
Jalapeno "HTM" (Sourced myself)
Prik Luang (Junglerain)
Fatalii (Pepperlover)
Trinidad Seasoning (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Accidental Hybrid Unknown??) (Pepperlover)
2 x Mystery Superhots (1 maybe Trnindad Scorpion "Sunrise"? From Jungle Rain)
Chocolate Bhut (Bonchi)(THSC)
Yellow 7 pot/pod (THSC)
Super Chilli (THSC)
Explosive Ember (THSC)
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend (Junglerain)
Scotch Bonnet TFM (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Pimenta De Neyde (Soon to be Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' (Junglerain)
Bahamian Goat Pepper (Junglerain)
Habanero Chocolate (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Douglah 'Alphanerdz strain' (THSC)
Wild Brazil (Pepperlover)
Birdseye HTM (Sourced myself)
Serrano (THSC)
7 Pot (Large) (Pepperlover)
Naga Morich (Pepperlover)
Bonda Ma Jacques (Original seed from THSC but this seed from saved pods from last season)

All of them are strictly organically grown in soil in containers in the limited space of my apartment balcony ...

I am not much of a wordsmith so I usually like to post plenty of pictures of pods (if I have any in the coming months!!) so come and enjoy/share the frustrations of growing in the most pest ridden area in the world :D ... I will post a few photos I shot today later this evening ...

Also thought I would link to my old glog as well just for posterity and self indulgence :) ;) :D

Amazing shots Trippa!

Thanks for stopping by bro and thanks for the compliments. Not the best outlook. Some friends have the perfect balcony for these types of shots but I am not sure they would be all that keen to let me take photos in their house until 12.30am every time a storm comes along :D

Those are some pretty spectacular shots Trippa! I tried to get some under similar conditions, but my digital camera doesn't have a setting where I can leave the shutter open for time lapse photos. Nice work.

Thanks Rick!! My Camera doesn't have the best low light sensor but it comes out looking ok. Yeah a bulb setting with a remote makes these shots much easier to capture that's for sure, It can be done without but more by good luck then good management most of the time (and obviously having a tripod is a must!!)

And having a semi-decent wide angle lens also helps things along. Although you could get similar shots with a lot of today's point and shoot and mirror-less type cameras now as well without having to sell a kidney
Christmas Seed present


I was just looking at the BOM weather calender shots before logging in here Trips, one guy has a spectacular lightning shot.



Just been having a quick read over this article. I know it was conducted on apples but interesting results none the less. It would seem fish oil has a detrimental effect on fruit set. Might have to stop using any fish emulsion products to foliar feed I think. Also got me thinking that I really should only Lime-sulphur my plants that really need it (ie the mites are visible) as it seems to not only knock the flowers about but also the photosynthesis ability of the leaves for up to 51 days later in some cases (although typically only ~14 days) and not only that but the fish oil actually suppressed overall photosynthesis of the leaves by 10% right through the trial (51 days) !!!

I really don't think fish emulsion seems like the best idea now for a foliar spray if this is the case. Might restructure my feeding regime in light of this info!!
I've read somewhere that fish emulsion doesn't actually contain much fish oil, even though I've used it and its got that oily sheen look to it. In contrast fish hydrolysate has the fish oil in it as well.

It was on this page
Obviously they are selling a product and will say its great.

I also read somewhere recently that the native americans taught the new settlers how to bury fish under the soil where they planted corn. It's obviously got a long pedigree of working as a fertiliser. I think its use as a foliage spray is a newer idea?

... and I don't sit around all day reading about fish btw. :P

Love the shots of lightning. They look great!
I've read somewhere that fish emulsion doesn't actually contain much fish oil, even though I've used it and its got that oily sheen look to it. In contrast fish hydrolysate has the fish oil in it as well.

It was on this page
Obviously they are selling a product and will say its great.

I also read somewhere recently that the native americans taught the new settlers how to bury fish under the soil where they planted corn. It's obviously got a long pedigree of working as a fertiliser. I think its use as a foliage spray is a newer idea?

... and I don't sit around all day reading about fish btw. :P

Love the shots of lightning. They look great!

Thanks mega!!

Its interesting that we put all these foliar sprays on though and don't often think to question them even though they may not be the best thing for our plants.

Interesting about how they used whole fish under the corn. I have seen people use placentas under young trees to give the tree life. Same theory I guess just in a more spiritual context.

Interestingly enough I only ever saw my parents spray compost tea as a foliar spray occasionally everything else was already in the soil including a lot of organic amendments and they had a great vegetable and huge rose garden.
One drawback I've noticed to burying fish under plants here is that it tends to draw skunks unless buried at least a foot down.

Really Skunks?? What do skunks normally eat Rick?? We don't get skunks in Australia or New Zealand so that wouldn't be an issue here but I am sure there could be some other creature that might like to dig them up.

But seeing as New Zealand doesn't actually have any Native land mammals at all (except 1 short tail bat) it would probably be even less of an issue there then here.
Skunks would eat like their cousins the Minks do, except they are bigger and clumsier. They're diggers, and tend to go for grubs and carrion. I don't put out my trash bags for pickup until the morning of because if I leave them out at night the little buggers will rip the bags and paw through the contents. For a critter that smells so bad, they have a keen sense of smell themselves, that's why you have to bury things so deep. They also dig a lot of 3 cm holes in the lawn to get out the grubs. They're mostly nocturnal, so we don't cross paths much, but I put on a headlamp when taking out the compost after dark since I don't want to blunder into one in the dark while night-blind.
Well the lightning shots look so so. But those pods shots look even better. I'd have to agree with the Bahamian pepper. It's awesome taste raw is good. I'm sure Greg will be nice enough to share a recipe with a sauce use for it. :).
Thanks mezo!! But now I just feel like taking my shots down and hiding in the corner ;) :D

lol, na you have some very nice smexy pod shots, enjoying your glog :) ... that said, that lightning shot is impressive, only place I've ever seen lightning like that is Tampa Bay, lightning capital of the world :D