• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tybo's 2020 Grow Log

Well after looking through lots of glog's, I decided to try doing one myself.  Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and improve with photo quality along the way.
That being said------I"M LATE!  Yep, this first post is 10 days late.  Meaning I started some seeds 10 days ago.  I guess my excuse is that we've been trying to get ready for the holidays here.
Anyway, I was lucky enough to get on the 2019 seed train and when B train showed up here, I was able to get some seeds that I probably wouldn't have thought of getting on my own.
It's a little early to start my main grow but I wanted to get something going so I chose to start some wild seeds that I got off the train.  Some of these came from Canedog.  (The Cap. 524 and 1445 and Cumari Pollux I bought)
So on December 13th I started 8 varieties of seed.  8 in rock wool and 8 of the same varieties in seed starting mix.
Here is a pic of them in their General Tso's starting tray.  They are sitting on a heat mat.

The first pepper was coming up on the 22nd so 9 days for my first one!  It was the CGN Cardenasii.  

The cotyledon's are so tiny!

I tried to upload a Page's drawing I made showing square's with the names of the peppers and their location but I can't upload it.  I get a "don't have permission" error when I try so for now I'll just do this manually.
Chacoense        Chacoense       C. Praetermissum       CGN
Puta Pario          CAP 524                                               Cardenasii
                                                                                       (sprout 12/22)                        (Seed Starting Mix)
Cumari              Rocopica           Chacoense                        ?
Pollux                Cardenasii          CAP 1445                    Unknown
                          UNK Rocoto
These are the seeds in the starting mix.  The rock wool cubes have the same seeds in the same order.
I'll try to get a photo and post later since I can't upload the file.  
(CD, hope I got the names right!)
I'll update as things progress.
Edited to add that the unknown listing is because the writing on the envelope got smeared and I couldn't make out the name.  I'm pretty sure it was a wild variety so I went ahead and planted them.  Hopefully they germinate and can be identified later.
PaulG said:
Ouch! I hate to hear that, Ty. Glad you are
taking it easy and that your honey was able
to hold down the fort for you.
Good luck getting your grow to a manageable
size. Do you have a friend that you can hand
off the plants to?
Take care of yourself, friend! And take care of
that ticker! You only have one.
Thanks, Paul.
I don't know of anyone other than the guy who I started the superhots for.  He doesn't want any of the others.
CaneDog said:
Likewise, very sorry to hear that, but glad you avoided COVID at the hospital and that you're doing better and becoming progressively more active, again.  Cutting back your grow sounds like a good plan.  I know that takes some of the stress off me when plant maintenance demands start to feel high.  Often the ability to focus on fewer plants can mean a more rewarding grow, too. 
Best wishes as you're going through the recovery process.
Thanks, CD.  So far so good with avoiding the virus.  Yeah, cutting back the number of plants will help a lot.    
DownRiver said:
Sorry to read this Tybo, but I'm glad you're on the mend. Take it slow and easy; healing takes time. And reducing your grow is a very good idea. You can go hog-wild next year! Take care of yourself....and post often lol.
Thanks, DR.  I need to remind myself sometimes to slow down.  The wife say's I'm stubborn so she reminds me if I don't.
Posting often doesn't seem to be my thing.  I'll try harder!
stettoman said:
OK old man, no more vapor lock for YOU! Glad you're alright. Kep de battle, mon!!
Thanks, stettoman.  I hope you're right on the vapor lock thing.  Scaired the hell outta me.  Didnt feel too good either. :eek:
Tybo...I'm so sorry to read  about your hospitalization...and glad you're recovering at home.Only positive thing  I can

say is that it occurred at home versus being on the road& you got help pronto which is key..Yes ,take it easy & gradually
increase your activity as per your MD's advise.Hope each day finds you better. ;)
I took a few photos today so I thought I'd give a little update.
Here are my 2 Galapagoense plants.  They have grown up about 12" before forking and the one on the right has bloomed.  I took a close up pic of the bloom but it won't upload.  I keep getting an error.

