• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I
have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and
some photos documenting what's happened so far.
In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds.
In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just 
called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.  
Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:


Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.
Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single
plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
I'm getting confused (not difficult!)  Isn't the point of a grow like this to try to stabilise the cross into a new variety?  But it seems like we are just getting more and more divergence with different colours, shapes and whatnot.  What are we aiming for?
I'm not going to be getting pods any time soon.  I think I already mentioned that my main plant was very tall and stretched out.  The branches hit the top of the window frame and were still going, not forking or flowering.  I had to cut them down for space and stability reasons.  It did already have some branches lower down and hopefully they will flower before they get to six foot tall.  (Six foot is an exaggeration, they were about half that.)
Mitzi said:
I'm getting confused (not difficult!)  Isn't the point of a grow like this to try to stabilise the cross into a new variety?  But it seems like we are just getting more and more divergence with different colours, shapes and whatnot.  What are we aiming for?
I'm not going to be getting pods any time soon.  I think I already mentioned that my main plant was very tall and stretched out.  The branches hit the top of the window frame and were still going, not forking or flowering.  I had to cut them down for space and stability reasons.  It did already have some branches lower down and hopefully they will flower before they get to six foot tall.  (Six foot is an exaggeration, they were about half that.)
Your mistake is a. We are not aiming for a variety. We are aiming for varieties.
Mitzi said:
I'm getting confused (not difficult!)  Isn't the point of a grow like this to try to stabilise the cross into a new variety?  But it seems like we are just getting more and more divergence with different colours, shapes and whatnot.  What are we aiming for?
I'm not going to be getting pods any time soon.  I think I already mentioned that my main plant was very tall and stretched out.  The branches hit the top of the window frame and were still going, not forking or flowering.  I had to cut them down for space and stability reasons.  It did already have some branches lower down and hopefully they will flower before they get to six foot tall.  (Six foot is an exaggeration, they were about half that.)
That is the typical growth habit for Tristens cross, Mitzi.
Big, rangy growth with copious branching that grows up
through the canopy as the season progresses.

I am hoping for a better idea of the phenotypes this
season. Right now, there are violet pods and white /yellow
pods. This is the seventh generation, so we should be
getting close to being stable.
PaulG said:
That is the typical growth habit for Tristens cross, Mitzi.
Big, rangy growth with copious branching that grows up
through the canopy as the season progresses.

I am hoping for a better idea of the phenotypes this
season. Right now, there are violet pods and white /yellow
pods. This is the seventh generation, so we should be
getting close to being stable.
We are stable. You got ripe fruit and seeds. These seeds will officially create stable plants.
Devv said:
The first pods from all three plants. I waited until they just started to soften.
Those are beauties, Scott.
Glad to see you have a white pod producer!
The pods hanging on the plant look great.

Your plants are really loaded up! Should be
some real heat coming out of them Looks
like you beat the Texas weather with the F7s!
Wow, Devv, those look fabulous!
My first plant is still indoors in a pop bottle but on Sunday I potted up the second plant into its final pot (a flower bucket approx 10 litres) and put it outside.  Had to bring it in again last night (& will do tonight) as temps are down to 7*C but should be much warmer at night from tomorrow.  Hoping it does well.  I'll try to get a pic of it.
Mitzi said:
These look very similar to Heefy's ones from last year, so hopefully this is what mine will look like, if I am lucky enough to get some.
Glad you have one of your specimens into a large
pot and ready for the outdoors! Good luck with it.
I'm sure it will perform well for you!
The pods look like candy, but watch out  :fireball:
Bhuter said:
We are weee little guys.
Welcome to the show, Adam.
Better late than never!
Mitzi said:
Flower buds just forming on one of my plants. Yayyyy! :party:  Some are purple-tinted on the back of the petals and some are just white.  Weird.
SpeakPolish said:
Very purple. Almost like an anti-Baccatum.
Typical flower coloration there. Sometimes mine don't
have that much purple shading on them.
@Aravind: Those are awesome plants, brother!
J.H.Skarby said:
Imo nothing in the pepper growing world can beat those looks at such an early stage. :)
I agree, J. H. It is a stunning plant, alright. In the hot
summer sun, they turn almost black. The white and
violet pods look awesome on them!