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Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I
have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and
some photos documenting what's happened so far.
In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds.
In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just 
called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.  
Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:


Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.
Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single
plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
Okay, wound up with four decent TT v2 F3 Yellow plants.
Two germinated 2/14, 2/15, and two on 2/20, 2/22. All look
pretty promising at this stage.

“Spring equinox getting close!”
A little sun should help that third specimen darken up.
There is usually a little variability between plants in this
Woah, Ben, those plants are killer!
Good luck with the yellow F7. I hope it 
produces some of the light yellow pods
for you.
Trippaul Threat F9 'White Lightening',
3-gallon pot:

The first two pods are nearing ripeness.
The pod in back still has some of the
lime green phase coloration:

Hoping for bigger pods later in the Summer.
The canopy:
The Trippaul Threat v2 F3 yellow variant is showing
the right phenotype:


I will try to get some pics of the 4 plants I have going
soon. One is in a large container, one in a 3-gallon pot,
and two in #2 pots.
Sure would like to hear from folks growing the V2 F3
this season. I'd like to know if the peach, red, golden, 
and orange variants set pods true to color this season.
I had trouble with the germination of the yellow, but a
second round in rockwool produced 100% germination.
Wondering if others had a similar experience.
The two Trippaul Threat v2 F3 yellow in #2 nursery pots:
The more green specimen with a wider spread:

This one is more vertical, with darker purple foliage:

Both starting to flower. These will go onto the
greenhouse and garage  for an extended season:
Updating the Trippaul Threat v2 F3 yellow variant…
Really liking the look of the pods on the plants in the
three-gallon grow part of the grow. These pictures
from July 31st:

The plants are really loaded with pods now, after the
weeks of hot weather. In a cooler trend now, with
temps returning to the 80’s and dry. Perfect chili
ripening weather!

Also from July 31, the canopies on the two plants in
#2 nursery pots:


From August 2nd:

All four of the plants in this grow are loaded with
nice phenotype pods, and will be bright yellow.
Hard to find true yellow pods, seems like they
are usually more orange-y to me.
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This is an F9 Trippaul Threat ‘White Lightening’. It was
a ‘jumper’ as well as a late germinator, and spent the
first couple of months in a 3.5” pot. Recently transplanted
into a clay 8” bulb pan and given a shot of combo fertilizer.
Has been vigorous since then, flowering and setting pods:




In a twist of genetics, this plant has erect flowers and pods.
In the prior 8 generations, the flowers and pods are pendant:
Your v2 F3 yellow variant looks very cool, paul. Lots of PdN in the pod shape and a great looking yellow. Leaves look great also and have that bhut ripple to the edges. Good stuff!
Your v2 F3 yellow variant looks very cool, paul. Lots of PdN in the pod shape and a great looking yellow. Leaves look great also and have that bhut ripple to the edges. Good stuff!
Thanks, CD, it has turned out to be a good one.
I hope you have the same success with the red
and golden variants. Would be great to see how
the other colors are turning out. There are peach,
orange, red, golden and yellow out there. I may
try to grow some of the orange next season.

This was supposed to be in the reply to your post.
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Trippaul Threat v2 F3 yellow variant really is a great looking plant and very productive.
Trippaul Threat ‘White Lightening’ looks amazing it's retained its heritage but swapped it on its head how wierd but also gorgeous to look at..the flowers are lovely.