Here are the Rocopica crosses.  The one on the left looks good.  The plant on the right is a strange plant.  The leaves are even growing/facing the main stem.


It does have a bloom though so it wants to carry on it's strange genes.

The flexuosum and the putapario are doing great.  The flexuosum has several buds on it.

And a close up of the flexuosum plant.

My chinense and annum plants are all looking good and desperately need to go outside.  I've gotten rid of quite a few but what's left are taking up lots of room.
I'll get some more photo's uploaded soon.  
I was unable to get a garden spot plowed up this year so I'll be using the fabric pots again.  I'm also going to try straw bale's.  I bought 10 bales yesterday and have started conditioning them with 34-0-0 fertilizer.  I've watched several videos on you tube about this method and I'm pretty impressed and looking forward to giving it a try.  Hopefully it works out.
Man, that one Rocopica is really spastic! Never
seen a plant with leaves growing backward like
that one, and I have grown some strange plants  :rofl:
All in all, your wilds look great. The Putapario is
a real spreader. Mine has the same growth habit.
Really likes to push out long branches.
Keep up the good work, my friend.
Tybo, your galapagoense look great!  They're way ahead of mine.  And what a funky rocopica. The flower looks a lot like the F1's flower, kind of half rocoto and half card, but other than that it's plain wacky.  Your wilds are all looking happy and healthy.
Finally got the galapagoense bloom to upload.

My overwintered dwc baquinho is giving us another round of fruit!

Here is a bloom and a small pepper on a CAP 1242


And a Aji Charapita with a few buds.

All of my plants are still inside for now.  I was able to get them out on the porch for some sun today.  Our weather is so crazy right now.  Yesterday morning we had a frost then 30-40 mph wind gusts.  Today was beautiful though.  Bright sunshine and 60's.  The plants started drooping after about 3 hours though so I brought them back in.  Tomorrow is rain, rain, rain again.  
It shouldn't be much longer though until everything can go outside.
Been a while so a few pics.  Sorry for the quality.  The sun was so bright I couldn't see the phone screen very well.
This BOC has gotten pretty big and needed some support.  Thanks Siv.  I've been using his glog for ideas.  Lots of blooms on it but no fruit set yet.

CAP 524 is flowering nicely.

Haskorea has pods

Same for this Corno di Toro

CGN Cardenasii on left and Puta Pario on right.  Looks like the PP may have had a hornworm that I missed.  Lots of leaves missing on lower main stem.  If it was a hornworm, I hope some bird enjoyed a meal!

Aji Charapita

We had a hail storm here with quarter size hail.  Some of my plants suffered some torn leaves.  I took a couple pics from inside the house.  Here is an Aji Oro and a Sungold tomato with some hail in their pots.


Here are 4 Chile Rayado's from Macmex.  They are running late but hopefully we have a long season.  I'd really like to give these a try!  I put one in hydro for growing comparison.  I got some more dynamic-gro so giving that a try.

And this Fatalii that is supposed to be a throw down competitor!  Poor thing is only 7" tall.  (SkullBiker is already getting pods)
Anyway, this plant along with a lot of my Chinenses received damage from the hailstorm.  I'm guessing due to their larger leaves.  You can see some torn leaves.  I removed some of the worse ones.  
Also I wanted to add that none of my plants in the straw bales are doing very well at all.  I was hoping since I didnt get a garden spot plowed this year that straw bales would grow plants as great as I see done on the 'tube.  Not so much!  The bales are breaking down like they are supposed to on the inside but they are full of insects.  I pulled some straw back to inspect them and saw lots of ants, mealybugs and some millipedes.  I don't think this is right.
Anyway, I moved this poor guy to hydro today hoping I could jumpstart it.  It's only 7" tall at this time so it's pretty puny for any hope for the contest.  I'll hang in there though.


