Trying to pick an ornamental...

I got to vote Little many peppers of all colors at once...
I think it comes down to the fact that you can't go wrong with most of the ornamentals.

I am growing the Little Elf, Bolivian Rainbow, Numex Twilight, Largo Purple and the Starburst.

All are great looking plants and my partners kids love them...

My pick is the Bolivian Rainbow. It has great colour and flavour, But really they are all very pretty and you can't go wrong with any of them....

The only thing i will say is that the Numex Twilight is 120 days to ripe. most others in the above list are only 75 - 90 days....

Hope this helped...
Ive got

Numex twilight
Purple Tiger
Bolivian Rainbow

and a couple more that I cannot think of right now. The purple tiger is my favorite. Just beautiful.
Love the purple tiger its a damn beautiful plant..A favorite ornamental with me right up with,Royal black,Maui Purple and Black pearl just wished the pods where not so damn horrible in taste..If not i think it would win every time on looks alone :)
Your right. The purple tiger is a great chilli plant and i loved growing it last season...but as you have stated.... It tastes like Sh*t....
I'd go for the Bolivian Rainbow. I'm growing Marbles, Twilight and Bolivian Rainbow, hopefully you'll have the ones with the purple flowers.
I would grow them all! If you have the space to do so, save yopurself the trouble of selecting one, just grow all of them!
Try a black cluster....