Hopefully the hydro vacation will boost this plant.
I'll get some more pics up soon.
That BOC looks great Tybo - hopefully those blooms turn into plenty of pods.
I bet the throwdown Fatalii will love that hydro setup - should see some explosive growth in the next couple of weeks!
I moved some plants today to a different spot hoping to find them a happier home.  I was looking real close for any signs of pests and found a couple leaves sticking together.  I used both hands to separate the leaves and my fingers were literally right beside this thing!  It didnt move.  I guess the egg sac it was guarding was more important than my fingers.  Lucky for me.
That gave my heart a good shock!
Just a reminder to be careful.
I have this galapagoense that is doing pretty good.  It's getting more lateral growth.  You can't see in this photo but there is a possible fruit where a bloom was.  Ive got my fingers crossed.   I have another that is just about dead.  No pics for that one yet.
There is a Spanish Paquillo to the left of the galapagoense.  Ive heard they are good for stuffing.  Hope I get to try it out!

I'll get some more pics up later.
The Spanish Piquillo are awesome peppers.
Some of the best stuffers around. My seed
last year didn't germinate, but this year, I
have one going. Can't wait to get some nice,
fresh pods this summer. Will be fun to compare
notes this season!
One of the best dishes I ate in all our travels
to Spain was some piquillo peppers stuffed
with lamb and topped with a super tasty
brown sauce.
A few update pics.
Found this pod on one of my reapers.  I know I won't like the amount of heat from these things but I've heard they make good jelly.

The kratky BOC I put out is liking the weather.  There are quite a few pods on it now.

The one Galapagoense that is doing well has a bloom that is getting ready to open.  You might have to zoom in.

This CAP524 (chacoense) is a pretty plant.  The leaves are dark green and glossy.  It doesn't look like any of the other plants.  It also has several blooms and small fruit on it.

Like the reaper, I won't like the heat from this 7 pot Primo either but it's bound to turn into good powder or jelly.  We'll see.

The Aji Oro has a couple of fruits so far.

And last for now is this CAP 1242 with fruit.

Something is eating my chinense plants pretty bad.  I have looked and don't see anything other than a slug here and there.  I have gotten rid of the ones I've found and sprinkled some slug bait around the plants.  I'm gonna mix up some neem and bronners and give everything a good soaking after the sun goes down.
That's all for now.
Plants are looking great, Tybo.  Your reaper looks a good bit chunkier than the one I grow.  Hope the galapagoense starts setting for you.  Mine just started opening some flowers and I'm not certain yet whether it's setting or dropping.  Good to see the pods on those rocotos, too!  Overall it looks like you're in a great spot with still months of primo growing weather ahead.
Another update.
I was gonna either glue or hang a wedding favor on this galapagoense bloom this morning but the bloom was gone.  Hopefully it pollenated.

I found another one on the same plant so I tried gluing it and it opened a little after I dabbed the glue.  I'll hang a bag on it in a little while.

While I had the glue out I dabbed a couple of CAP 524 buds.  I couldn't find a straw anywhere so I grabbed a bread tie to use for marking.  I gotta find something else.  Im afraid these will fall off.


I can't get over how well this BOC is doing in the kratky bucket!  I just posted a pic of it but it is loaded with pods.  Just in this small area are 4 pods.

And it's blooms have a greenish tint to them.  Pretty neat I think.  

Next up are my Chile Rayada seedlings.  They are pretty dainty so far.  The ceiling fan doesn't seem to be strengthening the stem.  I have even given them silica that I thought was supposed to help strengthen them up!



I've probably gotten this one's name wrong but it's labeled rocopica f2 (USDA Cardenasii x rocoto)  It has struggled it's whole existence but is still hanging in there!  I don't know what I can do to help it.

Here is my USDA Cardenasii that isn't crossed.

Here is another cardenasii but this one is CGN.

This CAP 1242 has a pod ripening up.  

The label has faded on this one so I'm not sure.  I think I can read cardenasii x rocoto but the upper part I can't make out.  Maybe CD can ID it.

The cumari pollux is blooming.  Just a shot of its blooms.

I better stop for now.  I have quite a few plants in straw bales.  I'll post pics of them later.